how to make your LCD in HD on your PC?


Limp Gawd
May 28, 2006
so i just bought 32'' HD 1080p.. i plug into my computer and max out the resolution but it's doesn't look like it HD at all?? am i missing something??? i compare my set up to fry's electronic display set up and way different!!
what resolution are you using for your 1080P TV? Try watching a video and see how that looks...
my tv doesn't have DVI only VGA and my videocard doesn't have VGA but only DVI.. so i bought the DVI to VGA connecter and plug into my TV.. i't TRUE HD 1080p..
i bought at coscto Sceptre 1080p
Does your TV have HDMI?

Maybe try to connect your DVI to HDMI with a to digital is better then digital to analog...
so i just bought 32'' HD 1080p.. i plug into my computer and max out the resolution but it's doesn't look like it HD at all?? am i missing something??? i compare my set up to fry's electronic display set up and way different!!

Is the text all blurry? That's because your TV is too big. A 30inch LCD monitor uses a whopping resolution of 2560*1600.
Is the text all blurry? That's because your TV is too big. A 30inch LCD monitor uses a whopping resolution of 2560*1600.

My Bravia that is 52" still have sharp text at "only" 1080p.

Try what Mj23foreva said and get a DVI to HDMI adapter. has cheap cables and adapters.

Also does your TV have a auto adjust function for VGA?
Could be possible that you might be expecting too much :D?

Have you tried hooking it up to watch HDTV or some other form of HiDef such as Bluray?

How bad is the picture? What does it look like? Got any pics?
i play COD 4 with max resolution and extremely HD.. but when i turn off my game than it's look so normal..