How to prevent hijacked Steam account??


Oct 22, 2007
frigin i just bough cs on the 25th it has just been hijacked. i had steam for like 3 weeks i think now and it just got hijacked an hour ago. how do i prevent this from occurring in future?? im about to talk with steam support or email em...
Do not give out your login information, monitor what websites you visit, do not let others on your computer you do not trust.

The first one I hope is not something you did, I would assume it was the second one though. This type of thing happened a lot when I played World of Warcraft (still doe sit seems), but you have to be careful about some websites you visit.
it sounds like you're assumising this is Steam's fault. I assure you it is completely your fault. Either you gave out your info to ANYONE (that includes little brother/sister) and they changed the pass or further shared it, or you have a load of spyware/viruses on your computer from various unwelcome websites.

Either way, the only ways to keep things like this safe is to:

Not tell another living soul your details

Not visit shady websites in the first place

Clean your computer with AVG Free, Spybot Search and Destory, and install Spyware Blaster
I'm not necessarily going to say that the OP is or isn't at fault but I do want to point out that it very easily may not have been his fault. I've seen countless real world examples where the end user did nothing wrong and they were still hit.

Just some examples:
- perpetrators sending in "photocopies" of driver's licenses which obviously were fake and depending on process/tools in place can/can't be easily verified.
- people researching and easily breaking backup questions (i.e. mother's maiden name, where were you born, elementry school).
- brute force (if the defending system does not lock out based on failed attempts to a user id regardles of originaltion IP, they will get defeated).
- breaking in to email accounts and utilizing the forgot password process (all the above can happen there and trust me - for whatever reason, I've seen hundreds of email accounts from a certain large scale ISP starting with E, ending with K get hacked).

None of this the fault of the end user. So - if you haven't been a victim, count your blessings.

Just some thoughts.
ive been on steam since the day hl2 came out. the only people ive given out my steam info to is friends and cal. ive also been using the same password since day one. no problems here.
omg i think i know how it was hijacked........

where can i go to contact with steam... man their site is too confusing...
go to support, make a support account, go to any FAQ, click the ask a question tab on the page, fill out the form, click submit, click FINISH, then wait for a human response which takes anywhere from 3-5 business days.
ive been on steam since the day hl2 came out. the only people ive given out my steam info to is friends and cal. ive also been using the same password since day one. no problems here.

I think it's safe to assume that his friend stole it and unfriended him.
Geez I've had my steam account on the same email for 2.5 years and counting..Not once did I ever have any issues with my login, I think Steam is very safe for what it's worth, just gotta be careful with your info
man do i look stupid. a supposingly steam person message me saying my account was reported stolen so i was flagged. and to continue using steam i needed to give em info which was account and pword to confirm it was my account. i was in a rush because me and friends were having a nice match goin so i gave the person the info. after i noticed no response which was like 10 sec after i sent msg with info i went to steam to change email n pword but it was too late. i was logged out and wasnt able to log back in. i tried to get my pword sent to my email but nothing. did smae for username and nothin. and then for the next two hours till now i banged my head on the wall for being stupid. nothing like this has occurred for me so it came unexpected. man next time (if steam helps me out) and someone tries that again ima tell em to f off...:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
then i search hijacked steam accounts and found the tactic used on me in the list... sigh i only owned cs for 6 days

yeah im not blaming steam at all. it was all on my stupidity and slow-ness. :-/
steam hasnt responded yet. hopefully soon though

nice they responded just now lets see if it works now.
so did you get your steam account back?

It will take him a few days. Hopefully the hijackers do not get any of his games vac banned between now and then. Or he will be dealing with support again. And according to Steam, they never unban vac banned accounts.
YES!!!! VICTORY!!! SCREW THEM HIJACKERS!!!! according to when i posted it took them 20mins till they responded. thats better than the 3-5 business days :D
first line in the friends list chat windows.

"never tell your password to anyone."

you'd think people would read it
hopefully he wont fall for that again

crhscoog you just won the lottery, all i need is your credit card information so i can mail you your winnings!!!
o really?! j/k ... frigin.... hope that person msgs me again so i can tell to f off :p

i was in a rush when i told em cause i was about to die haha and didnt want to get logged off. oh well at least i am fully aware of this crap now.

and no i dont hack. hacking is for noobs although im currently a noob since i just started playing. i find playing clean without hacks more fun since u dont need a third party to give u an advantage. when u kill ppl so easily games get boring easily. i found that out easily for gta vice city on ps2 w/ those cheat codes haha never played it the weak after i bought it. such a waste of money.
it sounds like you're assumising this is Steam's fault. I assure you it is completely your fault.

Yeah, because Valve could never be hacked could they. They have important things like their source code to protect. :rolleyes:

Stores, and government agencies lose or give out people's private information on a daily basis. Social engineering defeats every security system.

Sure this time it was his fault, but you can never be certain.
Yeah, because Valve could never be hacked could they. They have important things like their source code to protect. :rolleyes:

Stores, and government agencies lose or give out people's private information on a daily basis. Social engineering defeats every security system.

Sure this time it was his fault, but you can never be certain.

Source code was leaked, there's a difference.

The day Steam gets hacked and all the password and usernames are released to the public, I'll admit I'm the most ignorant person in the world. Until that day comes, it's safe to assume this multibillion company will not be hacked.
man do i look stupid. a supposingly steam person message me saying my account was reported stolen so i was flagged. and to continue using steam i needed to give em info which was account and pword to confirm it was my account. i was in a rush because me and friends were having a nice match goin so i gave the person the info. after i noticed no response which was like 10 sec after i sent msg with info i went to steam to change email n pword but it was too late. i was logged out and wasnt able to log back in. i tried to get my pword sent to my email but nothing. did smae for username and nothin. and then for the next two hours till now i banged my head on the wall for being stupid. nothing like this has occurred for me so it came unexpected. man next time (if steam helps me out) and someone tries that again ima tell em to f off...:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
then i search hijacked steam accounts and found the tactic used on me in the list... sigh i only owned cs for 6 days

yeah im not blaming steam at all. it was all on my stupidity and slow-ness. :-/

LOL someone fell for it. People have been running this scam since steam came out. lmao!
Source code was leaked, there's a difference.

The day Steam gets hacked and all the password and usernames are released to the public, I'll admit I'm the most ignorant person in the world. Until that day comes, it's safe to assume this multibillion company will not be hacked.

I just saw, and posted a story about someone getting their Xbox Live account hacked 3 times in two months. Pro gamer gets XBL account stolen for Halo 3 armor

Maybe you've forgotten all the stories about how easy it is for people to get anyones account information from Microsoft.
Microsoft: XBox Live account theft was social engineering attack
"The group that claimed responsibility for the hijacked account claims it's very easy to trick Microsoft's telephone support staff into giving out personal information on users that could be used to get passwords reset."

I think you have a little too much faith in big companies. The longer the chain the easier it is to find a weak link.
I just saw, and posted a story about someone getting their Xbox Live account hacked 3 times in two months. Pro gamer gets XBL account stolen for Halo 3 armor

Maybe you've forgotten all the stories about how easy it is for people to get anyones account information from Microsoft.
Microsoft: XBox Live account theft was social engineering attack
"The group that claimed responsibility for the hijacked account claims it's very easy to trick Microsoft's telephone support staff into giving out personal information on users that could be used to get passwords reset."

I think you have a little too much faith in big companies. The longer the chain the easier it is to find a weak link.
This is very much unrelated.. the account was taken because of a dumb employee, not hacking. If you want your Steam account retrieved, you have to provide a picture of your CD KEY case and/or CC information. I'd like to see you try getting CC info out of an email conversation with Valve or a picture of your CD KEY.

I really don't want to argue about this. I know Steam doesn't get hacked, MS has a bad reputation for a long long time, Valve does not, that's why I was defending it.

Also, I'm well aware of that one famous "hacking" incident a while ago by some Steam-Down type of group, that got hold of supposed CC info of all the Cafe account owners, but this was proven false, no info was retrieved, so don't bother mentioning it
man do i look stupid. a supposingly steam person message me saying my account was reported stolen so i was flagged. and to continue using steam i needed to give em info which was account and pword to confirm it was my account. i was in a rush because me and friends were having a nice match goin so i gave the person the info. after i noticed no response which was like 10 sec after i sent msg with info i went to steam to change email n pword but it was too late. i was logged out and wasnt able to log back in. i tried to get my pword sent to my email but nothing. did smae for username and nothin. and then for the next two hours till now i banged my head on the wall for being stupid. nothing like this has occurred for me so it came unexpected. man next time (if steam helps me out) and someone tries that again ima tell em to f off...:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
then i search hijacked steam accounts and found the tactic used on me in the list... sigh i only owned cs for 6 days

yeah im not blaming steam at all. it was all on my stupidity and slow-ness. :-/

can i have your email, i have some nigerian bank deals, i want to also confirm your paypal and personal banking account info!
A month or so ago my steam account got hijacked. No ideal how because I hardly play online, and was just on for an hour or 2 checking out Team Fortress 2. Never handed out my username or password, and didn't get any virus's or trojans.. just tried to log in and "password incorrect" and the retreive password emails never got to me.

Sent steam the info needed, and got my account back a day later. I wish I knew how they got my account. I'm lucky they didn't send my gift copies of HL2, HL2:EP1 to someone.
I just saw, and posted a story about someone getting their Xbox Live account hacked 3 times in two months. Pro gamer gets XBL account stolen for Halo 3 armor

Maybe you've forgotten all the stories about how easy it is for people to get anyones account information from Microsoft.
Microsoft: XBox Live account theft was social engineering attack
"The group that claimed responsibility for the hijacked account claims it's very easy to trick Microsoft's telephone support staff into giving out personal information on users that could be used to get passwords reset."

I think you have a little too much faith in big companies. The longer the chain the easier it is to find a weak link.

This is more likely to happen with the tens of thousands of people who work for Microsoft than the far fewer number of people who work at Valve by comparison. Your point isn't really valid here.
man do i look stupid. a supposingly steam person message me saying my account was reported stolen so i was flagged. and to continue using steam i needed to give em info which was account and pword to confirm it was my account. i was in a rush because me and friends were having a nice match goin so i gave the person the info. after i noticed no response which was like 10 sec after i sent msg with info i went to steam to change email n pword but it was too late. i was logged out and wasnt able to log back in. i tried to get my pword sent to my email but nothing. did smae for username and nothin. and then for the next two hours till now i banged my head on the wall for being stupid. nothing like this has occurred for me so it came unexpected. man next time (if steam helps me out) and someone tries that again ima tell em to f off...:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
then i search hijacked steam accounts and found the tactic used on me in the list... sigh i only owned cs for 6 days

yeah im not blaming steam at all. it was all on my stupidity and slow-ness. :-/

People still fall for scams like these? Pathetic.
1) Make a strong password
2) Don't tell your password to anyone, ever.
3) Don't run steam and log in on a computer you do not own or trust
4) Keep your PC free of any nasty applications and viruses

This is all really basic security stuff, if you're having problems understanding any of this just go out and buy the most expensive norton product you can find.