how to raid 1 with windows 7 ultimate?


Apr 4, 2005
ive been trying to find videos on how windows 7 does raid 1 now ...unlike how it did it in windows xp pro.

i have 1 ssd for the os and one 640 gig cavier black for data. so if i wanted to raid 1 the cavier black do i setup raid 1 in windows 7? do i put the windows 7 disc in and let it detect the new drive and set the mirror up from there?

any links to videos on this would be appreciated also. im looking to just cant find anything....might be how im wording it.
RAID isn't controlled by the OS, it's an option you usually set up in the BIOS prior to installing Windows or adding data to the drives.
Windows does do raid Antimatter, it just isn't trusted because if the OS takes a crap it goes bu-bye.

You need 2 identical drives to do raid 1 and also it can not be your OS drive.

To do it once you add the 2nd drive go into control panel / administrative tools / disk management, right click on the drive and choose Add Mirror.

Since this is raid 1 thought you should be fine if the OS craps out, however who knows, it could corrupt something

have you checked your motherboard so see if it supports raid? i think it does, and you would be better to use it then Windows raid.
yes im sure my board supports raid. i thought windows had to do a setup of some kind so it sees the raided drives. so what your saying not to use windows to do it then how is it done?
RTFM. Specifically your mobo manual.
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
yup, your manual will tell you how to do raid, windows will see it as a drive and install.