how to remote in to a mac for remote repairs?


Supreme [H]ardness
Oct 10, 2001
So I got my mom an imac and I want to be able to log in to it remotely to fix stuff and also for her to watch me move around on it and show her how to do stuff. Anything that is free is best but I guess I could do a trial to get her going. Any ideas?

I'm on windows 7 if it makes a difference.

free, for you webbased for access, her side it is a simple install.
I prefer teamview but the same idea as logmein its just not web based but app based
I got logmein setup and am using it now. it's just rather slow. Is it supposed to be that way? I assume it's the DSL on the other end rather than my fios connection.
Probably the DSL.....I have no issues using it cable to cable internet
You can always enable the built in vnc support on the mac and forward the ports on her router. Just setup a good password on it. Setup a free no-ip account and install the software on her mac so you can trace the external ip as it changes(unless her dsl provider happens to give static ip's to users as some do).