How to save webpage as PDF with hyperlinks in tact

Aug 21, 2009
I used to always use the print function to send the page to a PDF printer, bit it seems that it doesn't save the links a lot of the time (I can't figure out why ti does at certain times). I have also found plugins for Firefox:

Both offer the features that I need with saving the links and some other neat features, but it seems that the formatting isn't so great on these (I can't even get the second link -- nitro9PDF to work, but that may be an install problem).

Now if I print the webpage (to PDF), it comes out formatted perfectly but it looses all the good "metadata" or link data.

Here are a couple examples:
Files saved in proper format.


Files saves with links and metadata


So is there a way to make this work where I can get the correct formatting while still retaining the links and metadata?
Why the PDF requirement?

It seems like a good format to use to read at a later date. I usually save a lot of pages in PDF and then go back later, read them, take notes, etc. It's PC/Apple/Linux compatible, has good search functions and allows for saving the data like the links (in some cases I now see).

Do you have a suggestion of another format which might be useful?

I want to be able to read these on a tablet at some point (android probably) and it would be nice to be able to alter/join some of the documents together (like when one thread has to print to 10 pages of 100 posts each).

What do you suggest?
I'm trying saving as HTML and It works well for some aspects but when I need to send information, it is a little difficult to send all the files linked to the web page (some have over a hundred).

This is for data archiving for research purposes and saving the underlying hyperlinks may prove useful in the future, but also being able to have the entire page as one file is a major benefit which is why I chose PDF.

As it stands now, I use the browsers "Save page as" feature, which creates a html page and a folder named the same as the file. This makes moving data a little more difficult as well.

So Is this the best way to do things or am I missing something?
I use IE's "save as" feature, saves the whole webpage in a single .mht file, viewable exactly as it was, opens with IE ofcourse.


I use it all the time, very handy.