How to use... a headset?


Jun 29, 2005
I just got a simple headset but a little confused on how to set it up.

I use teamspeak/ventrillo alot and was wondering if theres any way that i could hear people talk with my headset and not with my speakers. (kinda like halo 2 for xbox)
My headset has two plugs (red and green) and I got a sound blaster audigy card.
One hookup goes in the Mic connection, the other goes to the hookup where speakers go. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
I wear my real headphones on my ears, obviously. Though I got (or had, just broke) a headset that I just wear around my neck and adjust the mic accordingly.
The only way I could think of to do what you want is to run teamspeak/ventrillo on a seperate computer from your game, and hook the headset up to that machine. Otherwise I am pretty sure all the sound is either going to come from your headset, or the speakers. Depending on what is plugged into your pc.
I dunno, i think i remember a friend setting up certain sounds to come from his headset whilst his speakers supplied ambient sound/music, but i can't remember exactly how - i know he did some kafoobling in audio properties in control panel...
in the options of TS you can pick the "output device."

If you had 2 sound cards (which I believe can be a pain to get working together) you could go in those options and set it to the secondary sound card and have all the other sounds going to the other card.

edit: searching the TS forums it seems I was right. Once you get the 2 soundcards working together OK, getting TS to do what you want is a breeze, just go into the options like I said.

And initial searching on having 2 soundcards says that its a lot easier if your 2 cards have different chipsets, FYI
Would that work but instead of another sound card, I use my onboard sound?
I will try that later today, thanks
t33kkk said:
Would that work but instead of another sound card, I use my onboard sound?
I will try that later today, thanks

Yes that will work..I use both onboard, and an Audigy 2 ...
Or get a USB headset and use that.

It's not the best option as you've already got the headset, but for anyone else wondering, it's not bad. (I use my PS2 online headset, actually. I don't know exactly what an XBox Live headset connects with, but it would probably work, too.)