How would I sell HL2 if I wanted to?


Supreme [H]ardness
Jan 24, 2004
I might want to sell my Retail (boxed) copy of HalfLife2. It has been activated with Steam and all, so I have played it.

But, how could I go about selling it in the For Sale/Trade forums? What do I need to do?

i doubt anyone is gonna buy it unless it's under 30 bucks.... and ur not a very experienced seller are you? (in hardforum) ... and i have no idea on how to sell things either hehe
yeah, I've only sold about 15-20 things on the [H]...

Maybe I'll sell it to my friend for ~45 or so... ;)

I don't think anyone else can use it. Ebgames has it as a 0 dollar value, meaning they wont' take them. We got royally screwed in my opinion. Won't play it, can't sell it.
I would think you could sell it. You just have to give them your steam account also. Just change the name and PW and any other personal info.
wapos said:
I don't think anyone else can use it. Ebgames has it as a 0 dollar value, meaning they wont' take them. We got royally screwed in my opinion. Won't play it, can't sell it.

Won't play it can't sell it? Get over the whole "I'm not playing HL2 because of Steam" crap already jeez.
per steam's eula, you can't sell your steam account. if you do, they claim they are justified in disabling it... somehow.
EzekialRage said:
per steam's eula, you can't sell your steam account. if you do, they claim they are justified in disabling it... somehow.
Well as long as two people do not use it, at the same time, I am sure it will be just fine.