How would you report this to the people at


May 31, 2003
Today I got e-mail messages in both my primary e-mail's junk boxes, asking me to confirm my account creation for accounts at

They were addressed to "zhang" and contained what appeared (via mouse hover) to be legitimate links back to blizzard, and a peek at the full e-mail headers shows the correct domain. I did not click on any links.

I am assuming at this point that accounts at were opened with both my email addresses, for some nefarious purpose (I can imagine several).

The question is, what can I do at this point? The obvious thing is to alert Blizzard that I didn't actually open those accounts, and to request that they be locked. But I can't open a support ticket without an account ... I could open an account under a third email I suppose, but surely there must be an easier way?

Is this a common scam now?
Same thing happened to my email stolen by hackers from one of the wow sites. Luckily that was not the account I used for actual WoW/Battle.Net.
Someone may create an account, but it would remain dormant until you actually click the link in the email to confirm the creation. Just delete the email.
I did some more research - looks like it's part of a hacker process using emails stolen from one of these sources:

Dungeons & Dragons Online

One thing I've learned over the years is never, ever use the same passwords across your various accounts, or even variations of a root password. I'm glad I don't, now.

Edit: I don't think it's direct2drive or IGN, because I only have one of my affected e-mails linked to an account there, my other direct2drive account uses a 3rd e-mail that wasn't used to create a account.

Edit 2: I think it's a breach of Dungeons & Dragons Online. I used both affected e-mail accounts there to create accounts for myself and my nephew.
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same exact thing to me this morning, zhang as well.

ign/d2d/DDO are what i have inc ommon with your list.
Just grab a authenticator from for 5$ and you will be set , this is just Bullshit. I get Emails almost everyday just use strong passwords and a authenticator , end of discussion basically i don't know how they got my email either but it won't ever stop even if you post it at spam they will just make ton's more account's to try and get you to click the link. I even get some saying saying my email address has been changed to [email protected] just ignore it nothing you can do , personally i think either blizzard or a 3rd party gets your email some how and it's annoying!
I get like one email a day saying my wow account is going to be closed because I hacked/bought gold/am super awesome and if I don't update the case it will be deleted. Funny thing is my account has been inactive for a long time and isn't even on the email address they are sending these phishing emails too.
i dont even play wow, and they sending me this bullshit emails too... :eek:
Same thing happened to my email stolen by hackers from one of the wow sites. Luckily that was not the account I used for actual WoW/Battle.Net.
Someone may create an account, but it would remain dormant until you actually click the link in the email to confirm the creation. Just delete the email.


Unless you click the link in the mail the account won't go "live" and nothing else will happen.

Unless they can also access your email, in which case you've got bigger problems.
I get these emails too. I reported them to Blizzard, and got a response that often they use legitimate employee names, etc in the emails.

I haven't used my WoW account in over a year. However, after finding out that it is kinda free to play, I went to log in to my account and found out it got closed for gold selling. I've never bought or sold gold in the game, had a virus on my PC, used standard passwords, etc. No idea how my account got hacked. I tried to rectify the situation, but keep getting ignored by Blizzard support beyond an initial response. Don't really care I guess, but it does bother me that my accoun somehow got stolen, and I blame it on their servers getting compromised.

I do play DDO, but do not use the same email account for that game.
I get these emails too. I reported them to Blizzard, and got a response that often they use legitimate employee names, etc in the emails.

I haven't used my WoW account in over a year. However, after finding out that it is kinda free to play, I went to log in to my account and found out it got closed for gold selling. I've never bought or sold gold in the game, had a virus on my PC, used standard passwords, etc. No idea how my account got hacked. I tried to rectify the situation, but keep getting ignored by Blizzard support beyond an initial response. Don't really care I guess, but it does bother me that my accoun somehow got stolen, and I blame it on their servers getting compromised.

I do play DDO, but do not use the same email account for that game.

My friend had his account hacked, one day he signed in and his guy was like 50000 feet in the air and his bags full of minerals. It was a new computer, my guess is he got a keylogger trying to pirate sc2.
I got the same email last week. It was on a little used email acct that I only used for Lotro and Fallen Earth. I called Blizz and the CS rep took care of it for me.
I got the same email last week. It was on a little used email acct that I only used for Lotro and Fallen Earth. I called Blizz and the CS rep took care of it for me.

So it's probably Turbine that got ransacked (LOTRO and DDO). Good to know.
i dont even play wow, and they sending me this bullshit emails too... :eek:

Ditto. Never touched WoW before and I got a similar email a few days ago on my hotmail account which I almost never use anymore.
Gmail is very good at filtering these messages out.
I get email all the time even though i quit 6+ months ago. I usually help blizz out by forwarding the email to [email protected] (taken directly from blizz website), then delete it. Just to not click any links in the email, or sign in through a link in the email.

If im not sure if its real, manually type url, and sign in. If there is a problem with your account it will most likely notify you the second you log in.

Hope this helps.
No game cracks for me, thanks.

I hold fast to the theory that one of Blizzard's servers got hacked. On the plus side, I did finally get a response from support, and they un-banned my account without any hassle.

Now as to whether I plan on actually playing it...............dunno, as I love DDO more :)
I got phising emails like everyday and i was surprised that my email got compromised because i take steps in preventing it from happening. I then started to receive like 30 e-mails a day with horrible spelling and bad grammar how my account is in jepordy. I just blocked the user sending the e-mails but i still received them.

Then like 4months ago I received an official email from blizzard saying that they have to lock my account because someone tried to change my accounts e-mail or something like that. I then changed my e-mail to a new account I only use for business purposes and never received any spam yet. Also people who have this issue from what i've seen are using hotmail
i only get it on an ex wow account, by ex I mean one I used during TBC when my account got stolen, and I had to wait 4 weeks for my new ID to show up in the mail as my old one had just expired lol. So I bought another copy of wow and just played that. I still get weekly emails that my account will be banned, shut down what have you lol.