How'd you like to game on a setup like this?

argh!? where have I heard that song?

Not sure about gaming. But that would be cool for internet surfing.
for day to day typing, i'd still rather use my old IBM clicky keyboard, but for multimedia and stuff, that thing has so many possibilities that you could exploit, not to mention gaming possibilities. imagine an updated tie fighter or similar space combat sim with shiny new graphics, a good flight stick and throttle, and that screen controlling everything else.

Add some infared gloves into the mix and pretty soon you'll be browsing like Tom Cruise.

Utterly amazing, I cannot wait to see this technology mainstream.

Utterly amazing
Yeah, that looks awesome....but is it because of the touch capabilities, or the fact that the graphics on it look nice? I can see the DS capable of what that thing does, funcionality wise. The graphics? No. The functions? Yes.

EDIT: Yikes, that 3D projector would knock my freaking socks off if I saw it in person... :eek: can't wait for that thing!
I wonder how many people would actually support it, though...we live in a world where people are too lazy to get up and change the channel, let alone having to do something strenuous ( :rolleyes: ) like moving their arms more than a couple of inches in either direction.
They used that Technology Techinque has I call it in teh Movie Teh Island, they used it on a desk I think.
the gamer said:
They used that Technology Techinque has I call it in teh Movie Teh Island, they used it on a desk I think.
For fuck's sake, stop saying "teh".

Edit: You too Disrupter

Anyways, that's some very impressive technology, and I would love to see it implemented into various things.
wow that's freakin amazing.

teh first thing I thought instantly was "Minority Report" lol

i so want that, and throw in a side of 3d modeling art projector thing too.

wow i love teh future!