How's EB Games/Gamestop Warranties?


Feb 25, 2004
I'm going to buy a PSP Gigapack soon, and so far, only EB Games and Gamestop are the only places to carry it. I've never purchased an expensive item like a console at either of these stores, so I'm a bit weary. My main concern is their warranty. I definitely want to buy an extended warranty for my PSP, since it's a fragile and expensive item. Has anyone purchased their PSP from EB Games or Gamestop? Has anyone ever used their warranties? I was told at a Gamestop that their warranty for $30 for 1 year includes accidental damage. Is this true? Best Buy's warranty doesn't cover accidental damage or abuse (such as a cracked screen). I want to make sure that they have no problems honoring their warranty if I should ever (hopefully not) have to go back and get a new unit.

Oh, and which store is better... EB Games or Gamestop? Does it matter?

Honestly I wouldn't worry about extended warranty and be more concerned about dead pixels. EB Games and Gamestop probably won't let you exchange your PSP if you find a dead pixel. I know that costco and bestbuy had no problems with the exchange. Bestbuy even let my friend open one up to check for dead pixels before they exchanged it.
JohnleMVP said:
Honestly I wouldn't worry about extended warranty and be more concerned about dead pixels. EB Games and Gamestop probably won't let you exchange your PSP if you find a dead pixel. I know that costco and bestbuy had no problems with the exchange. Bestbuy even let my friend open one up to check for dead pixels before they exchanged it.

Well, isn't it pretty hard to find a PSP without atleast 1 dead or stuck pixel? The guy who told me about the warranty and whatnot told me I could return it if it had stuck/dead pixels.

I wanted to get the extended warranty cause it'd suck if something happened like it stopped reading UMDs down the road, and I'd have to get a refurbished unit from Sony... for $30 it's a good investment.

I'm suprised Best Buy actually let him open the box to check it before exchanging. That's pretty cool.
I got the 1 year warranty from EB Games because they let you exchange it even if you smash it with a hammer. I had some liquid under my screen (came like that) and my d-pad never worked correctly (couldn't do special moves in darkstalkers and couldn't do diagonal tricks in ssx). So I just exchanged it for a new one. The only problem is that you need to buy a new warranty whenever you use it. So you only have one exchange per warranty. You can buy a new one after you use it though.
ThunderGod66 said:
I got the 1 year warranty from EB Games because they let you exchange it even if you smash it with a hammer. I had some liquid under my screen (came like that) and my d-pad never worked correctly (couldn't do special moves in darkstalkers and couldn't do diagonal tricks in ssx). So I just exchanged it for a new one. The only problem is that you need to buy a new warranty whenever you use it. So you only have one exchange per warranty. You can buy a new one after you use it though.

Cool, glad to hear there's no problems with using it. How much is EB Game's warranty, $30 too? I tried looking on their site, but couldn't find anything about it.

Do you *have* to buy another warranty when using it? When you do that, does it give you another year from whenever you exchange?
I have 3 friends with PSP's. Mines the only one with dead pixels. I sacraficed a warranty and dead pixels to get a white one, but my PSP isn't covered in fingerprints ;)
I worked at a software etc (yeah when it was called that) a long time ago.

I personally saw someone bring in a crushed dreamcast with a warranty and it got replaced. Cant beat that.

The story goes - someones wife threw it out of a window and then ran over it with a truck. He brought in the leftovers inside of a bag. Left with a brand new one