How's the technology for the next budget card looking?


Limp Gawd
Mar 7, 2008

I hope this thread doesn't come across as a "when's the next card coming out" kind of thread, as that's not my intention.

I am excited by the current wave of super-high end/enthusiast cards boasting high numbers everywhere, but I hope I'm not the only one who's budget forces him to stick to the more budget oriented areas of the arena. I currently use an 8800GT and am very satisfied with it because I run a low resolution LCD.

I am curious though, how the technology is looking for the next budget card. The 8800GT and 4850 were very good cards - they performed admirably at a lower end cost. Part of this could be due to manufacturing costs with a smaller process, and also due to new architecture. Do you think ATI and nVidia are done throwing out behemoths yet and start shrinking some of it down for the mainstream budget users, or do you think this is just getting started this year? How about power consumption? Sure smaller process should mean less consumption, but then they pack in so many more transistors in there it negates any power savings or even increases it further.

So to recap, are we going to see new high end stuff continue to roll out as ATI and nVidia continue to swing at each other for the forseeable future, or is it about time they started the shrinking process down to budget cards?