Hows This Upgrade?


Limp Gawd
Jul 17, 2005
Hi, I've been waiting a while to update my system. The Specs it currently has

AMD 3000+
DFI Lanparty UT nf4 Sli-Dr Socket 939
2GB of Corsair Ram 184 Pin
Evga 7800GT

Those are the Major things I need to upgrade. But I need some help on upgrading the CPU and Motherboard or just CPU depending I what I should get. I want to spend about $400

First Choice-

Just Upgrading The CPU

Socket 939 Opteron 170

-This will leave me with money towards a ATI 2900XT Or Nvidia 8800GTS

Second Choice-

Upgrading CPU and Motherboard

Intel E6420 Also MSI P6N

-This will leave me penny less with no money towards video card and will more than likely spend summer slaving in the hot sun mowing grass which I probably still will if I go with first Choice :D

Third Choice-

Recommendations from the people at [H]ard Forums

-All suggestions welcome except for telling me to put on a white sailors cap and pinch my nipples.

Thanks Moderman
Go with the new Intel setup. Do you really want to pay almost $200 for a 200 MHz upgrade?
What are your goals? When do you find your system slowing down? What do you do with your system?

The 170 would OC to about 2.8Ghz with good cooling, which is more than enough for games and multi-tasking for another year or so. The rig in my sig isn't much slower than an E6400 OC'd to 3.2Ghz, which is why I didn't keep my E6400 build. There wasn't that much of a performance increase to me, so I figured I'd upgrade someone else in the hand-me-down chain, lol.

If you want better gaming performance, grab the Opty 170, OC it, and pickup a new DX10 card when some DX10 games are out -- so you know which card to buy.
The Opteron might not be a good overclocker, you never know. It just doesn't make sense to me to spend that kind of money for a slightly faster processor.

Moderman, you'll also need new memory if you go with the new Intel setup. Socket 775 boards use DDR2.
Right, you're banking its value on its OC headroom. If you're not willing to take that risk, then save a bit more cash.
I'd go with the Core 2 Duo setup personally, but as someonelse mentioned, you'll need new memory since all the GOOD motherboards use DDR2. You can get some via chipset boards that use DDR, but they're generally low-end and not as reliable. I have my Core 2 Duo @ 3.0 Ghz and a 333 FSB and it pretty much rocks considering how easy it was to overclock. (go into BIOS, up the FSB, save and reboot.)