Hows your X800 holding up in BF2?


Supreme [H]ardness
Jul 20, 2002
How do you find the performance/ average fps? Are you happy with the card or can't wait to upgrade?
very happy. Replaced a aging 9500 Pro. My 1GB of ram is holding me back from sliders on high now. Soon as I finally get off my ass and get another gig, I'll be able to run pretty much any res I care to run.
vs a 6600GT and each other, does a x800 128mb show much of a difference compared to one with 256mb?
X800XT here.

Was running at 1280x960 at 4x AA 8x AF with no problems. As long as I stayed on 32 player or less servers. I haven't tried it at 1920x1200 yet as I need to edit the CFG file to allow that res.
mines holding up nice....1280x1024 all on high, 2xAA i belive(im @ work now ) steady 60 to 70fps, in intense battles it dips to the 40's but rarely and i mean rarely, i get into the mid 30-'s but for the most part its nice. tho i do need another gig to be cool lol
1280x960, all high, 4xAA, 80fps constant. It gets kinda bad on 64 man servers but thats cause i need memory. Im very happy.
1280x1024 all settings at medium 50-60 fps. My lil 100 dollar refurbed card is holding strong :D x700 pro
I sure hope to see improvement myself, got a X800 Pro (refurbished from ATI) coming in soon to replace my 9600XT. Current card runs BF2 1280x960, most graphics settings on medium, 2x AA (I think). Don't know exact FPS, but gameplay is smooth without stepping.
well i dont have the x800 series i have the x850xt pe and all i can say this is s**t when i go into an server 32 or 64 even 16 its always jumping around my frame rates are up in the 30fps to 60fps-70fps i really dont know the excact fps cause its always droping down high then low high then low i rarely play the game cause of this ,my settings are at 1024X768 with medium settings 0xaa it maybe the ram but its the corsair xpert with programable LED's but i dont know if anyone has anyinfo on this problem i would really appreciate it.
Since everyone has gone a little off-topic since this is a X800 only thread.
But my 9600XT is still holding strong:

All Settings Medium, 2xAA, 8xAF. Pretty soild 40fps... Sometimes goes to 30fps =P
1024 by 768 all setting to include ansiotropy and Anti aliasing high, excluding lighting which is low cause its a gay fucking asshole and like to rape me!. and i get NO LESS than 60fps, ive reached 135 once, but for like a second, the fps likes to jump around
the gamer said:
well i dont have the x800 series i have the x850xt pe and all i can say this is s**t when i go into an server 32 or 64 even 16 its always jumping around my frame rates are up in the 30fps to 60fps-70fps i really dont know the excact fps cause its always droping down high then low high then low i rarely play the game cause of this ,my settings are at 1024X768 with medium settings 0xaa it maybe the ram but its the corsair xpert with programable LED's but i dont know if anyone has anyinfo on this problem i would really appreciate it.

5.8 catalysts or format. before 5.8 i couldnt run on high with any aa. Now with them i can run on all high
P3N1X0R said:
mines holding up nice....1280x1024 all on high, 2xAA i belive(im @ work now ) steady 60 to 70fps, in intense battles it dips to the 40's but rarely and i mean rarely, i get into the mid 30-'s but for the most part its nice. tho i do need another gig to be cool lol

how did u get to that resolution? mine just says X 960 or something like that
3.4 P4 650,2gig ram, X850XTPE (not OC) 1920x1200 CAT 5.8

Everything on high, 16AF 2AA 30-60FPS

Keeps my framerates below the 60hz/60FPS threshold on my 2405 so very very little tearing and seems smooth to me. Certainly never notice anything when it drops to sub 30 probably becasue it rarely does but even then its only for a second or two.
ok im running with a x800 xt and the new 5.8 cats and it keeps lagging iono whats up my old xl with 5.7 were running great any ideas?
not happy

with everything off and turned down to low, I get as low as 19fps in fuShe Pass
Ive never been able to surpass 50fps on any, I Oced to 3.0 which didnt do much help at all. still got low fps when there were alot of players on screen.
tvdang7 said:
how did u get to that resolution? mine just says X 960 or something like that
You can add a switch to your shortcut to specify X and Y sizes. Let me see if I can dig it up for ya..

[EDIT] Ah, here it is. Well, here's a sample anyway..
"C:\Program Files\EA Games\Battlefield 2 Demo\BF2.exe" +menu 1 +fullscreen 1 +szx 1280 +szy 1024

daedal said:
You can add a switch to your shortcut to specify X and Y sizes. Let me see if I can dig it up for ya..

[EDIT] Ah, here it is. Well, here's a sample anyway..
"C:\Program Files\EA Games\Battlefield 2 Demo\BF2.exe" +menu 1 +fullscreen 1 +szx 1280 +szy 1024


so it works?cuz tweak guide says it wont work
I play 1600x1200, all set to Ultra High by way of video.con (don't see a difference, in quality or performance, so I leave it on), 4xAA 16xAF and don't drop below 50 or 60 ever that I've noticed. I generally only play 64 player servers.
I think I got Jewed because I got the X800 SE from dell and it dosn't run near as good as some of the other X800 models. So I guess thats just another thing I hate about dell.
joecuddles said:
I play 1600x1200, all set to Ultra High by way of video.con (don't see a difference, in quality or performance, so I leave it on), 4xAA 16xAF and don't drop below 50 or 60 ever that I've noticed. I generally only play 64 player servers.

wow that card can play 16x12? maybe i should try that with my x800 xt
The X850 runs everything smooth. Once i'm in 64 man maps the FPs jumps alot due to memory defficiency. That is my next addition is another 2X512 DC. Otherwise i love my X850 and wouldnt trade it for anything right now.
{bmf}CrackSmoke said:
I think I got Jewed because I got the X800 SE from dell and it dosn't run near as good as some of the other X800 models. So I guess thats just another thing I hate about dell.

HAHA Funny post.

OT: My X800XL at 400/540 handles BF2 like buttahhhh @ 1280x1024 with eerything on high cept shadows and shit on medium
well its true I cant think of one good thing about dell (unless you LIKE talking to people from India everytime you call the Costomer Support)
My X800XT runs BF2 at 1280x1024 with Everything on high except Textures to one notch down (60% I think? or 80%). I use 2xAA and 16xAF as I cant run with out them. I dont lag in anyserver but I do get connection problems for some lame reasons. My Proc and Ram are the only things holding me back right now. My AMD Athlon XP 3200 is in need of a good ol upgrade soon. (Gets ready for AMD64 X2 3800!)
daedal said:
You can add a switch to your shortcut to specify X and Y sizes. Let me see if I can dig it up for ya..

[EDIT] Ah, here it is. Well, here's a sample anyway..
"C:\Program Files\EA Games\Battlefield 2 Demo\BF2.exe" +menu 1 +fullscreen 1 +szx 1280 +szy 1024


Anyone got the switch that will skip the splash screens? I'd also like to skip the longass intro movie.
soekev said:
Anyone got the switch that will skip the splash screens? I'd also like to skip the longass intro movie.

iono what a switch is..... but just go into the movies folder and changes the endings of the movie names and then it wont run on anymore
I had 1.5GB of ram with my northy, but upgraded the cpu to an 800MHz FSB one and had toget faster ram to accomodate, as a result, i'm using 1GB at the moment. suffice it to say, my 2.4 + 1.5GB + 9800 pro felt like it ran BF2 better than my 3.2 + 1GB + x850XT PE... wee. (no change to settings, either. the stuttering was absolutely unf*ckingbearable with stuff set high..)
I have the AIW X800 XT & my fps is anywhere from 65 - 90 (according to ATITool). I run the following in-game options:


Terrain: Medium
Geometry: High
Lighting: Medium
Dynamic Lights/Shadows: Low
Effects: Medium
Texture: Medium
AA: 2x
AF: Medium
Draw Distance: 100%

I tried various High quality settings & I don't notice a huge diifference between the two settings on most things, or if I do my performance was soo terrible it wasn't worth it. I've found that I have a much more playable game on Medium than High. My only exception is Geometry as the LOD models increase sooner (I can see which direction a turret is pointing from further away). Changing Geometry to Medium also give me an additional 5 fps on the low end and 15-20 fps on the high end.

My setup is below

Barton 2500+
1GB PC2700LL (5,2,2)
Shuttle SN41G2 (nforce2 w/ soundstorm for audio)
2x WDC WD1200JB
frankenbox PSU (pulled a 420W from another machine since that little 200W internal wasn't gonna hold w/ all I have in there)
ATI Catalyst 5.8
nForce Remix (my own..)
Tk-421-=<CFF>=- said:
I have the AIW X800 XT & my fps is anywhere from 65 - 90 (according to ATITool). I run the following in-game options:


Terrain: Medium
Geometry: High
Lighting: Medium
Dynamic Lights/Shadows: Low
Effects: Medium
Texture: Medium
AA: 2x
AF: Medium
Draw Distance: 100%

I tried various High quality settings & I don't notice a huge diifference between the two settings on most things, or if I do my performance was soo terrible it wasn't worth it. I've found that I have a much more playable game on Medium than High. My only exception is Geometry as the LOD models increase sooner (I can see which direction a turret is pointing from further away). Changing Geometry to Medium also give me an additional 5 fps on the low end and 15-20 fps on the high end.

My setup is below

Barton 2500+
1GB PC2700LL (5,2,2)
Shuttle SN41G2 (nforce2 w/ soundstorm for audio)
2x WDC WD1200JB
frankenbox PSU (pulled a 420W from another machine since that little 200W internal wasn't gonna hold w/ all I have in there)
ATI Catalyst 5.8
nForce Remix (my own..)

thats cool but i kinda feel that u have a ferrari and driving the speed limit there but if u dont see the differnce then yea understandable
tvdang7 said:
thats cool but i kinda feel that u have a ferrari and driving the speed limit there but if u dont see the differnce then yea understandable

How so? Upping the FSB results in stability (heat related) issues. I ran BF2 for the first few hours before the problems started & tried changing things to High. I was able to keep my FPS like I had on medium settings. :) Time to upgrade..... :p

It's not so much that I don't see a difference, it's more that for the hiccups it induces, setting everything on High isn't worth it. I'd rather have a more playable game than one that's less playable but w/ pretty graphics.
Tk-421-=<CFF>=- said:
How so? Upping the FSB results in stability (heat related) issues. I ran BF2 for the first few hours before the problems started & tried changing things to High. I was able to keep my FPS like I had on medium settings. :) Time to upgrade..... :p

It's not so much that I don't see a difference, it's more that for the hiccups it induces, setting everything on High isn't worth it. I'd rather have a more playable game than one that's less playable but w/ pretty graphics.

tru dat
{bmf}CrackSmoke said:
I think I got Jewed because I got the X800 SE from dell and it dosn't run near as good as some of the other X800 models. So I guess thats just another thing I hate about dell.

saying you got jewed is pretty insulting. It is your fault not dells for not doing your research and learning that a x800se is an 8 pipe card. :rolleyes:
sabrewolf732 said:
x800se= 8 pipes 425/800
x800gt= 8 pipes 475/980

thats cool man ati has too many cards thats are like so close to each other its so weird

x700 x800 se x800 gt x800 x800 pro x850 pro x800 xl x800 xt x800xt pe x850 xt pe

i hope next generation is less confusing
850xt pe @550/600 1024x768(dlp projector 72"x72") all high except shadows and lighting b/c there's no diff except fps there w/ 6xAA 70-100fps.
CAT 5.8, 1280x960 (I tried doing the command line but it exits on its own after a while)@85Hz everything on high and 6XAA I get around 60fps. My 2gigs of ram help alot but so far so good and smooth as hell!!