HP LP2475w (Possible new IPS)

Just got mine last night. I haven't calibrated yet - my spyder2express apparently doesn't support high gamut monitors, I'll need to get a new calibration system. I used the TFT Central brightness, contrast, and R/G/B settings, together with the generic HP colour profile from Windows Update.

One somewhat big disappointment - I have about 6 or so stuck sub-pixels, all very close together in a small V-like pattern. I'll see if I can get it swapped out :( Surprisingly it doesn't bother me as much as I thought it would, but it's there and I can see it.

Beyond that, the monitor is everything I was hoping it would be. All the problems I had with the Dell 2408WFP are not issues with the HP. The two big ones - gamma shift and input lag - are not an issue at all. Gamma shift drove me nuts with the Dell, I returned it within a week. The HP has absolutely no gamma shift or colour shift under normal viewing angles. Even under extreme viewing angles, image integrity is very good, although the S-PVA matrix wins here IMHO. Not that it matters - noone actually works looking at the monitor from a 45 degree angle.

The next big issue with the Dell was input lag. I felt it immediately - my mouse cursor accuracy went out the window. The HP has no problems at all. I measured about 25ms lag compared to a Samsung 19" LCD that I had lying around - but I can't perceive any difference myself.

Another minor issue with the Dell was the "colour rainbows" artefacts - haven't spotted any with the HP. It's crisp and clear.

Overall - great buy, very happy with my choice, and highly recommended to anyone looking for a good photography/graphics screen.
How is everyones backlight bleed and uniformity on their units?

I'm thinking about exchanging my Panasonic 32LZ800 for one of these at Amazon.com
I turned brightness all the way down to 10, and find the backlight bleed with pure black to be very even and uniform. The Dell 2408WFP has some visible "hot" areas near the edges, especially along the top. Nearly every 22" LCD I've looked at is the same with brighter areas along the edges.

With pure white, I can see some dark patches but only if I really look for it - I don't think it would ever be a problem in practice. Not unless you like watching moving things on a pure white background :)

So I'm very impressed with mine in that respect also. One more thing worth mentioning - banding. Obviously it's an 8-bit panel so it *should* be good, but this is the first panel that I can see no banding whatsoever in the Lagom gradient test. The Dell 2408WFP and Apple 23" Cinema Display both had a tiny amount of banding if you look very closely. My LP2475w shows none.
vick1000 I;m curious, for what reason are you considering the exchange? Aside from the red/blue text issue, I would have thought the U.S. version of the Panasonic to be perfect.
Amazon.com usually has it, they are temporarly out of stock ATM (they do have links to other vendors there).
Lets see more pictures of this puppy!

what do you want to see?

im making a hood for this tomorrow
Interesting comment re: the Lagom gradient test. Look closely, especially near the dark end and you may well see banding. I see it on my HP and on my old CRT. This is not an indication that anything is wrong with the monitor, far from it the HP performance is excellent in this respect. What you are seeing is the difference in the widths of the stripes used in the test image.

Now try the gradient test at Dry Creek.

This bugged the hell out of me until I manually analysed the test image. After reading this anyone seeing the Lagom bands will know better than to blame the monitor.
ecat: are you using firefox with colour management enabled? In that case you will see banding which is a natural side effect of colour space conversions (mapping sRGB onto aRGB).
ecat: are you using firefox with colour management enabled? In that case you will see banding which is a natural side effect of colour space conversions (mapping sRGB onto aRGB).

I just tested this on my LP2475w, looking at the Lagom LCD test on Firefox3 & IE, and I agree the banding is more visible in Firefox (although still quite minor), but almost undetectable in IE.
ecat: are you using firefox with colour management enabled? In that case you will see banding which is a natural side effect of colour space conversions (mapping sRGB onto aRGB).

Yes, for the HP. On the CRT FF3 and no colour management but I still see 'bands'.

I downloaded the Lagom image and in a graphics editor used the colour picker to determine the width of the 'stripes' of equal shade. From memory the majority of the stripes are of equal width but every 8th or 9th stripe, at least at the dark end, is slightly wider. I concluded that this difference in width was interfering with my perception of continuous gradient and was causing me to see banding at the edge of the wider stripes. On the Dry Creek test I always see a perfect gradient.

All of the above is just my test and my vision, ymmv and as you say there may well be other factors I missed.

hood = £16 :D 5mm black foam core, some d sided sticky, strong stick on velco and pitch black art paper to stick the bits of foam together :D
Thanks, anyone else care to chime in? I'm considering this monitor but would rather avoid adding a calibration tool on top of the current price..
Thanks, anyone else care to chime in? I'm considering this monitor but would rather avoid adding a calibration tool on top of the current price..

As others have said, the profiles floating around this thread and tftcentral will give you adequate results.
For those who ordered recently, what firmware version do you have? A couple of posts back member "duncann" didn't seem to have any (or most) of the issues described by many owners. His firmware was GIG045 which is different from the GIG032 many reported earlier in this thread. Perhaps those issues have been ironed out now?
I just received mine yesterday. Firmware GIG 045. My only complaint is that I have one stuck pixel in the lower left 1/4 of the screen that is blue on dark backgrounds. Fortunately, it can only be seen when very very close to the screen.
I just received mine yesterday. Firmware GIG 045. My only complaint is that I have one stuck pixel in the lower left 1/4 of the screen that is blue on dark backgrounds. Fortunately, it can only be seen when very very close to the screen.

Sorry about that stuck pixel. But you don't have the pinkish-green hue, etc?
Sorry about that stuck pixel. But you don't have the pinkish-green hue, etc?

I can't really tell. My eyes seem to notice a slight pinkish hue on the bottom right but that is only noticeable when looking at a white page. To be honest, I can't determine if that is a pinkish hue due to a faulty monitor or if that is the way light is falling onto my monitor.
my firmware is GIG 045
i'm just updating my blog with how i made my Hood, ive had several requests from across the web..
I've got some backlight bleed on my new "January 2008 GIG 045" that I received a few days ago, in two areas just below the top of the monitor on the left and on the right; it seems too red to me; some pinkish hues a well. Compared with my previous TN craptastic LCD, this is stunning although I'm wondering if I should bother replacing it for another one because of these issues or refunding it and getting the NEC MultiSync LCD24WMGX3.....
ok, slowly getting there, im thinking about running a competition as i have enough materials left to make another hood
I gave up on these LP2475W monitors. My first one from Amazon had a pretty big piece of dirt or dust between the backlight and the screen in the center of the screen. I sent that one back for an exchange. My second one had a pretty big piece of dirt or dust on the left side. Neither had any bad pixels. Both had pretty severe color gradients from left to right. The right 3 inches of both monitors were much darker than the rest of the screen.

The monitor is extremely beautiful and usable for every day photo editing and movies after calibration.

The text on these monitors is extremely atrocious and although you get used to it after a few HOURS, the next morning you are reminded how bad the text really is. My 20/20 eyes just kept trying to refocus all the time and it gave me headaches. I really couldn't put my finger on what is wrong. Its crisp, but makes your eyes continiously refocus. If you put it side by side with any other LCD over $200, you realize just how bad the text really is. NO cleartext tuning even made it bearable. I tried to live with it for two weeks, but simply couldn't take it anymore and returned it.

If you are only going to use it for photos, then I would highly recommend it. If you are going to use it for text at all, then run run away.
i don't have any trouble with the text, its just as good as on my Formac 2010, i'm viewing from about 36in away.. (running Vista 64)

i have now updated my blog with a small tutorial on how to make a hood :)
The text issue has been mentioned by a number of people before (here and another forum), but dahacker is the first to fully criticize it, rather than make excuses. Duncann suggests the red fringe, which is the likely cause of your eyes refocusing, is due to "chromatic aberration". However, you are the 3rd person I have seen complain of this issue that does not wear glasses, so it is more than likely a fault with the construction method of H-IPS panels.
I received mine yesterday and only have 2 issues after calibration with ICC profile:

1. 1 blue stuck pixel in the lower left 1/4 of the screen. Cannot be seen unless very very close so I can live with it rather than risk returning and getting more.
2. Pink hue on the right 1/2 of the screen. I have read from several sources that LG representatives state that this is normal and goes away after some time with use of the monitor.

Aside from that, no issues with the text. Good monitor all-around. Not sure if I should bother exchanging it in hopes of getting a flawless panel without the hue (which is not so apparent) and with no stuck pixels.
I really, really want one of these, but I'm going to have to wait a bit. If it were $400, $450, I might be able to swallow it... but I could pick up a decent 42" HDTV for the current asking price.
I received my monitor on January 7, 2009. According to the sticker on the back, it was manufactured in October 2008. Are those the panels that are having the pink hue issue - the panels made in Oct/Nov 2008? Did I get an old panel even though I ordered it recently? Is this just by chance? Should I return it to HP?

When were your panels made? Please share.
Week 46 (mid-November) of 2008. Bought from pcsuperstore.com and it came from a warehouse in Illinois (just southwest of Chicago).

A few things I've noticed since using this monitor for about a week now.

About 2 inches of the right side is slightly darker but only noticeable on bright backgrounds, and even then it's difficult to notice. When I look for it I keep asking myself if I'm seeing things because sometimes it seems to not be there. Weird.

Without some sort of ICC profile loaded at Windows statup, the monitor will always have a greenish tinge, especially noticeable on grays, like this forum. Messing with the controls on the monitor can reduce this somewhat but not completely.

The monitor does make noise at lower brightnesses, but I have to put my ear to the top to hear it, or be in an absolutely silent room. It's a kind of buzzing reminiscent of a CRT.

The cable management on the back of the stand kinds of works but, honestly, compared to the rest of the monitor, it's garbage, or a poorly implemented idea.

The Bezel Power LED function in the menu doesn't remember to stay turned off if the monitor comes out of sleep mode, comes on from a completely powered off state, or a change in resolution mode is made. It does remember to stay off when the monitor is in sleep mode though.

The darkness problem seems to be common and I'm experiencing the same. I've read that it goes away with time so I hope that's true.

I'm wondering if I should return this with hopes of getting a monitor with a newer manufacturing date (i.e. November or December)