HP LP2475w (Possible new IPS)

Hello to all

I have been reading this thread for a while and a week ago I got my 2475. No dead pixels, humming or anything like that. I used the settings and ICC profile from TFT central to calibrate it and things look really good. It´s my first H-IPS, or any IPS for that matter, so I don´t really have much to compare it with. F/W is GIG 045 and its manufactured in the Czech republic december 2008. The box says REV: GIG 111, does that refer to the F/W version or something else?

Anyway, today I noticed that I did have the pink tint on the right side. Although barely visible Im aware of it and it annoys me. Some people say that it will go away with time. Im on 121 backlight hours and this pink tint should go away after 300-400+ hours? I also went online to check the warranty and it says that the warranty time started from 12 Jan 09, does that make sense if I bought it last week? I don´t have any other complaint about this great LCD other that the pink tint on the right side. Id like to hear from people that have been using this LCD for a while and also had the pink tint, did it go away with time?

Thanks in advance and thanks for a great forum, I have been learning lots of new stuff :)
Just got mine today. One stuck red pixel, upper left seems a little brighter on black screen :( I'm trying to "flashing colors" method right now on the pixel, these have never worked for me in the past though.
Here’s my experience. Bought my first LP2475W about a month ago and got a Czech November 2008 version. There was a slight pink tint in the top right corner but that went away after 4 days or so. Some uniformity problems, patches of backlight bleed on the top left and across the bottom. Not egregious though. Much more annoying to me was the bright-as-day front bezel LED which simply would not stay off. OSD settings would turn off the LED as intended, but upon each restart or sleep mode, the LED would come back on. I was forced to go in to the OSD each time I restarted the computer or woke the monitor up.

So I called HP support and they got someone out to help me within days. There was some confusion over which monitor I had and the support guy actually brought me a 2465 the first time. I sent him back with it and 2 weeks later, he brought over a new 2475W. This one is from China Jan 2009. Perfect uniformity (I shit you not), zero tinting issues, front bezel LED stays off. I promptly calibrated it, and so far, this is the perfect monitor I was hoping for 

Hats off to HP support for sticking with it. Hats off to HP for keeping at the versions.
So wait, they have some sort of firmware that fixes the LED problem but they don't actually put it in the normal units you buy? o_O

I'm thinking of buying one of these but only as long as I can get a free replacement from HP if I have bad colour tint or backlight bleed etc.
So wait, they have some sort of firmware that fixes the LED problem but they don't actually put it in the normal units you buy? o_O

I'm thinking of buying one of these but only as long as I can get a free replacement from HP if I have bad colour tint or backlight bleed etc.
I don't think that's it; my guess is that there are some monitors out there that shipped to distributors with buggy firmware and are still sitting on stockroom shelves. I don't think a minor issue like that would warrant a recall. They've since fixed the firmware and all new units are shipping with the correct stuff. I'll update my post with my firmware revision and the exact dates on the monitor.

As far as service goes, HP will replace the monitor if you have problems. All you have to do is call them up and let them know what the problem is. They are well aware of the pink tint issue so you won't have to argue with them or try to convince them of anything. They then route the issue to a local rep who will bring a replacement monitor to your house and swap it out for you as many times as it takes for you to be happy. Pretty sweet since I didn't have to bother with tracking numbers and such. All in all the entire exercise took around 3 weeks from date of purchase of the original. YMMV
I purchased directly from hp about a week ago and received a model with the firmware bug and pink tint.

It just seems like their is no quality control in place to be honest, and there just hoping people dont notice.
Yesterday, HP replaced my HP LP2475w for pink tint issue. It took a while --- I called them on March 16th to report the problem. They said someone would contact me within 48 hours to arrange for the replacement. They didn't. I called back 3 days later only to find out that they were out of stock, so I had to wait. Anyway, to make a long store short, they made it yesterday.

Old: Aug/2008 Rev GIG 122, made in China, F/W GIG 034
New: Nov/2008 Rev GIG 122, made in China, F/W GIG 045

The person who brought the replacement to me doesn't work for HP. He works for DHL, and this is part of his job -- to deliver hi-tech items (monitors, keyboards, speakers) to end-users. Maybe in Europe the replacement is handled by official HP field tech, but not in America (Southern California). HP shipped the monitor to a local DHL office. Then one of their (DHL) personel brings it to the customer and pick up the old monitor at the same time. In my case, the replacement monitor is brand-new. The carton contains everything -- the monitor, stand, accessories, etc. The DHL carrier was friendly and talkative. He said he's done a few other deliveries of the same monitor.

As for the pink tint, the new monitor also has it, albeit less noticable than the old one. I am going to wait a few days to decide whether I can stand it. Both monitors has no visible dead pixels.

For those who has gone through this process, does a good LP2475w have absolutely no pink tint? Or does it simply have "less"?
For those who has gone through this process, does a good LP2475w have absolutely no pink tint? Or does it simply have "less"?
I've not gone through a replacement because my first was golden -- no tinting at all that I can see.
Hmm. I was just given the option, by a vendor, of having the display delivered, examining the box for the revision number and deciding whether to ship it back based solely on that. So long as I don't open the box, he'll even waive the 15% restocking fee if the numbers on the box aren't to my liking, I would just have to pay for the shipping back (about $20).

Wonder if I should? The revision info is on the box, right? If it's GIG133 I'd be fairly confident in the f/w being recent. Someone in the thread even mentioned a rev GIG143 (as recent as March 12th), f/w version GIG068. Downside, can't check the f/w without actually accessing the OSD.
I made an interesting observation with my LP2475w. The pink tint appears gradually after the computer comes out of standby. At first there is no tint at all; color is uniform. On the other hand, my other monitor (NEC 20WMGX2), which is to the right of LP2475w and hooked up to the same computer, is the exact opposite. At first it has the pink tint, but within 5 minutes it calms down.
Hmm. I was just given the option, by a vendor, of having the display delivered, examining the box for the revision number and deciding whether to ship it back based solely on that. So long as I don't open the box, he'll even waive the 15% restocking fee if the numbers on the box aren't to my liking, I would just have to pay for the shipping back (about $20).

Wonder if I should? The revision info is on the box, right? If it's GIG133 I'd be fairly confident in the f/w being recent. Someone in the thread even mentioned a rev GIG143 (as recent as March 12th), f/w version GIG068. Downside, can't check the f/w without actually accessing the OSD.

Why doesn't the vendor simply tell you the revision info on the box?
'Cause he doesn't have access to the warehouse, or whatever. I asked if he could simply call down and have someone check, apparently that's not possible. I took his word for it. He seems like a decent enough guy trying to help me out.
I made an interesting observation with my LP2475w. The pink tint appears gradually after the computer comes out of standby. At first there is no tint at all; color is uniform. On the other hand, my other monitor (NEC 20WMGX2), which is to the right of LP2475w and hooked up to the same computer, is the exact opposite. At first it has the pink tint, but within 5 minutes it calms down.

Is the HP noticeably laggier than the NEC?
I just got my replacement and it says F/W GIG 68 in the service menu and 0 hour backligt usage. It looks better than the old one but it came with fingerprints on it and some marks on the back of the panel. I called HP and they are sending me a new one. So, hopefully the third one will be completely new and hopefully one of the newer batches. Is GIG68 the latest F/W?
Is the HP noticeably laggier than the NEC?
Assuming you mean the LCD2490WUXi? Check this out, Arma. Scroll about 90% of the way down, there's a chart w/ Average Input Lag. The average for the NEC is 38.8ms, 30-40ms usually, peeking at 60ms. The average for for the LP2475w is 25ms. The HP tends to have a wider range. I've heard reports of it having lag in the low teens and spikes nearing 50ms. The median is low to mid 20s.

Is GIG68 the latest F/W?
It seems to be. Units with this f/w appear with manufacture dates as recent as early March 09.
No, he wanted to know my experience comparing HP LP2475w and NEC 20WMGX2. See 4th post above yours.

Oh, my bad. But the link is still worth looking at. The 20WMGX2 is included on the chart. Average of 15.6ms and down to an amazing 8.8ms with Through Mode enabled. Pretty frikkin' awesome. If the damn thing were available in Canada, I'd definitely be considering it.
electricl300, are you in Europe?

Yes, I live in Sweden. I just noticed a dead/stuck pixel on the top right of the screen:mad: Even though the panel I got looks used it is still better than the old one. No pink discoloring issues so I thought I might keep it if the one HP is going to send is worse.

Now after discovering the dead pixel I can only hope the new one will be better than the the two LCDs before it.

Maybe someone returned the panel Im using now and HP installed the new F/W on it because its a novemeber 2008 panel and from what I read here GIG68 is a recent F/W.
Trigger pulled. The vendor assures me there is a ton of turnover in the warehouse I ordered from. I can verify it, the units move like hot cakes out of there, I've been watching the real time stock tracker. They're an official reseller of HP in Canada (Directdial) and get their stock straight from the belly of the beast. Here's hoping I pull one from the new batch!

It should be here early next week. Fingers crossed! :cool:
Trigger pulled. The vendor assures me there is a ton of turnover in the warehouse I ordered from. I can verify it, the units move like hot cakes out of there, I've been watching the real time stock tracker. They're an official reseller of HP in Canada (Directdial) and get their stock straight from the belly of the beast. Here's hoping I pull one from the new batch!

It should be here early next week. Fingers crossed! :cool:

Hopefully all is well. At the end of the day, the batch (firmware/revision) really doesn't matter as long as the monitor is physically flawless.
Hopefully all is well. At the end of the day, the batch (firmware/revision) really doesn't matter as long as the monitor is physically flawless.

Truth. But this is something of a special case. It's somewhat obvious that many of the issues reported can be tied back to specific firmware versions and revisions (generally, though I'm certain there are many exceptions). I've been given an opportunity to keep or return the monitor no questions asked based solely on the revision number on the box. Once I cut the sucker open, it's a whole other ballgame ...

The order included a section, a "message to the shipping depot". I was very specific with regard to the numbers I am hoping to see, and those I will send back. I guess it's just a matter of whether or not they pay attention, at this point.
The order included a section, a "message to the shipping depot". I was very specific with regard to the numbers I am hoping to see, and those I will send back. I guess it's just a matter of whether or not they pay attention, at this point.

Out of curiosity, which hardware revision(s) are you looking for?
The majority of reports indicate that revision 133 or later (143) appear free of obvious uniformity issues and the pink/green tint. This may be less about the revision and have more to do with the F/W version, of which 052 or 068 are the most recent. Any combination of 133/143 and 052/068 seems to be the ideal. I have yet to see a report of Rev GIG133 with f/w earlier than 052. Granted, there aren't that many people beyond the picky enthusiast who actually checks the firmware and thinks to post it on the interweb.

For me, if I see either 133 or 143 on the box, I'll be fairly confident that the F/W will be up-to-date, at least 052 or the most recent 068.

Take it all with a grain of salt. I could be way out to lunch with this. No way of knowing until I commit and have a look for myself.
Originally, reports had REV GIG122 and F/W 043 as without issues, until some people started reporting issues... I think it's much about the luck of the draw.

Also, I think someone here reported that the numbers on the box were different from the actual numbers on the panel itself.
Originally, reports had REV GIG122 and F/W 043 as without issues, until some people started reporting issues... I think it's much about the luck of the draw.

Also, I think someone here reported that the numbers on the box were different from the actual numbers on the panel itself.

Like a kick in the nuts. Oh well. All I can do is examine the box, determine and REV and takes my chances. I'll report back, either way.
I don't play games on the HP, so I couldn't comment. If you wish, I can try some games (any in particular?) this weekend and report back.

Awesome, thanks. Any Source engine based game would do nicely, like CSS or TF2. If not, then any game would be ok. My NEC 20WMGX2 is still great and all but 20" is now too small. The LP2475W is the closest thing to it in a larger 24" form.
Review. A little late to the party, but they love it.

EDIT: Oops. For some reason I linked the review as PRAD. It was actually Trusted Reviews. Sorry vick1000 (below). :p
Just to add something regarding LP2475w & games - I've been playing CS (not Source) since Beta 6.0 - that's almost 10 years now, 8 of them - competitively. This HP is my first LCD display, I previously had various CRT monitors - the latest of them being a 19" Mitsubishi 930SB (among the best). What I want to say is that the HP is a gem for any kind of game, provided you got the system to run it at decent average FPS (we are talking about 1920x1200 here...). Lag, ghosting - it's so minor if even noticeable outside the statistics you can't really feel it one week after the CRT/LCD trade. My form certainly didn't suffer any damage :) I love the display and would recommend it to all gamers (with good enough setups) but the most hardcore competitive FPS ones, who play on LAN tournaments where server lag is zero and every hardware delay is unwanted. Even if we are talking about something you can't really feel or notice if you are not comparing the HP and a CRT monitor side-by-side.
This website has so much information, based on both opinions and fact, i have never been so confused in all my life. ;)

I have been scouring the web and pricing/reading specs/comparing monitors heavily for about 3 months now and im not 100% sure im done yet. That being said...

I purchased one of these off of Tiger Direct with the 12% live cashback and it arrived today. I have to say it is a damn fine looking monitor. I adjusted the color/brightness etc. via TFT's suggestions. One question though...the display controls that nvidia has within the driver, what are they supposed to be set at?

This was a brand new item Rev122 / Gig 045. It had 0 hours on the backlight and now currently sits at 5 hours. I have not noticed a pink tinge but i will check that in depth tomorrow when i have more time. At $528 i think it was a good deal. If it has any issues i will not hesitate to return it.

Its the weekend. A great time for a thorough testdrive.
How well does the LP2475W scale non native resolutions? My 8800GTS (G80) is good for up to 1680 x 1050 only.
How well does the LP2475W scale non native resolutions? My 8800GTS (G80) is good for up to 1680 x 1050 only.

I'll let you know on Tuesday. :D I'll be rocking a G80 8800GTS 640mb for a week or two after my LP2475w arrives, at least until the dust settles on the aftermath of ATI 4890 versus GTX 285 deathmatch, hopefully in the wake of a satisfying flurry of price cuts!
Sweet. Thanks Deeky. I'm thinking this HP is the upgrade to get. I thought about waiting for that upcoming LG but I'm not so sure e-ips will have equal image quality as h-ips. The wide gamut will probably be a non factor for me. My NEC with its glossy screen makes everything more vibrant already so the HP's vividness shouldn't bug me at all.