HP Mininote reviewed (2133) Great response

It's funny how I find myself using the mininote after all this time.

first things first. With some software tweaks and driver updates I have this thing running fairly zippy, all things considered. It boots pretty quick and gets good battery life.

What astonishes me is that I can't quite use it as a replacement for my work laptop which has a 14" wide screen. The primary reason is that the screen on the mini note is just too small and it really is hard to work on excel or long word docs on this. Thus, it has been relegated to weekend trips and home duty.

It's nice to be able to have the mininote on my desk at the same time I am playing CSS. I can surf the web after I die which is nice. If it's not there, it's on my night stand so that in the morning...I can check weather and stocks. On weekends, it's downstairs by the TV.

Just love it.