HP Pavilion dv6000


Dec 29, 2002
I have vista and im trying to run my PC updates from "Hp Care Advisor" and it just keeps saying there is a problem and kind of freezing and will not let me do it.

Is there any way that I can remove these updates from the Hp Care Advisor cause it gets on my nerves seen them!!

Uninstall the Advisor and the rest of the HP software(except for the Quickplay stuff if you use the media buttons). They're useless pieces of software that eat resources for no reason. Then you won't have to worry about updating them ;).
Thanks for the advice Zero82z. I'm getting a DV6500t tomorrow, so that helps which programs not to install. :)
Well, they come pre-installed, so you'll have to do a bit of cleaning first. Doesn't take long though, so don't worry about it :).
I'm getting a used one but the guy reformatted everything.

Next step, XP (nLite'd) and Vista (vLite'd). Muahaahha!
yeah I have a dv6244us and when I got it it was so clogged with bloatware that it froze and crashed a dozen times within the first hour of me having it. Plus messing with vista for the first time didnt help either. It wasnt too hard to get it all cleaned up and now I love it. Im actually planning on putting it up for sale soon so I can get something smaller. Good luck!