HP Photosmart C4640 problems


Jul 22, 2001
Helping neighbor with PC. For whatever reason it stopped working properly and I thought it may have been do to some software corruption as the hard disk ended up with a few bad sectors and wouldn't run properly. That has been resolved (able to do system backup of old drive and restore to a new drive) but I ran the HP tools off of the HP CD to clean up. Downloaded the latest version of printer software but now the neighbor tells me when trying to install it throws an error and cannot finish the install. Sorry I don't have the details of the error and she did not write it down. I did get some errors when trying to clean up and uninstall the HP software. Wondering if something is left behind that did not get removed properly so the new software won't install. I've seen this happen with HP printers before.

Any ideas on what to try? Thanks..
Kinda need to know what the exact error was in order to help.
Kinda need to know what the exact error was in order to help.

I assume you mean the error generated when installing the current version of software? I'll contact her to see what she remembers. Can always make a second attempt to generate the message again.
Kinda need to know what the exact error was in order to help.

LOL!! Too funny. She completely forgot to plug in the USB cable for the printer. It should have prompted her during the install though. Odd. Anyway, All is fine and went well on the second attempt. Ha.