HP Z7000 laptop resurected/ Bake slowly


Apr 25, 2003
So I'm sittin around here Lurking the [H]
and reread the "Bake your GPU post."
The Z7000 lappies had a built in defect/dumbass cooling solution on the GPU
Not havin a whole heck of alot to do... I start thinkin
"Wowsers my HP 7000 laptop GPU crapped out and looks just like the pic in the video card post!"
Well bein a true Hard Ass
I proceeded to tear the thing apart (yep cheated/downloaded the service manual):D
Had it in pieces took everything off the MB
and baked at 380f for 9 minutes
Put it back together ( have 3 screws left over) no worries always happened when I worked on my car:eek:
Fired it up.....
And it works:D
For how long .......
I'll let ya know!
Thanks H'ers
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