HQAF with 1900xt in FEAR


Sep 4, 2004
Is this just a default setting with the 1900's or is there some place that i have to turn it on? I play @ 1280x960 everything max softshadows off. Is that all i need to to do? I get about 60 fps average right now
Go to the catalyst control center.
set AA to application controlled.
set AF to application controlled but keep HQ AF.
Turn off catalyst AI.
Turn off VSYNC.
Turn off HD sound in the game.

In options in fear, set FSAA to whatever you want. I turn it off because its a dark game and you cant see crap anyways. Set the aniscopic to whatever you want.

FEAR has a lot of issues...its very bugged. After doing this I get 59FPS ave at 1600by1200.
kdog said:
Go to the catalyst control center.
set AA to application controlled.
set AF to application controlled but keep HQ AF.
Turn off catalyst AI.
Turn off VSYNC.
Turn off HD sound in the game.

Any reason why you're turning off catalyst AI?
Causes problems with fear. Like I said, FEAR is buggy. Read tweakguides.com optimization guide...disabling the catAI is a tweak they recomend.

On a sidenote, I actually tested RTHDRIBL with and without catalyst AI at 1600by1200. Catalyst AI results in LOWER (1-2fps) frame rates....so it is going to be permenently turned off.