HTC EVO dust problems w/pic, WTF HTC!


Mar 20, 2001
I don't know if it's directly related to the light leakage problem (as mine suffers from), but it appears that the HTC EVO also suffers from dust/contaminants working their way between the glass and the LCD panel. I’ve only had the EVO for a couple weeks, and I only keep it in my pocket while driving/ridding my motorcycle, you’d think more care/engineering would go into a flagship product...

Here's a picture:

Damn that sucks. I've heard of this issue. I have a little light leakage at the bottom near the touch buttons, but no dust issues. I'd return it ASAP and get a different revision.
Damn, that's pretty bad looking, actually. First I've heard of this. I'd be pissed if this happened to my Droid, esp. just a couple weeks after I've had it (I've had mine since Dec. though).

You going to take it back to Sprint to see if they can fix/replace it for you? I definitely wouldn't tolerate that, esp. when you know it's just going to get worse. Imagine how bad it'll look in a couple months then!
Yeah, I'm planning to take it back tonight. I'm also gonna' bitch because the screen protector I put on it was mail-order and is in perfect condition. Unless they can remove and reattach it without messing it up, I think Sprint owes me a free screen protector too.

I've never had a dust issues with any of my other "devices". The list includes:

Palm 700WX
HTC Touch Diamond
HTC Touch Pro
Palm Pre
iPhone 2G
iPod Touch
That happened to a really nice universal remote I had, last year. It got to the point where about 1/3 of the screen was so thick with dust I couldn't see through it. I'd be seriously angry if my phone had the same problem.
Well, I called the sprint store and they said I should contact the place of purchase and get them to replace it. Unfortunately, the place I purchased it from isn't expecting supply until July 16th, so my only option to get one right away would be to accept a refurbished model from Sprint/Asurion.

I think I'm gonna' wait for now. I can live with the dust for now and the phone has a year warranty. When I finally get it replaced, maybe they will have the problem fixed.
My dad has the same exact problem with his old moto q. He had sprint clean it out 4 or 5 times, usually once a month. It was awful, sprint also refused to replace it despite the fact that it was obviously a manufacturing error. His best fix was to just wear it on a holster on his belt where the dust from his pocket wouldn't be forced into it. Best of luck with getting this fixed!
My dad has the same exact problem with his old moto q. He had sprint clean it out 4 or 5 times, usually once a month. It was awful, sprint also refused to replace it despite the fact that it was obviously a manufacturing error. His best fix was to just wear it on a holster on his belt where the dust from his pocket wouldn't be forced into it. Best of luck with getting this fixed!

my moto q9c is like this. in sunlight it looks like I have a beach inside my screen. I just keep the phone for my precious $30/month sero contract :)
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
Go to a Sprint repair store and have them blow out the dust. The screens are ridiculously simple to remove/replace/clean.

Also, don't keep it in your pocket. Besides dust, the pressure on the glass can crack it.
Go to a Sprint repair store and have them blow out the dust. The screens are ridiculously simple to remove/replace/clean.

Also, don't keep it in your pocket. Besides dust, the pressure on the glass can crack it.

yeah don't keep your cellphone in your pocket, WHAT WERE YOU THINKING? :rolleyes:
I had an iPhone come in today with the same thing. Its just a thing with all cell phones, dust can creep in between the screen and glass. Apple replaces the phone without question, I dunno what Sprint will do.
I had an iPhone come in today with the same thing. Its just a thing with all cell phones, dust can creep in between the screen and glass. Apple replaces the phone without question, I dunno what Sprint will do.

As I said, they'll open it up and clean it out.

As for the sarcastic "don't keep your cellphone in your pocket, WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?", it's a LARGE PIECE OF GLASS. The larger the piece of glass is, the less pressure it needs to crack. Is that a difficult concept to you?
As I said, they'll open it up and clean it out.

As for the sarcastic "don't keep your cellphone in your pocket, WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?", it's a LARGE PIECE OF GLASS. The larger the piece of glass is, the less pressure it needs to crack. Is that a difficult concept to you?

So that's why my windows break whenever I tap them. Now that I know that my Evo is a LARGE PIECE OF GLASS and thus unable to withstand the rigors of existence inside of a pocket, I will surely refrain from carrying it there. A hip case may do the trick but now that I know about the large nature of the Evo's glass I fear for the hail and micrometeorites that attack my hip areas on a daily basis. Perhaps one of these will suffice?

Please get back to me Entropism, I cannot bear to leave my Evo in danger for one more night. And thank you, I simply do not know what I would do without your insight into such difficult concepts

Edit: Do earthquakes pose a danger to the large piece of glass on my Evo?
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As I said, they'll open it up and clean it out.

As for the sarcastic "don't keep your cellphone in your pocket, WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?", it's a LARGE PIECE OF GLASS. The larger the piece of glass is, the less pressure it needs to crack. Is that a difficult concept to you?

My desk is an even larger piece of glass and it has a 32" TV, a 17" monitor, a G15, a G9, a Stargate coaster, a QCK Heavy, a Blackberry, a authenticator, a tall glass filled with drank, a microphone, and my arms resting on it. OH GOD IT JUST BROKE, not really. The only way to transport your EVO 4 is obviously some kind of anti gravity containment field inside of a forcefield where nothing can touch it.
Yea this used to happen with my old motorola razor. Was a simple peal off the screen and wipe down. In the end I lived with it but for a new phone I would exchange it, but just get it in writing that when new stock comes in you will get one.
My desk is an even larger piece of glass and it has a 32" TV, a 17" monitor, a G15, a G9, a Stargate coaster, a QCK Heavy, a Blackberry, a authenticator, a tall glass filled with drank, a microphone, and my arms resting on it. OH GOD IT JUST BROKE, not really. The only way to transport your EVO 4 is obviously some kind of anti gravity containment field inside of a forcefield where nothing can touch it.

too bad your desk and the previous posters windows are all made of substantially thicker glass than the screen on the evo, larger thin sheets of glass will crack more easily and with less pressure. but as long as youre not being stupidly reckless etc, it should be fine in your pocket
That happened to my Hero and the local repair store cleaned it out for me no problems. Didn't even have to remove the screen protector.
too bad your desk and the previous posters windows are all made of substantially thicker glass than the screen on the evo, larger thin sheets of glass will crack more easily and with less pressure. but as long as youre not being stupidly reckless etc, it should be fine in your pocket

Yeah, I was going to bring that up, but as soon as someone decides to be a jerk for *no* reason whatsoever, I walk away.