HTC Passion

Looks good to me. Hopefully Verizon will let me exchange another phone if they get this Bravo. Not sure how many exchanges they allow you to do before they cut you off. :p
"The Bravo, which will be powered by a Snapdragon QDS 8250 1GHz CPU, eventually will debut in the US market in January 2010 under the trade name of Passion before being marketed by T-Mobile under the Bravo in Europe in April 2010, the paper said."

-Digitimes via some paper

HTC Bravo pictured more lucidly (Update: coming to US in January as HTC Passion)


PLEASE have physical buttons on the front!! Also, make the light's around them go off unlike the Eris, very distracting.
Daddy likes.

I was thinking about the HTC Magic, but if this one comes out (and the T-Mo version is the same as the unlocked/international version)... then I'm all over it.
Looks good to me. Hopefully Verizon will let me exchange another phone if they get this Bravo. Not sure how many exchanges they allow you to do before they cut you off. :p
Well, I had a DROID, then returned it back on the 17th of November. My credit never went back to the account, so I went into the store and found out they credited a completely different phone number. it wasn't even close. :rolleyes:

Decided to go ahead and pick up the Eris and see if it was any better. Short answer yes, long answer, why would I keep it if the sequel's going to be much improved and out in a month?

AFAIK, if the device is returned, not exchanged and you wait 3 days, you're good. I do know that if you exchange the phone for another model, then you can't exchange the 2nd device. I'm unsure if you can outright return it however. Making matters worse is the restock fee. These things cannot be tested properly in a store. They ziptie the crap out of them in my local store, have the time they're not charged, and of course, there's no WAP to test out WiFi. Considering they're getting nearly $100/mo from me, I have no issues testing out phone after phone until I get one that's at the very least staying connected to my WiFi...something both Droid's have failed to do so far.

Anyway, I'd give them a call or visit soon so you're not stuck w/ it. Nothing's going to be worse than reading about some picky mofo like me FINALLY being satisfied w/ a phone and your entry fee's $569 + tax. :eek:
Well, I had a DROID, then returned it back on the 17th of November. My credit never went back to the account, so I went into the store and found out they credited a completely different phone number. it wasn't even close. :rolleyes:

Decided to go ahead and pick up the Eris and see if it was any better. Short answer yes, long answer, why would I keep it if the sequel's going to be much improved and out in a month?

AFAIK, if the device is returned, not exchanged and you wait 3 days, you're good. I do know that if you exchange the phone for another model, then you can't exchange the 2nd device. I'm unsure if you can outright return it however. Making matters worse is the restock fee. These things cannot be tested properly in a store. They ziptie the crap out of them in my local store, have the time they're not charged, and of course, there's no WAP to test out WiFi. Considering they're getting nearly $100/mo from me, I have no issues testing out phone after phone until I get one that's at the very least staying connected to my WiFi...something both Droid's have failed to do so far.

Anyway, I'd give them a call or visit soon so you're not stuck w/ it. Nothing's going to be worse than reading about some picky mofo like me FINALLY being satisfied w/ a phone and your entry fee's $569 + tax. :eek:

Well I more or less did the same thing as you so sounds like I'm gonna have to sell the phone I have then and buy the other one. I bought my phone outright so I wouldn't have a contract so guess I'm gonna have to shell out $500+ more dollars and hope I can make some of it back with the sale of the other one.

I hate being indecisive.
The Bravo (Passion) in that pic looks a lot better than the phone we've seen in previous pics. Still, that big, beautiful screen on the HD2 has me mesmerized.
I agree. The buttons look better than anything I've ever seen. And it looks like they have a little bit of track lighting on the sides. I REALLY hope they leave those buttons on for Verizon as the current Droid models have a super lame touch sensitive layout.

They're both bad and here's why. The DROID's go off when the LCD's still on and because they're not buttons, you can't really see them. The Eris' buttons DO NOT go off when the LCD's on. They stay BRIGHT WHITE and can be very distracting when reading in the dark. I don't know what they were thinking w/ this. Could you imagine a TV or an LCD monitor w/ 4 BIG ASS WHITE LED's blinding you? A very simple solution would be to make them buttons w/ the tracklighting as seen in the latest Bravo/Passion images. Even better, give us an option to control the brightness of them and when they time out. If my LCD's dim, the LED's need to be dim. It just strikes me as CRAZY common sense when designing a phone.

GAH! I really, really wish I had a hand in these devices before they were unleashed to the public. That shit would have a "Jod approved" stamp and shine like a diamond from its sheer awesomeness.
After having the droid for a few days, you know exactly where the buttons are and what each do without having to see them clearly. Believe me, I've never been a fan of touch sense buttons, I hate them on my monitor and on my old moto razr2, but they work well for the droid and look so much better than the passion/bravo. I think the droid makes that phone look like crap, BUT I know slider style phones aren't for everyone. But the 16:9 format of the droid screen is too narrow for exclusive use of the onscreen keyboard.
I will most likely return my Moto Droid when it gets near Jan 13th/14th and wait for the Passion. If the passion comes out and it sucks ass, well I can go back to the Moto Droid and now that I'm familiar with the Android interface, it should be a pretty seamless transition either way.

I just wish we could get hard dates and carrier confirmation. Though a bit disappointed about the screen size, hopefully the resolution will be the same as the droid and the on screen keyboard will be awesome. Speaking of which, since I've never used an HTC device, can any previous users of HTC devices comment on how good the on-screen keyboard is for HTC touchscreen phones?
I will most likely return my Moto Droid when it gets near Jan 13th/14th and wait for the Passion. If the passion comes out and it sucks ass, well I can go back to the Moto Droid and now that I'm familiar with the Android interface, it should be a pretty seamless transition either way.

I just wish we could get hard dates and carrier confirmation. Though a bit disappointed about the screen size, hopefully the resolution will be the same as the droid and the on screen keyboard will be awesome. Speaking of which, since I've never used an HTC device, can any previous users of HTC devices comment on how good the on-screen keyboard is for HTC touchscreen phones?

I've used both the Droid and the Eris and the Eris has a much better onscreen keyboard than the Droid does IMO. I was able to type faster with less mistakes on the Eris keyboard when I had it for whatever reason.
Isn't the Eris screen wider, aka 16:10.
Comparing my droid to my iTouch, the screen is narrower so the keys are more cramped than the iTouch.
The Eris has a better virtual keyboard because it's custom made by HTC. The Droid is just using the stock Android 2.0 keyboard.
^this. As for the look and feel of the Eris vs Droid, I much prefer the Eris. I'm just not a fan of the metal and odd angles. The Eris feels like it was meant for my hand not as a zombie killing weapon. The buttons on the Bravo look amazing. I really, really hope they don't lazy it up like the 1st too w/ the lame touch sensitive buttons.
I personally hope the passion comes to Sprint. That would make more sense to me, since Verizon already has a "flagship" Android device. This phone would be great for me as I love my Hero, but just wish it was a bit more snappy and had a slightly bigger, higher res screen.

Plus, look at the color of it: classic Sprint titanium/graphite or whatever you want to call it. Verizon usually gets black phones (which I am slightly jealous of).
I would be so bummed. :(

You can have the DROID, I'll take the Passion please!
If the Passion doesn't win me over, I'll just hang on to my iPhone along with the likely futile hope that the HD2 gets Android... someday.
I really wish i knew when this is going to come out because i am giong to get the droid but i really would rather have the passion.... ugh!!!!!! im freaking out because i think im going to get it for a gift for chirstmas but that means i will only have 30 days to return it so that means i will only have 30 days to find out if the passion will come out soon... blah
Don't worry too much, you should definitely have a much clearer picture of whether (or when) Verizon will get the Passion by the time your 30 days is up :)