HTC Sense ROM for Nexus One

It's pretty stable now. I'm running the alpha 7 build right now, no issues really.
It's pretty stable now. I'm running the alpha 7 build right now, no issues really.

So the Nexus-1 with HTC-Sense UI makes it pretty much the upcoming "Supersonic" phone ? I know not 100% the same but like 75% I bet ?

How do you like your N-1 ? What other smart phone did you own previously ?
It's like the HTC Desire, the rom is really nice but has a few problems. Camera Flash doesn't work, Camera can only take picture up to 3mp not 5 mp, voice search doesn't work very well if at all, some problems with BT. It's not as bad as it sounds tho...the camera picture quality seems to be much better and the UI is really nice and everything is pretty stable I have not crashed at all using it.

I think it just updated to alpha 8, supposed to fix the BT and the voice search but haven't tried it yet.
I tried Alpha 8. It was pretty stable, I'm just not a fan of the sense UI. I ended up doing a nand restore back to my cyanogen rom.
No, this is only for Nexus One, Nexus One and HTC Desire are essentially the same thing. This is an Alpha ROM on the Desire because the Desire doesn't get released for another month or 2 so HTC are still working on it, by the time it releases we will have a stable ROM from it and then everything will work fine.
They're up to Alpha 9 now, which fixes bluetooth and voice search, and supposedly adds the .32 kernel as well. All in all, it's a pretty decent ROM. I loved Sense on my Hero, but have kind of gotten used to the stock Android 2.1 launcher on the Nexus.

I come from a long list of smart phones. Most recently the Palm Pre and HTC Hero before the N1. The N1 is the clear cut winner hands-down. I did also like the Pre to be honest, just not as much as I like this phone.