HTC Touch Pro 2

Did you install Lilrico's midnight blue theme? Man he does nice theme work, can't wait for the other colors.

Yeah, I did. I'm waiting patiently for the black theme though.
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When is Verizon planning on having this phone in stock? This is ridiculous. Others have plenty of them.

I am told as of Nov 6 you should be able to phone order from just about everywhere but hurry ,.........I have been hearing HD2 rumors lol
I am told as of Nov 6 you should be able to phone order from just about everywhere but hurry ,.........I have been hearing HD2 rumors lol

The HD2 is THE phone right now in my book. But no keyboard!!!! May have to wait for the TP3! The TP2 is kickin' so well right now that I'm not in a super hurry. WinMo 7 or bust!:D
How do I check if my phone is SPL unlocked? When I turned it on for the first time there was a message that said 'SPL unlocked.' :confused:

That SPL unlocker is for custom ROMs or do I need it even if I want to put win6.5 on my phone?
got my ghost armor today. was a bit tricky applying the full body protection to the tp2. i got it all done and im waiting for it to set now. it looks good, actually its barely noticable. screen feels very responsive.

will post in another day or two once its set.

Really? Mine looks horrible. Very visible. I don't think it's my fault as the back looks good. But the front of the phone is a different color, black. So maybe that's it. And I can see it from a mile away. I just send them an email as the return address is conveniently not on their website. Besides making my phone look awful, the reason I'm returning it is I already got a very noticeable blemish/scratch on it from using it for 5min. I thought it was supposed to withstand a drill, but I must have scratched it with my finger nail. Nothing else touched it besides my hands. So that's nice that it's drill proof, but I'm not planning on drilling it. It would have been nicer if it was finger nail proof.
How do I check if my phone is SPL unlocked? When I turned it on for the first time there was a message that said 'SPL unlocked.' :confused:

That SPL unlocker is for custom ROMs or do I need it even if I want to put win6.5 on my phone?

The hard spl has to be unlocked in order to put any ROM on that isn't officially signed. It won't be unlocked unless you did it or someone else did it for you.
Can someone show me how to install apps on this phone? I've been searching and got very vague instructions like copy the app to your phone. Where exactly do I put in, what folder? How do I then find it using the phone? I have a bunch of apps downloaded on my PC.
Open the file explorer, find your stuff, and click on the program you want to install?
Ordered mine couple of days ago for free. :) It was free to upgrade and also free when getting new contract so it worked out great for me. Also got Pure for wife. Can't wait till next Tuesday! I like my current Tilt but I always disliked small screen. Tilt 2 will fix that! :D
Ordered mine couple of days ago for free. :) It was free to upgrade and also free when getting new contract so it worked out great for me. Also got Pure for wife. Can't wait till next Tuesday! I like my current Tilt but I always disliked small screen. Tilt 2 will fix that! :D

Enjoy! WinMo gets beaten up a lot these days but the TP2 is an awesome phone and I love mine!
I'll definitely do. Many people dislike but I do like it. I had hard time choosing this or iPhone which had lots of things I liked but in the end, I ended up going with Tilt 2. Price was great too!!! can't beat FREE!(Although it's mail in) I wonder if 6.5 support other language natively?

Enjoy! WinMo gets beaten up a lot these days but the TP2 is an awesome phone and I love mine!
fyi some carriers can detect if you tether your phone and charge you a lot more. vzw and telus can detect it even if u have custom rom. sprint does not. check ppcgeeks some ppl on telus were charged $1500. there is a fix now.
Guys, check out the latest MightyROM released yesterday. It's derived from the recently leaked official CDMA ROM with full driver support. Crazy fast and lean.
I just got a transcend 8gb micro sdhc card for it and the phone doesn't see it. I used file explorer and nothing. Also when I went into memory settings it said memory card not installed. This sucks. I read a bunch of forums about these size cards working fine. Do I need to format it maybe? Can someone help me get this working? I hope it's compatible.

Whew. Nevermind, but FYI, when you have your phone connected to the PC, for some reason the phone does not see the memory card. When you unplug it, it sees it.
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I just got a transcend 8gb micro sdhc card for it and the phone doesn't see it. I used file explorer and nothing. Also when I went into memory settings it said memory card not installed. This sucks. I read a bunch of forums about these size cards working fine. Do I need to format it maybe? Can someone help me get this working? I hope it's compatible.

Whew. Nevermind, but FYI, when you have your phone connected to the PC, for some reason the phone does not see the memory card. When you unplug it, it sees it.

Hahah yeah that threw me for a loop the first time. It only does this if you choose the second option when you plug it in. I don't remember how it's worded but the one that makes it act like a flash drive instead of engaging activesync. If you choose the first option you can still get to your card on the phone both ways but transfers are slower.
I'm loving mine. I have the Tilt2 from AT&T. At first the phone did a complete battery drain overnight but during the day the phone was fine. I figured out by accident that the Microsoft My Phone application was syncing every night and for some reason was draining the battery. I switched the sync to manual and have had no problems since.
Just wanted to say I am getting the Tilt2 next week so hoping to keep this thread rolling now hehe :)
Has anyone here tried the Energy ROM for their Tilt2/TP2? I just flashed to it last week and it is AMAZING. Better battery life, better menu layouts, better everything really.
This is now $199 from Sprint with 2 year upgrade. I want it, but I don't want to renew my contract for 2 years.
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
Has anyone here tried the Energy ROM for their Tilt2/TP2? I just flashed to it last week and it is AMAZING. Better battery life, better menu layouts, better everything really.

I thought about flashing to it but was worried I wouldn't like it and wouldn't be able to get back to the original ROM.
Getting back to stock is just as easy as flashing custom, it's just another ROM and they are available in the stickies usually.
Going back to stock is very easy. I had to do it once on my old Tilt. Ten minutes to back everything up. Ten minutes to flash back to the stock ROM and SPL.

If you have not tried custom ROM's yet you really are missing out on one of the best features of these phones.
My HTC TP has been messing up bad as of late, so I thought about paying the deductable on my insurnace ($100) to have it replaced. I just noticed the TP2 came down to $199 on Sprint with a 2 year extension. I can also get a $70 credit for renewing my contract with Sprint, so it'd be $130 total. Don't know if it's worth it to spend the extra $30 + extend contract 2 years for this phone.

what you guys say? Is there something else coming out soon that is better? Must have a qwerty keyboard
For the Tilt2, I've been using the e2 Sense 2.5 ROM. Runs flawlessly the time I've had it. His ROMs are geared mored towards the AT&T user so that's a plus. My ram usage is generally around the low 60% and it's pretty barebones. His e2 Sense 2.1 is even more stable but I prefer the quicklinks and Cookie's Home Tab in 2.5.

There isn't anything out there better than the TP2 if you need windows mobile and a hardware keyboard. A close second in my mind is the motorola droid maybe. Not liking the direction windows mobile is going I'll probably be switching to android in the future as well I imagine. You can boot android on the TP2 though to get a head start. :)
There isn't anything out there better than the TP2 if you need windows mobile and a hardware keyboard. A close second in my mind is the motorola droid maybe. Not liking the direction windows mobile is going I'll probably be switching to android in the future as well I imagine. You can boot android on the TP2 though to get a head start. :)

Thing is MS obviously had to go in a different direction. People HATE WinMo with a passion and it was either the Android way or the iPhone way so guess which way they picked?

The thing that excites me the most about Windows 7 Phone is the development environment. Microsoft is leveraging well Visual Studio and .NET here and writing apps for this device is actually cool.

I think for the immediate future adding Zune to these things is going to be a VERY attractive feature to a lot of folks. Slowly but surely Zune is becoming a force in music especially with Zune Pass.

And this is just round one. Microsoft is going to do WHATEVER it takes to gain traction and that's typically when Microsoft does some of its best work.

To be honest now that I have my tm2 my phone is just a phone. If I need to do mobile stuff unless I need to be ultra portable the tm2 comes along for the ride. I take it shopping a lot.

Phones are just starting to suck to me. To small, slow and useless. Phone calls and GPS are about all I need and want out of phone these days.
Thing is MS obviously had to go in a different direction. People HATE WinMo with a passion and it was either the Android way or the iPhone way so guess which way they picked?

The wrong way

Phones are just starting to suck to me. To small, slow and useless. Phone calls and GPS are about all I need and want out of phone these days.

Yeah, I thought that too until I tried out Android on my TP2. A freaking hacked version of Android offered a better experience than mightyrom 6.5 did - it was faster and smoother even with 3d acceleration disabled!

I'm switching to the Incredible and I suggest you do too - you won't be disappointed.
The wrong way

Yeah, I thought that too until I tried out Android on my TP2. A freaking hacked version of Android offered a better experience than mightyrom 6.5 did - it was faster and smoother even with 3d acceleration disabled!

I'm switching to the Incredible and I suggest you do too - you won't be disappointed.

Perhaps is it is the wrong way but people just like the the prepackaged iPhone better it seems as a whole. And like I said its just phone in general. Too small, too slow, too useless for doing things that just work a lot better on a real computer. Yes a tablet if a lot of bulk but what I'm finding is that when I need to do something mobile on the go I need to do more than ever. No phone, even its called Incredible can touch a tm2 and of course I wouldn't expect it to. I'm just finding spending a lot of time screwing and hacking with a phone is a waste when it'll NEVER been what I need.

Andriod is nice but I'll never go that route. Windows 7 phones look to be EXACTLY what I need and I've been ramping up to develop for them as I can leverage my work skills easily. I've just got SO many gadgets and things I deal with that I'm simply running out of time. Between real work and gaming and rig building and learning on the side something has to go and since I just don't care as much about phones, at least from the end user side, as I used to so I'm just going the basic and simple route.

You may find that Microsoft is more right about this than you think. A simple and straight forward device that just does what phones are great at. Zillions of little screen apps and dozens of ROM and jailbreaks, I'm probably done with that forever.

There's MUCH more intresting stuff to play with an a low level than a crappy ass low power phones. Developing apps for them sure, using them when I far better devices, hell and no.
finally getting this. my screen is still locking up, so took it in 10 minutes before Americom closed and they told me I could basically get any Sprint phone. The main ones I could remember were the Moment, TP2, or some Blackberry phone. I had to go with the HTC TP2 since I'm on Sero. I think it was the best choice. I get it in a few days! Insurance is covering it! I don't even have to renew my contract now that expires on 6/22/10
I just picked up my TP2 for $180 off craigslist.

Awesome phone. Flashed it with the custom 6.1 rom from the 6.5 rom and damn is that ALOT faster. I actually like the 6.1 more then the 6.5.

It is much faster then my samsung moment which was running android 2.1.
I love my TP2 but will probably be jumping over to Verizon for the Droid X soon. AT&T coverage in my area is actually getting worse...not better.
I'm still using mine, but god does HTC Sense get slow when you have over 10k SMS stored. Why can't HTC make a new phone with a bloody keyboard?
Haha why do you need to store 10k SMS? That's like piling 50 people into a minivan and complaining it barely moves. :p
I haven't figured out how to delete older ones. It seems to be an all or nothing affair. I want to store the last X amount for each contact, but that doesn't seem to be possible. It wouldn't be a problem if HTC didn't store things the way they do. When I load SMS for a particular contact, it loads all of them (taking 30 seconds for the longest conversation), when it should just load the last 20 or so and then dynamically load more as you scroll up to view older messages. Due to the huge length, HTC Sense tends to crash and restart after every message I send as well (though sometimes it works for long periods of time). It also takes about 15 seconds to answer a call after I press the button now...which sometimes doesn't even work. Sigh...