html builder for a n00b


Limp Gawd
Apr 28, 2008
I have never built a website before, however, I am up to the challenge. I need some recommendations on some software to get started on. This is my criteria:

Free (I am a cheap SOB)
Ease of use
Would like templates to work off from
WYSISWG interface

I have tried Kompozer. I do not see that it has any templates to work from. Furthermore, I cannot seem to get it to do what I want it to do. Everything that I have created using it looks like a first grader created it.

I also downloaded Seamonkey, but I cannot even find the building tools in it. (Perhaps I am blind or stupid).

I am sure that web building is child's play for many of you. Since I have never done it before, I am feeling a bit overwhelmed, especially in trying to find a program that will fit my needs. Any direction will be greatly appreciated.
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Reading??? That is like using an instruction manual to build your kids tricycle. No self respecting guy would ever read the instruction manual.

All joking aside, I will see if my library carries that book. In the mean time, I still would like some suggestions on software. I prefer to learn hands on, by trial and error. I need something to get going on.

I know how to publish a page, uploaded to my host site, and forward my domain name to my host. I just have to figure out how to make a pretty, functional page.
I have tried Kompozer. I do not see that it has any templates to work from. Furthermore, I cannot seem to get it to do what I want it to do. Everything that I have created using it looks like a first grader created it.

I know how to publish a page, uploaded to my host site, and forward my domain name to my host. I just have to figure out how to make a pretty, functional page.
"Pretty" and "functional" are really two separate concepts. Pretty is images and CSS. Functional typically involves server-side programming. Knowing what functional requirements and what the hosting operating system is will help guide suggestions and reading material.

Get ready for plenty of reading early on if you want something more advanced than what a first grader would create.
I remember I learned the basics of HTML during a study hall in 9th grade. used to have a 7-day primer course. I took the entire thing in that study hall. Easy peasy.
Get Sharepoint Designer 2007 or 2010 from It's free now and it builds web pages in addition to managing Sharepoint from the inside. There are tons of templates to chose from in Sharepoint Designer. Sharepoint Designer has a drag and drop designer interface in addition to manual coding interfaces and wizards.
Thanks all for the replies.

I have actually managed to get a decent (using the term loosely) site put together. I downloaded a free template from the web and used it in Komposer. With a bit of trial and error, I was able to figure out how things worked.

I am no coder, by any means. But, I got the job done. The site simple and to the point, but that is OK for now. I can always try and make it better later. At least, for the moment, it looks like maybe a second grader made it, instead of a first grader.

I will give Sharepoint Designer a try. Maybe it can do something better than what I have put together.
If you have access to a Mac, you might also check out Coda or Espresso. I personally don't care all that much for the former, but the latter is incredibly nice to work with, though it's aimed somewhat more toward intermediately-experienced designers who know how to wrangle HTML/XHTML/CSS from scratch.