HTPC Hardware/Software Reviews?


Limp Gawd
Jun 14, 2001
So I have been out of the game for a while, aka I have been a poor college student and could not afford to buy new hardware, and I am thinking about building another HTPC. Last one I built had some unstable matx mobo, Athlon XP 1600+, 512 mb ram, hauppauge pvr 150, on board audio, 200 gb hd and I was running MythTV then had issues and switched to XLobby for mostly just audio control and video playback I didn't really capture after I switched to Windows.

Anyway yeah that stuff is all old and I want to upgrade and I was wondering if there are any good sites with recommended hardware. Also what is the software of choice these days?
For software I just use Vista. It's media center is great and I can play any video format through it. No need for a mouse to switch between apps, it's all controlled via a remote.

As to what hardware it really depends on what you want to play. If you don't play HD video then it doesn't really matter much. If you do you need more power.

There are some great guides and hardware reviews over at
Thanks guys I remembered and started reading stuff on there and the guide they have really helps me get familiar with what is the new equipment used now for HD recording and playback etc.