HTPC or PCH 110?


Jul 5, 2004
All i really need is something to play my DVD library off a server. And I have yet to rip them all (only about 75 or so in ISO format now) the rest are still on disk. So I can still change file formats without to much time investment.

While the [H] in me wants to build a HTPC I just dont see the need if a PCH will accomplish the same task. Can anyone give me a reason to NOT buy one if all i'm after is to play a DVD library? Will the HTPC do a better job? etc etc

If you just want to play a DVD library, the PCH is perfect.
another PCH related question here (sorry for the thread-jack)

If i get 2 pch a110's, install a harddrive in each unit, and have both on the same network, will unit 1 be able to play contect of the other via SMB/NAS and vice-versa?

the thing is, i need two media player/htpc units, one in the living room, one in the attic, if this setup works, that would eliminate any need for a seperate media server (and it would save lots of power, the a110 supposedly only uses 8 watts in standby, for 16 watts i can not run a media server..)
For $300 + shipping (was like $20 for my A110), you can probably get yourself a 2Core atom/ion system. And if the C200's interface is just like the on on the A100 and A110, well it's gonna look really technologically backwards onscreen.

That said, no-nonsense streaming of whatever, the A110 is pretty kick ass without the eye candy. If you do settle for the A110, don't bother with the wireless bundle - USB adapters (N or not) totally blow [insert object] for anything and everything.

@DrFreeze, I believe so cuz you can set up some share for the drive on the PCH. Thought of just setting up a WHS and consolidating everything on one space?
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@DrFreeze, I believe so cuz you can set up some share for the drive on the PCH. Thought of just setting up a WHS and consolidating everything on one space?

Well, the thing is, i need two players, and so far the PCH A110 looks like just what i need (playing DVD-rips (video-ts folders) mostly), and they can run in NAS/standby mode for about ~8 watts each apparently. Now if i where to push all storage to a seperate server/nas, i think it would be very tough getting close to the ~16 watts two PCHs would cost (dont get me wrong, i dont NEED low power, but it is prefered), and i would still need two players.

Currently i have a simple linux pc with VLC hooked up to the upstairs pc, but in terms of user-friendliness this isnt ideal (long boot-time, full pc UI, keyboard etc..). So a nice pair of players is pretty much a requisite, building my own atom based boxes or such would cost a lot more i think..
All i really need is something to play my DVD library off a server. And I have yet to rip them all (only about 75 or so in ISO format now) the rest are still on disk. So I can still change file formats without to much time investment.

While the [H] in me wants to build a HTPC I just dont see the need if a PCH will accomplish the same task. Can anyone give me a reason to NOT buy one if all i'm after is to play a DVD library? Will the HTPC do a better job? etc etc


if you're specifically playing only DVD files and don't mind a generic browser screen that can only show 11 files at a time, the PCH will be fine.
You can use YAMJ to change that... though it's got way too much work involved in setting up (esp. with a massive library) that I just gave up and decided the uber simple interface was good enough.
I love my A-110, ripped all my dvds to ts files and only came across 2 movies that it wouldn't play; "Batman mask of the phantasm" and i can't remember the other title.