Huge problem with 9800 PRO - Help


Jun 12, 2004
Problem fixed.

Display problem with Radeon 9800, lines and colored patches in games.
Sounds like the card could be overheating. Is it overclocked? Check to see if the fan is still running.
It could be one of these or a combination of both.

1: Heat issue; the card is running way too hot.

2: The card is overclocked too high.

Far Cry is likely the first challenge your 9800 Pro has ever had, which is why the issue would arise then (When it's pushing the hardest). Try cleaning the card with some compressed air or a good blow dryer set on cold.
I don't think FarCry should wreck a 9800 unless you just got a bad card...Which could be the case.

Another thing you might want to do is check your power supply. What's its wattage? Sometimes the wattage is displayed right on the back of your case...Otherwise it's on the actual power supply itself.
WickedAngel said:
It could be one of these or a combination of both.

1: Heat issue; the card is running way too hot.

2: The card is overclocked too high.

Far Cry is likely the first challenge your 9800 Pro has ever had, which is why the issue would arise then (When it's pushing the hardest). Try cleaning the card with some compressed air or a good blow dryer set on cold.

i agree with WA, it seems as though it is a heat problem, and also i find Far Cry to be the best for checking card stabilty. i had problems with my x800's OC playing Far Cry for more than 10mins, and no problems with anything else including atitool test, 3dmarko1/03, other very intensive games.
NyxVega said:
I'll restart and try the cool blow dryer. EDIT: Nope, still FUBAR.
Another thing not mentioned:
This is what usually happens when a radeon 9500/9700/9800 begins to die. You get all the funny pink pixels/textures etc. If the heat test didn't help then i'm 99% certain the card is slowly fizzing out. The exact same thing happened to my 9800np last month and i'm extremely glad i bought extended warranty protection...
NyxVega said:
The fan is working fine. I haven't tried FarCry since that first time. Would the problem still continue like this even after 3 reformats even if the card wasn't being stressed? Perhaps I should just go back to Fry's and get a new card if mine is still under warranty, I only got it in January.

I don't think it would have anything to do with the power supply, like I said, it's been running fine for about 5 months.

take it back to Fry's if you can, but you'll probably have to RMA it to the manufacturer
You didn't even get a 1 year manufacturer's warranty? Wow, that blows...Most cards offer it, even online cards.
Something terrible going on there, lol. My guess is the RAM. :D

I'm pretty sure the card's manufacturer (I'll assume ATI/BBA) has its own warranty, actually...especially if it's retail. So you should definitely investigate that. Never heard of a card w/o at least a 1-year warranty.

Looks to me like one of your RAM modules is flunking out. If warranty falls through, try underclocking the card.
Problem fixed.

IRQ resources were the cause. The USB 2.0 controller was sharing the IRQ's the Radeon was trying to use.
Good, bro...I knew it had a 1-year at least.

IRQ sharing can be a problem although it has never been so for me; although that information will be useful for me in the future. I'm quite glad you got that worked out and can enjoy that fantastic card. :)
Just about all my devices are sharing the sam3 IRQ, I can't help it, but the way I've solved what issues popped up was to removed devices :) It sucks but it works.
For a short period, I had a 9800 plugged into a cheap ECS K7S5A motherboard, that didnt supply enough voltage to the AGP slot. I got the same exact corruption that is displayed here in these screenshots.
I thought for sure my card was fubard.
I purchased an nForce 2 motherboard, and like magic, the corruption went away.
Wow that is the first time am hearing of an Irq conflict with a VGA card, btw why dont you post which mobo you have, for everyone's reference
Hi aces170, nice to see you here too ;)
NyxVega, first time I'm hearing of this. So you're without USB2 completely?
its a heat related issue with your gpu on the card. more than likely the fan has inadequate amount of thermal paste of too much put on from the manufacter. simply take off the fan , remove the thermal compound and re-apply new one and re-attack the gpu fan and should fix the problem.
Try running it with case open, maybe with external fan blowing, etc. That might solve the prob. You can also use Powerstrip, RivaTuner, Rage3dtweak, etc to Reduce the core, mem speed and that could fix all the problem.

I had to underclock the card and run it with case open when ambient temp was high, n i have zalman fitted with fan.
Put on 3.7 cats from ATI. Ever since new patches came out I've heard people here and there complaining and I never had an issue so never switched since 3.7.