HUGE (unsafe?) temp spike on 2 x 100% usage??!!

Dec 7, 2001
Hey all,

I just installed an E5200 2.5gig x 2 processor. I haven't used intel in quite a while but I am very excited about this processor. However, I had trouble getting the HSF on correctly (but finally did) and my idle temps are ~31C.

I just tried to burn a dvd w/ a program that uses 100% on both cores and the temperature spiked to 69C before I killed the program. That is WAY too high, I'm sure. As I'm typing this the core temp is back to 33C (system is at 32C).

What gives? Do I still have an improperly installed processor (used AS thermal paste w/ the stock HSF. . .had to clean off the orig. stuff after my failed attempt at mounting the HSF)

MB is ASUS P5QL pro, if it matters.

I can play FC 2 for hours and the temp never tops ~45C.

Thanks in advance!
I'll leave this here for archival purposes: One of the HSF retainer pins had popped back out of the MB. Unbelievable! The old HSF clips were a b*tch to install but they sure as hell never popped OFF!

idle@ 31, 100% 43C now (hadn't checked FULL load, just done some gaming w/ the temp alarm on. . .now I'll always keep the temp alarm on, I guess.
Heh, I had a similar problem with my AM2 socket. I noticed my load temperatures hitting 70°C+. One of the 2 clip tabs broke off. There was NOTHING stopping the HSF from falling off the CPU (and onto the back of my video card) except the sticky thermal compound. I got real lucky....
My E3110 gets into the 60s load stock, 50s idle. The cooler's not that great, but should be better than stock.

Then again, it's got a terrible VID - 1.15v.

Anyway, if mine runs fine, yours'll run fine.
This picture will help put your temperatures into the proper perspective.

Here is what happens when you run Prime 95 Small FFTs for 3 hours with an overclocked and over volted E8400 while simulating a CPU fan failure by pulling the plug!


The results. Nothing too exciting. Core processors run great even at some rather extreme temperatures.

This CPU bounced off the built in thermal throttle for 3 hours and only once did a core touch 100C. Intel designs these things to stay within spec as long as you enable TM1 / TM2 in the bios. It probably would have run longer but I thought 3 hours was more than enough to prove the point. :D

I hope my TCase reading is a little on the high side. 107C is definitely too HOT!
That is AMAZING.

I have fallen out of the "bleeding edge" because of a busy life (and still too busy to get too into it) but I still love this sh*t. :D