Humble Comedy Bundle


Dec 23, 2004
So this is the first time I've seen anything other than games up on Humble Bundle, and if you're a comedy fan, this one is a doozy:

Maria Bamford (video)
Hannibal Burress (CD)
Jim Norton (video)
Tig Notaro (CD) Louis CK called this the best comedy performance he's ever seen, and I'd tend to agree. This was the day after she found out she had breast cancer, and she made it her set. AMAZING, powerful stuff.

Pay over the average and get:

Louis CK - Live at the Beacon Theater (CD and video)
Patrice O'Neal - Mr. P (CD)
Patrice O'Neal - Unreleased (CD)

For those who don't know Patrice, he died last year, and was one of the smartest, most honest comics out there, sometimes to a fault. One of my favorite comedians of all time, and deserves to be a household name. He also had spots on Arrested Development & The Office, so you've seen him before and probably didn't realize.

I set up the payment split to go half to Patrice's family, and half to Tig Notaro to help cover her medical bills. Considering these guys are all part of the same comedy "clique", pretty sure they'd want it that way.

As always,
Good stuff here, Louis C.K. is a god but not sure what it has to do with a tech forum
its hot deal forum and charity, dont kneed anything else! Plus Steve has posted Lous ck numerous times on the front page.
It's funny, i was at one of the venues Louis CK was recording his latest special at. He eventually chose the Beacon instead, but we had 3rd row seats, and he was doing his best to cheer up the audience before the show, because snow and a massive amount of traffic in Newark, NJ had more than half the crowd over an hour late.
It's funny, i was at one of the venues Louis CK was recording his latest special at. He eventually chose the Beacon instead, but we had 3rd row seats, and he was doing his best to cheer up the audience before the show, because snow and a massive amount of traffic in Newark, NJ had more than half the crowd over an hour late.

Jealous, I am.

How was his crowd-warming? I've liked Louis CK for a long time, and I was surprised by his rise in popularity, but circumstances haven't permitted me to see him live.

Some of Louie's recorded radio appearances on Opie and Anthony (sometimes featuring Patrice or Jim Norton and others) are quite funny. He reviews the movie GAP, discusses some song featuring Hulk Hogan's daughter...other stuff... possibly worth a listen for fans. Youtube search will get you there.
He was great, actually. He basically apologized over & over for the weather, like that was his fault, told us what was going on with the HBO filming, etc, and basically bullshitted with us for a bit. He also flubbed his into a few times and had to redo it, which was funny in and of itself.

Best part: Friend texts me to tell me about the tickets, he picked up two just prior. I go and pick up two myself. I'm in the 3rd row, he's all the way in back.
Seems that these bundles would be a thorn in the side of big business, a good alternative to torrenting