Hunted: The Demon's Forge

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Supreme [H]ardness
Sep 3, 2007
Not much has been said about this title, but it looks like it will be released June 1'st. So very briefly.

Have a quick look at this, the Wikipedia entry for Brian Fargo.

Now take a look at this. He's explaining, in an extremely articulate and detailed manner, what he attempted to do with this game, and why he had to make the decisions he had to make. Just a really bright guy. Note what he says about using an engine that does what they wanted it to do. That's a problem with so many titles. The wrong engine is used for the wrong purpose. I also like what he's saying about 'world diversity' - how keeping the world interesting by changing the environment was always a priority.

Then, for gameplay footage, check this out. I love playing as archer characters, so this looks super interesting.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to this one.
I've had my eye on this for awhile. It's probably a day one purchase.

Godamn about time they made a co op fantasy game like this. Im in.
Looks interesting, the focus on co-op especially. Hopefully we'll get more information as they get closer to a release.

Wabe; You might be interested(and heck, anyone else might be too, but I'm addressing you because you're the OP) in this:

Matt Chat episode 89: Part one of his interview with Brian Fargo. I don't know who "Matt" is, but he talks with Brian about pretty much everything Interplay. Episode 89, 90, and 91 are parts 1-3 respectively, it's about an hour in total.
Looks interesting, the focus on co-op especially. Hopefully we'll get more information as they get closer to a release.

Wabe; You might be interested(and heck, anyone else might be too, but I'm addressing you because you're the OP) in this:

Matt Chat episode 89: Part one of his interview with Brian Fargo. I don't know who "Matt" is, but he talks with Brian about pretty much everything Interplay. Episode 89, 90, and 91 are parts 1-3 respectively, it's about an hour in total.


EDIT: Holy crap, look at all those titles on Fargo's shelf! That is a veritable shrine made up of the greatest games ever made. And LOL at him saying he had to visit EBay to buy some of his own titles because he never thought to hold back a copy for himself. That is great.

Seriously, this guy's name alone should be raising an interest here.
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Sounds like this guy is going to make this game to play similarly to other titles. Listening to him enlightened me to the mentality that game designers may have that, in the end, ends up robbing their efforts of the creative distinction that it needs.
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Sounds like this guy is going to make this game to play similarly to other titles. Listening to him enlightened me to the mentality that game designers may have that, in the end, ends up robbing their efforts of the creative distinction that it needs.

I'm not following you?

Also, LOL at you calling him 'this guy'. You do know who is he, right? We're talking about one of the greatest developers ever. In particular he had/has a talent for bringing talented people together and letting them do their thing. (Ever heard of a little company called Blizzard software - try reading the Wikipedia link I provided). His track record is fucking unrivaled. Does this guarantee success - of course not, but show some respect here.

If you're going to dismiss 'this guy' with a wave of your hand like that, then quite frankly nobody is safe.
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I've had my eye on this game since about June last year. I have a few friends who are just mad about everything co-op so one way or another I will end up playing it at some stage. I have hopes for it but I can't say that I would be surprised if it turns out to be a stinker. I do think it has the potential to be pretty good, though.
Tiger Woods didn't hit the green every single time, Andres Aggasi didn't ace every serve, Michael Schumacher didn't win every race, and indeed Sid Meier hasn't always created strategy games that have become instant classics - but if I hear that Sid is working on a new strategy game I sure as hell am going to sit up and take notice.

Bill Roeper, when his company was going down the tubes, expressed frustration that his name, and his name alone, was associated with Hellgate London, and he very eloquently stated that when games are successful the lead designer gets way, way too much credit - a game, rather, is made by dozens of people, all chipping in, and working towards one vision.

Brian Fargo has always had the Midas touch, because he has something that very few people possess - an ability to spot talent, and to acquire it. His track record for bringing people together, and allowing them to go at it, and make great games, is unparalleled. When I hear that this guy is creating a new game, I take notice.

I had heard about this game, but I hadn't realized that Fargo was behind it. Gamers today beat the drum about the golden age of gaming. Yeah, well 'this guy' practically WAS the golden age of gaming.
I'm not following you?

Also, LOL at you calling him 'this guy'. You do know who is he, right? We're talking about one of the greatest developers ever. In particular he had/has a talent for bringing talented people together and letting them do their thing. (Ever heard of a little company called Blizzard software - try reading the Wikipedia link I provided). His track record is fucking unrivaled. Does this guarantee success - of course not, but show some respect here.

If you're going to dismiss 'this guy' with a wave of your hand like that, then quite frankly nobody is safe.

I wasn't treating the guy any differently than anyone else. You may like to kiss his ass, but I like to look at what I see and go from there. Blizzard Entertainment, while revered, hasn't exactly made that great of games, in my opinion. Starcraft was, I believed, a so-so RTS, WoW sucks from what I know of it, and Diablo, while fun to play, wasn't exactly groundbreaking. Anyway, my point is that I was just treating the guy like I would anyone else. He is a man and to think he is beyond criticism is ridiculous. Listening to exactly what he said, it sounds like he is going to inevitably produce a game that is like many others.

Also, quite frankly no one is beyond criticism. In fact, criticism can be very helpful and that was the general spirit in which my comment was made. Although, I must admit that I find something repugnant about him. He seems to be able to make himself look good, but I feel like, below the surface, he has some demons lurking.
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I wasn't treating the guy any differently than anyone else. You may like to kiss his ass, but I like to look at what I see and go from there. Blizzard Entertainment, while revered, hasn't exactly made that great of games, in my opinion. Starcraft was, I believed, a so-so RTS, WoW sucks from what I know of it, and Diablo, while fun to play, wasn't exactly groundbreaking. Anyway, my point is that I was just treating the guy like I would anyone else. He is a man and to think he is beyond criticism is ridiculous. Listening to exactly what he said, it sounds like he is going to inevitably produce a game that is like many others.

What did you mean by this:

"Listening to him enlightened me to the mentality that game designers may have that, in the end, ends up robbing their efforts of the creative distinction that it needs."

I don't see where you're getting this from? It's especially baffling considering that 'this guy' has helped nurture into existence some of the most creative titles in the history of gaming.
Wabe, I'm with you on the golden age stuff man, really i am. But this aint the golden age. If anything Fargo's involvement in this feels like a punch in the stomach. This Gears of War stop and pop is a far cry from Wasteland or Bards Tale.. If it's gotten to the point where Fargo's sold out, then it is indeed a sad day.
The "Golden Age of Gaming," to me, was when I spent hours at the mall arcades, but whatever. :) Dungeon Master was the best RPG of the mid-80's, IMO. I thought Ultima IV was pretty good, too. Don't remember how much of Bard's Tale that I played. I think I messed around with it on an Apple, but dunno if I played the whole thing or a bit or what. I doubt I played it through. Played PC games for a long time, and, frankly, I haven't played many of the games of which he has been a part -- and I've played a ton of games. Baldur's Gate was cool, but nothing that wasn't scripted pretty much straight out of a D&D book. D&D really did a service to computer gaming, not the other way around. I'm not saying that the guy hasn't been productive, but, well, he seems sorta like a fraud.
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I kind of thought the point was there's just not enough information to go on here - but that Fargo, being the driving force behind this, increases the odds of this being good. Similarly, if I had been told that Sid Meier had been developing a strategy game, then that would up my interest considerably.

For some reason I had thought Fargo was out of gaming. I had heard about this game, but thought it was just some weird Bethesda acquisition.

Again, it's not always the one guy by himself - it's when that one guy somehow has the gift to hire a bunch of great people, and here, Fargo has proven himself time after time. I know people like this in real life - they're ridiculously successful, and they say to me constantly, you're only as good as the people you hire.

I guess what I find kind of weird about people being skeptical of 'this guy' is that if they're going to be skeptical of him - Brian frickin' Fargo, a guy who would clearly be in the game designers' hall of fame, if there was one - then who are they NOT going to be skeptical about? Maybe, in that case, time to find a different hobby, eh?
Love to know why you think he is so great, I'm still trying to find a reason. I do admire his productivity. Alice Cooper is in the Rock 'n Roll Hall of Fame, and I think his music totally sucks.
Love to know why you think he is so great, I'm still trying to find a reason. I do admire his productivity.

I was just about to write that I don't think he's great, but then I was reminded of the video that was linked to above, and the sight of Brian Fargo's bookshelf with all the titles on it that he had a direct hand in producing.

Okay, we've had some heated discussions at this forum about contemporary games, and about games from the past, and which ones were great and which ones wer bad.

You clearly have issues with present day developers - that's what started all this. Well alright then, take a look at Fargo's shelf. Just... fucking... look at it. If that doesn't impress you either, then you, my friend, are clearly a person who does not like gaming, period.
So a Wikipedia page is supposed to make us all reverie someone that no one has heard of? How is someone who is supposed to be so great, so obscure? He isn't, thats how.
I was just about to write that I don't think he's great, but then I was reminded of the video that was linked to above, and the sight of Brian Fargo's bookshelf with all the titles on it that he had a direct hand in producing.

Okay, we've had some heated discussions at this forum about contemporary games, and about games from the past, and which ones were great and which ones wer bad.

You clearly have issues with present day developers - that's what started all this. Well alright then, take a look at Fargo's shelf. Just... fucking... look at it. If that doesn't impress you either, then you, my friend, are clearly a person who does not like gaming, period.

I've been playing computer games since I was about five, and I'm now 38. My family fortunately owned a Fairchild Channel F, because my Dad was a "successful" businessman. So, please, don't tell me I don't love games, because I don't kiss some guy's ass whose games I rarely played.
Easy everyone. Anyways, game seems interesting. Looks like fun, hopefully more than a 10 hour adventure. I'll definitely keep my eyes open.
Truth is the guy was smart to get into the industry when he did. He had a huge headstart on a lot of other people. Now, if you get into coding games and whatnot, you are likely to find yourself on a bottom of a pile.
What the hell is this... so now even Brian Fargo is getting the treatment!!!

Who the fuck is left!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've never used that many exclamation marks in my life... but seriously... WTF? My god, if it were revealed that Jesus Christ himself had just designed a game some of you guys would probably still be skeptical. Do we have to resurrect Leonard Fucking Da Vinci and get him to make a game - maybe we could get Mozart to write the score?

Just... unbelievable.
People don't care about who makes the games, only that they are good or not, you're picking the wrong thing for us to give a shit about.
People don't care about who makes the games, only that they are good or not, you're picking the wrong thing for us to give a shit about.

Fail post.

People absolutey do care about who develops the games.

If an announcement was made at E3 that, say, Joey Schmoey, from Queens, had developed a strategy game, and then two hours later another announcement was made, that Sid Meier had developed a strategy game, are you telling me that people wouldn't give a damn about the developer, but would focus solely on the strategy games themselves. Bullshit they would. Sid Meier has earned a reputation, and for that reason alone people would be drawn to his game.

Yeah, right, a developer with an amazing track record should be treated like every other designer - not.

I suggest, Fail, that you take a second gander at the video in which Mr. Fargo's shelf is revealed. Take a look at the titles that are resting on that shelf. If that shelf doesn't impress you - and clearly you too are a guy who finds fault with most contemporary developers, judging by your posting history - then, pray, tell... what WOULD impress you.

You can be critical of developers all you like, but there comes a time... and this is it.. when a person either has to put up or shut up.

Don't make me list all those titles on his shelf. I swear to god, it will just make your argument look foolish.

But I want to know, which developer has a better track record than Mr. Fargo? Which developer on the face of this planet has a shelf that can even compare with that one? I want to know. I want to SEE that name.
It was a marketing ploy to sell Civilization as Sid Meier's Civilization. Some people are turned off by that kind of crap. I think the only game I played of his was F-15 Strike Eagle, and I liked it. I've heard the Civ series was good, of course, but things about it turned me away from buying it everytime I was in the gaming stores or thought about buying it online.

Again, the gaming industry was a whole different ballgame in the 1980's when these guys got started. The industry wasn't owned and controlled like it is today.
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Wabe is at it again, flaming users simply because they disagree with his opinion...

Anyway, the game looks great, and I look forward to spending many hours in CO-OP with my brother.
Fail post.

People absolutey do care about who develops the games.

If an announcement was made at E3 that, say, Joey Schmoey, from Queens, had developed a strategy game, and then two hours later another announcement was made, that Sid Meier had developed a strategy game, are you telling me that people wouldn't give a damn about the developer, but would focus solely on the strategy games themselves. Bullshit they would. Sid Meier has earned a reputation, and for that reason alone people would be drawn to his game.

Yeah, right, a developer with an amazing track record should be treated like every other designer - not.

I suggest, Fail, that you take a second gander at the video in which Mr. Fargo's shelf is revealed. Take a look at the titles that are resting on that shelf. If that shelf doesn't impress you - and clearly you too are a guy who finds fault with most contemporary developers, judging by your posting history - then, pray, tell... what WOULD impress you.

You can be critical of developers all you like, but there comes a time... and this is it.. when a person either has to put up or shut up.

Don't make me list all those titles on his shelf. I swear to god, it will just make your argument look foolish.

But I want to know, which developer has a better track record than Mr. Fargo? Which developer on the face of this planet has a shelf that can even compare with that one? I want to know. I want to SEE that name.

Shigeru Miyamoto eats Brian Fargo for breakfast, so does Hideo Kojima.

Sorry son, thanks for playing.
Yeah, I definitely enjoyed Gauntlet back in the day.

Anyway, my brother and I are about halfway through Borderlands right now (we're both VERY thorough when it comes to RPG playthroughs), and once we're done, we'll be looking for another CO-OP title to enjoy, and this game is close to the top of my list.

I respect Fargo's track record and reputation, but Wabe, given the fact that he's content to stay out of the limelight despite the role he played in founding various successful developers as well as his game development endeavors, I don't think he would want you to be white-knighting him. I dunno, it's just the vibe I get from him, and it's something I respect.
Anyway, my brother and I are about halfway through Borderlands right now (we're both VERY thorough when it comes to RPG playthroughs), and once we're done, we'll be looking for another CO-OP title to enjoy, and this game is close to the top of my list.

My next older brother is like that, he's has to finish all the quests, etc. Personally, I let that sorta stuff go, so I can enjoy myself. I try to make sure I don't miss anything important or interesting, though.
Shigeru Miyamoto eats Brian Fargo for breakfast, so does Hideo Kojima.

Sorry son, thanks for playing.

Ah yes, when I think about the golden age of PC Gaming, which is what we were discussing here, of course the legends, Shigeru Miyamoto, and Hideo Kojima, automatically spring to mind. Did you just make those names up? They sound like Japanese Generals from World War Two?

Pray, tell, which classic PC games were these two responsible for? Fallout perhaps? Perhaps they were the unsung heroes who refused to take credit for Planescape Torment? Icewind Dale, Deus Ex?

May I remind you that this forum is about PC Gaming. If we're talking about some ridiculous console games here then I'm not even remotely interested. You can discuss that nonsense here.;title;6
He looks like a nobody to me. When was the last time he was on a team which developed a popular/good/great game? 8-10 years? Someone that is as great as you say he is would surely of had at least a couple groundbreaking or blockbuster games in the last couple years.
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I just watched the video you linked WabeWalker. I found it hilarious that it was an xbox 360 site which did the interview. Let me guess, this is going to be one more crap console port which you are going to eat up like you have Crysis 2 and DA: O.
Report his posts. When I report posts they get ignored.

Because a huge number of people don't understand what debate is. Debate is about attacking a person's views - and yes I used the word attack.

You're free to attack my views in return - give as good as you get. It's only when one's ideas are under attack that they're truly put to the test.

A personal insult, on the other hand, is directly calling a guy a dickhead or telling him to fuck off - your posts, if they're really well written, will communicate that sentiment anyhow, and will be one hundred times more powerful because you DIDN'T tell the guy to fuck off. At this forum I've done that just once - just out and out told a guy to go fuck himself. I deeply regretted it the next day. It was one of the worst things I've ever done at any forum and the next day I was deeply ashamed of myself for having done it.

At no point in this thread did I attack any person. Their views - yes. Aggressively - yes. That's what forums have always been about.

The fact is, you just don't like me. You don't like what I write. And you want me gone. THAT'S what's really happening here.
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