Hurry. Refurb Senn HD600 for $179 shipped at Amazon.


Aug 9, 2002
Factory-Reconditioned Sennheiser HD600 Headphones

List Price: $449.99
Price: $178.94 & This item ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping. See details.
While Supplies Last.

Use your favorite Amazon refferal link and serch for ASIN: B00079P73E.
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This is reeeeeeally tempting. It's another 30 off if I sign up and use the Amazon Visa card making the total 148.94!
I hope this deal won't disappear too soon. I'm still trying to determine if I should keep my relatively new HD280s or sell them and go for these HD600s instead.
SockMan - how do you like your 280s? I'm looking to get something for under $100 for my brother for graduation...he's really got untrained ears, so he doesn't need something great. He'd be using them with his Dell laptop, so no great soundcard. Are they ok w/o an amp? Thanks for any help.
The 280s are great sounding sealed headphones (though I have nothing to compare them to besides the HD497s and cheap Koss and Phillips headphones). They block quite a bit of ambient noise and are quite comfortable so long as you don't mind the pressure it puts on the sides of your head. They work well without an amp: I think it sounds a tiny bit more refined when hooked up to a cheap amp like the PA2V2 from Electronic Avenues, but the difference is so slight that it might just be a placebo effect.

One problem is the headband: as many have experienced the cheap plastic headband is starting to crack after a month of heavy use. I put some black duct tape on the headbands to help prevent the cracks from spreading and it seems to work (it's not as though the headphones are fashionable anyway: they look like a C-clamp on your head!).

Also, they require a lot of burn-in to sound their best. They sound terrible right out of the box, but they sound significantly better after a day. I put several hundred hours on my headphones and I love the sound. The bass goes really low, though the overall bass is a little weak (though the blue-tak mod that I used definately helps). Overall, they sound great for maybe all but the most serious bassheads. Of course, only the listener's ears can determine this for sure. I think they'll make a great upgrade for someone use to listening to cheapo headphones that you find in most stores.

I'm seriously thinking of selling them because I suspect that they may have contributed to my recent case of tinnitus, possibly due to the sealed design or the pressure on my head. I didn't have any problems with any other headphones that I used, so I think I have sensitive ear drums or something. Since health > headphones, I'm hesitant to use them; so I might just sell 'em and put the money toward an HD600 provided that they don't discontinue the sale before I make up my mind.
You could just get new 580s and they'd sound only minutely different, if I understand their differences correctly.
Craftish said:
You could just get new 580s and they'd sound only minutely different, if I understand their differences correctly.
Yeah, but if I can get the next step up for the same price, then I'd do it. They may be refurbs, but they are essentially new.
SockMan! said:
Yeah, but if I can get the next step up for the same price, then I'd do it. They may be refurbs, but they are essentially new.
I guess it depends on how refurbished Senn refurbs are. Mileage definitely varies from company to company. I'd imagine with headphones though they'd be pretty new; probably the result of originally faulty speakers or something.
Anyone know what types of music these are best suited to? I went ahead and ordered them, I guess I can send them back if I don't like how they sound.

molson3530 said:
Anyone know what types of music these are best suited to? I went ahead and ordered them, I guess I can send them back if I don't like how they sound.

To further clarify, they are very accurate but people who listen to a lot of hard rock or bass heavy music often prefer the louder, more direct presentation of Grado cans.
Darn, looks like this deal is dead. And I was just about to order one too. Oh well.
Factory-Reconditioned Sennheiser HD600 Over-Ear Open Dynamic Hi-Fi Professional Stereo Headphones
Share your own customer images
Price: $1,894.94 & This item ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping. See details.

Availability: Usually ships within 24 hours

Hot damn! It ships for free and it cost just under $2k. Quite a price swing, woudn't you say?
I guess this deal is still on, albiet not as hot. Price is now $189. I'm guessing that whoever adjusted the price earlier misplaced the decimal.

I decided to go for it. Would've saved $10 had I ordered it yesterday, but I'll just have to skip a haircut to make up the price difference. :D I'm not going to take the chance to miss out on this again.