hyper stacker

thanks gues, i gess that i will start istalling the WC stuff tomorrow. wish me luck.
Solarfall said:
thanks gues, i gess that i will start istalling the WC stuff tomorrow. wish me luck.

Luck! Though I doubt you will need it. Just take your time! We have faith in you!
hey gues
i've just finished installing the water cooling gear in my computer and the only thing
i can say is WOW. the temps dropped about 15c*. right now core temp is showing me following temperatures:
for core 0# 23C* and core 1# 28 c*. temps for gpu were 32-35c* pretty much stayed the same
under idle and load
freaking amazing, i should have done this ages ago. needles to say i will defineatly will do some overclocking and try get some extra mhz from my FX

here are some pics:

Dust were?????? :D


my bellowed


problems ahead !!!!!!


nothing that an iron saw can't handle.


heres my hover..... i mean power supply :D


i figured that that the safest way to fill this beast would be to use another motherboard to
fire up my pump.


filling in progress!!!!


here is all from me now ....bye all
filthysanchez said:
did you already leak test?

sure did. actually got the gear installed yesterday ewening and left it running over night, the computer has been on since. i don't think i will be having any leaks thoug cos the swiftech barbs that i have are really tight, in fact once i got them fastenned to the blocks i chould not get them out... and note that i have a very fysical jop so the strenght is not an issue :D

actually i have a question to everybody reading this, i noticed small bobles in side my tubes .
is this something to get worried about or is it just normal and the bobles will go away in time?
Is it just me, or does your dust look green?

I really like the color choices.
meinzorn said:
Is it just me, or does your dust look green?

I really like the color choices.

haha i was woundering how whould be the first one to notice my "radioactive dust" i think it came when i was doing the airbrushing to those few parts, so its actually tiny paint flakes that have traveled to my zalman and psu.
BTW it's yellow dust in the photo it looks like green.
[H]Opterown said:
Simple yet very nice looking mod. Thumbs up! :cool:

thanks man i'm very happy with the case mod but its far from beeing finnished i still have some nice features that i'm going to add in to this mod, so it's not done yet !!!
time to some small updates!!!!

well the project is closing at the end. but there a few things that i need to do before i can say that this monster that i have created is finished
ok on with the update this time i concentrated at front of the stacker, so i desided to use the left over mesh that i had to cover the rest of the front
here are the pics

again started by sketching what i was going to bend !


i did a little bit of bending so the front peace would look like it would have always been there


here its all done. also here you can see that i have finally put the thermometers on the rad "mount feet". the left one is showing the temperature of my cpu and in the right hand side you can see gpu temp. in the pic im just been running prime for couple of hours and stressing the system, thats why the temps are that high :cool:


here is some crappy cable management


i still have to do the window and maybe some sort of a shroud for the bottom rad
thats all folks
regarding your HDD cage, if you remove the three pieces of metal from the front of the HDD cage you will greatly increase airflow across yoyour HDDs and also lose a dust catcher that would only limit air flow.

Sweet look to the case and I like how you mounted your PA.
Wow nice work. I love the yellow/black combination.

now just try and manage those cables alittle better!

well, when you're done in the sauna, that is :D ;)
If you have access to any black heatshrink, I would heatshrink the wires coming from the fans on the top radiator. That would clean up that bit of wiring very nicely.
LightningCrash said:
If you have access to any black heatshrink, I would heatshrink the wires coming from the fans on the top radiator. That would clean up that bit of wiring very nicely.

Heatshrink and sleeve :).
DarkenReaper57 said:
Heatshrink and sleeve :).

yep i should do it, but i don't seem to find any time to finish my stacker. mayby i can find time next week. and i actually almost got this thing finished only a window is missing, i fuck*ng cracked the acrylic window right down the middle, oh the pain. in the mean time enjoy this sneak peak, i know the cable management is horrible :) don't worry I'll fix that next week when i get my new wc block from EK.

Very nice work!

I followed the link in your signature from xs forums to here to check out your stacker :p i love
watching peoples projects unfold the uv and black colour scheme :D it makes it look great!

By the way, what power supply is that?
Very nice work!

I followed the link in your signature from xs forums to here to check out your stacker :p i love
watching peoples projects unfold the uv and black colour scheme :D it makes it look great!

By the way, what power supply is that?

thank's man..... The psu is a piece of crap called levicom. It's 520 W can't remember but i thing the manufacturer was aspire or something? :rolleyes:
Having 2 radiators, i don't think so that you might need fans on the radiator. You have enough cooling power to run your computer passive.
Having 2 radiators, i don't think so that you might need fans on the radiator. You have enough cooling power to run your computer passive.

mmm don't think so. cos i'm overclocking pretty much all of my components and of cource running higher than stock volts trough them.... Waaay higher.
And i like doing every thing over the top anyways :D . i'm curently thinking of doing 2 loops, only thing i need is a nother pump.:D