Hyper-V Manager not connecting to Hyper-V server


Limp Gawd
Mar 29, 2007
I've turned off firewalls at both ends. put both in the same workgroup. And enabled all the remote features on the Hyper-V Server. Both systems can ping and resolve each others names.

But I get the error "Cannot connect to the RPC service on computer ''. Make sure your RPC service is running.

I've checked and set RPC to automatic and started it but I still get the error message.

I tried using services.msc on the server but it can't find it. Since it's not a gui interface I'm not sure where to look on the server for that service.

I'm still researching it on my end but if someone with Hyper-V knowledge (not as a role but as a server) could help me out I would greatly appreciate it.
going to need the version of Hyper-v Server and the OS that you are using to connect from.
Have you used hvremote.wcf ? It's a great tool to configure remote management of hyper-v
Besides maybe you haven't add user to hyperv that can access hyperv console.
have you made sure that the user account being used to connect to the host is in the admin group?
Well the network is currently setup as a workgroup. But yes I created an admin account with the same username/password as the account I log into the Win7 machine with.

Understand though this is the CLI Hyper-V Server. Not the GUI(Role that you enable in Windows Server).

That is part of the problem. All the info I find online seems to be for the role version instead of the stand alone CLI version.
Well I took a couple days off to let my head clear and I finally found a tutorial on how to install and start powershell via the CLI. Here is the link. It wasn't correct for my setup but it did allow me to see the differences and figure it out.


I still can't connect with the Hyper-V Manager from the Win7 machine but this is the next best thing as I will be able to start creating and running VMD's.
I had this exact same issue and never did figur it out. Id like to get it figured out sometime though.
Ill have to try the CLI method though.
is the hypervisor running? after you enable it in the bios make sure to power cycle the machine. if it is not running it will give an RPC error when trying to connect remotely.
The explanation for this problem is pretty simple: Microsoft assumed that Hyper-V Server would be used in Domain environments, where Group Policy would dictate the firewall settings / DCOM configuration, Kerberos would be used for auth, etc.

To get it working in a Workgroup, you need to disable a number of security features. This has been documented online. I'll try to find you a good link.

HVRemote is helpful, but you need to run it on both the Hyper-V server and on the Workstation(s) that will access the Hyper-V console.

EDIT: Here's a later post I made which includes the information requested: http://hardforum.com/showpost.php?p=1039124308&postcount=18
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SpoonMan-EQ: Hypervisor in the BIOS?

Gigas-VII: If you can find that link I would be greatful. ESXi 5.1 doesn't like my raid controller so my options are being limited. And I got the new server put together so am really eager to play with it ;)
To clarify he means make sure VT-x, d, IOMMU, whatever is enabled in the BIOS of the hardware. then power cycle it the hardware.

10-second guide isn't going to cut it for CLI (Hyper-V Server 2008R2) installation.
Go to this link click the downloads tab and download the HVRemote.wsf AND the documentation. RTM then Install HVRemote on both the server and all clients you want to access the server with.
I think I had to turn off the public firewall on the server. Can't quite remember since I went to full 08R2 years ago.
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I had issues connecting and managing Server HyperV 2012 as well.
Testing out Server 2012 with the HyperV role added instead.

Looking at possibly replacing ESXi 5 with HyperV when I build my new server.
The explanation for this problem is pretty simple: Microsoft assumed that Hyper-V Server would be used in Domain environments, where Group Policy would dictate the firewall settings / DCOM configuration, Kerberos would be used for auth, etc.

To get it working in a Workgroup, you need to disable a number of security features. This has been documented online. I'll try to find you a good link.

HVRemote is helpful, but you need to run it on both the Hyper-V server and on the Workstation(s) that will access the Hyper-V console.

This /\. It wont work until you do this. You can do the changes without HVRemote but it looks like a major pain in the ass.
Gigas-VII: Have you by chance found that link yet? Thanks in advance ;)
Sorry, I caught a nasty (human)virus and was pretty sick for a week there, and completely forgot to get it. I'm working on a good set of instructions now. I'll update this as I work.
VirtualPC Guy Blog: Configuring Remote Management of Hyper-V Server - in a Workgroup
Public Jotting - Hyper-V Server 2012 and remote hyper-v management in a Workgroup (on windows 8 client)

Here's what I remember doing:

Steps to take on both machines:
1) WinRM QuickConfig:
winrm quickconfig
2) WinRM Connection Whitelist (no auth required from these host)
winrm set winrm/config/client @{TrustedHosts="*"}
3) After setting the rule above, make sure to use strict firewalling (Windows Firewall and / or appliance) to control access to your systems via WinRM.

Steps to take on the Hyper-V Server:
1) Add a local user with identical credentials to the account you intended to use from your admin workstation. Do this from sconfig
2) Remote RPC (this is for legacy MMC consoles, like Device Manager and the Virtual Disk manager):
reg add HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\DeviceInstall\Settings /v AllowRemoteRPC /t reg_dword /d 1
3) Allow various firewall rule groups, via powershell (You can skip some of these if you don't need them):
netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group="Remote Administration" new enable=yes
netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group="File and Printer Sharing" new enable=yes
netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group="Remote Service Management" new enable=yes
netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group="Performance Logs and Alerts" new enable=yes
netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group="Remote Event Log Management" new enable=yes
netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group="Remote Scheduled Tasks Management" new enable=yes
netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group="Remote Volume Management" new enable=yes
netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group="Remote Desktop" new enable=yes
netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group="Windows Firewall Remote Management" new enable =yes
netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group="windows management instrumentation (wmi)" new enable =yes

Steps to take on the administration workstation(s):
1) Install RSAT (get the appropriate version for your OS
RSAT for Windows 7 SP1
RSAT for Windows 8 (says Release Preview, but has been confirmed to have been updated for RTM, title of page is incorrect)
2) From "Add / Remote Windows Features", install the Hyper-V Tools.
3) Run HVRemote from an Administrative Command Prompt:
cscript hvremote.wsf /mode:client /anondcom:grant /firewallhypervclient:enable /mmc:enable
3a) You can verify the anondcom part of the above, or perform it manually, by doing the following:
  1. dcomcnfg
  2. Select "Console Root > Component Services > Computers > My Computer"
  3. Right click and select properties
  4. Select the tab "COM Security"
  5. Click on "Edit Limits" for the Access Permissions
  6. Allow remote access by setting the checkmark for the "ANONYMOUS LOGON"
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