HyperX PC4000


Nov 18, 2003
I'm thinking about getting a HyperX PC4000 512mb stick up from BestBuy, its only $120 there. Anybody have an opinion on how this RAM preforms?
I just picked one up from bestbuy yesterday. As far as I can tell it works fine but i have 3 sticks 2 which are 256 pc3200. Gonna pick up another stick soon to run it in dual channel...
Well theres no point on buying PC4000 unless you have a p4 that harness all that bandwidth. Otherwise i'd get some low latency pc3200/3500
I am running 1 GB (2X512) in a Abit IC-7 G @ 260 FSB 1:1 ratio with a 2.4C OC'd to 3.12 Ghz. This setup is stable, but any higher and windows starts BSODing on me. Settings are 3-4-4-8. I have tried different ram, so i am almost sure the limit is with my CPU, not the memory. Esp, since at around 3.2Ghz the temps go over 70 degrees celsius at load.

I am getting Sisandra memory bandwidth scores around 6100 with these settings. I think it is great ram for the price!