I am considering picking up BF2


Jun 26, 2004
Ok so I haven’t done all that much gaming in the past few months and it’s been like a year since I played a FPS online. The last one I played online was Joint Ops and honestly I enjoyed it. Heck I played the hell out of the demo while I waited for it. I quit playing because of all the bullshit people liked to pull. I might have to give it another try but on to the point of my post.

Seeing the [H] BF2 weekends has got me considering picking the game up and giving it a try. I have read most of the tutorials people have written on the game. I really like the idea of 6 man squads. I often played the DF games online with a small group of friends using Roger Wilco to communicate and work together.

So what I am wondering is how had do you guys think it will be for me to get the hang of BF2? Is it a game where I will really need a lot of practice? Should I be concerned about just trying to jump right in and play with you guys on the weekend? I mean I don’t want to cause problems and ruin everyone else’s fun.

Oh and I also have a few game play questions. Is it possible to chose what squad your on and can a squad kick another squad member out?
yes you can choose squad, and yes you can kick, ( if you are squad leader) I was a full-fledge CS:S player and went to BF2, took me a few days to really get the hang of it, but now I am doing pretty good. Go get it!
Personally, I own BF2, and have since it came out. But if I were looking to buy it today, I'd say don't. Wait for Quake Wars or choose something different because BF2 in my opinion is a worse game today than when it was released because of the changes EA implemented.
No . . . it's a worse game today, if you played it from the BEGINNING. If he get's it today, then he isn't missing any of the old fun, or in EA's eyes, "exploits."

You can rip on BF2 all you want. I'm a hardcore fan, and even I'm pissed at some things; however, nothing will change the fact that it's probably the best multiplayer game out there today.
Alright, I am going to pick the game up after work. I think I am just going to go ahead and get the deluxe edition.

I have every evening free next week so I hope to get about an hour of gaming in each night. I think the only thing that would ruin the game for me is if people are constantly exploiting flaws in the game and or flat out cheating all the time.
You'll be fine man, I started in the early BF2 days, but walked away for a LONG time since I got hired here. I still love playing the game.

I'd suggest getting some good buddies though, I pretty much only play with a static squad of guys now using vent, but man we are usually a moving death machine. ;)

At any rate, you'll find the [H] squads/team on the weekend to be very cohesive and mature, and a blast to play with.

Another suggestion I have is to make an Xfire account. Feel free to add me, and add all the guys from [H]. You can then join their games and always play with them. :)
Rich Tate said:
You'll be fine man, I started in the early BF2 days, but walked away for a LONG time since I got hired here. I still love playing the game.

I'd suggest getting some good buddies though, I pretty much only play with a static squad of guys now using vent, but man we are usually a moving death machine. ;)

At any rate, you'll find the [H] squads/team on the weekend to be very cohesive and mature, and a blast to play with.

Another suggestion I have is to make an Xfire account. Feel free to add me, and add all the guys from [H]. You can then join their games and always play with them. :)

Im about to get some free time and finally join these weekends. My question is, do you guys play alot of SF? Its only 20 bucks now and if that is all you play, I probably will go pick it up. Im not going to get the booster packs though.
We have yet to get anyone playing SF, but if I'm playing solo that's all I play personally.

Once again I do have Xfire so I'm easy to track down. ;)

This week we have been playing nothing but AF and loving it.

I would have no problem suggesting both SF and AF to you.

The SF games are usually a lot more thought out in terms of play, it's more like surgery.

AF is a blast period, its wide open chaos everywhere, but a guy on foot has just as good of a chance as a guy in the tank if he's equipped or flanked well.
Thanks Rich

I use to play the original DF on a dialup connection with some guys I met playing War Zone 2100, RBL (Rebel) and NF (No Fear) we later moved to Land Warrior. We always had a great time playing; none of us ever took it to serious and just played for fun. I guess you could say I hope to find a squad like that in the [H] BF2 weekend.

I am going to download AF but haven’t decided on SF yet. It sounds great so I am sure I will. So you should be able to add me to the list of people who wants to play so SF. Maybe one day we can get enough people on at the same time for a few rounds.

Ok I signed up for xfire and downloaded it but it’s past my bed time. See you guys tomorrow when I get home with the game or Sunday if you aren’t still playing.
I have BF2. And i'd recommend that you find someone with a copy in your area first and try it out.

It's great when you finally get a connection. But 19 out of 20 times, i simply give up trying to connect. You spend 10 minutes getting online, the hassle involved is really too much :( I've been trying to sell it in my area cheap, and NOBODY wants to buy it.
wow, looks like you need to reformat your computer.... takes that long to connect and play... hmmmm I can click on my BF2 icon and be in a 64 player game in 3.5 minutes :) And I only got a gig of ram too hjehe
Lazy_Moron said:
Im about to get some free time and finally join these weekends. My question is, do you guys play alot of SF? Its only 20 bucks now and if that is all you play, I probably will go pick it up. Im not going to get the booster packs though.

I've had SF since the day it hit the shelves. I played it for about an hour and a half, total (contrasted with my nearly 500 hours of vanilla BF2 play). Just didn't dig it that much.

But I don't feel ripped off in the slightest, because SF also gave me new weapons unlocks that I use in regular BF2, and I really like the weapons.

And look around, I think there's a new BF2 SKU recently released that includes both the original game and SF, for $39 or something like that.

After you get the game, you MAY want to spend a couple hours playing single player at Expert settings, just to get a good feel for how things work, and to give you a chance to remap controls to suit you if needed...before you show up as fresh meat on a multi-play server. ;)

But seriously, doing that first will greatly reduce your sense of frustration when playing against people who've had the game for nearly a year.
How many dam BF2 add-ons are already out?

i was going to buy it too and now i see they alreadygot like 3 add-ons for it, so now a $50 game is $100.
Well there is the Special Forces add-on as well as 2 booster packs I think they call them, Euro Force and Armored Fury. From what I have seen no one seems to play EF however the new AF seems to be quite popular.

Speaking of the add-ons and such for BF2 as I mentioned earlier I plan to just pick the deluxe edition of BF2. I am under the impression it is just vanilla BF2 with the one add-on but witch one? I am guessing it comes with EF and if that is the case should I even bother with it over the vanilla BF2?

Ok well it seems like I found my answer to what the deluxe edition is all about, BF2+SF. So yea I am defiantly going to pick that up instead of the vanilla BF2.

I have a feeling work is going to go by so slow today. I have only been here 15 min and already I can’t wait to go pick up the game.
Croak said:
After you get the game, you MAY want to spend a couple hours playing single player at Expert settings, just to get a good feel for how things work, and to give you a chance to remap controls to suit you if needed...before you show up as fresh meat on a multi-play server. ;)

But seriously, doing that first will greatly reduce your sense of frustration when playing against people who've had the game for nearly a year.

Assuming I can remap most of the keys I am not to concerned with getting use to the key mapping. I have played a lot of FPS games over the years so I know what keys I prefer to do what in a game. Changing the key maps is usually the second thing I do while setting up the game. I am going to play some single player though to get use to the weapons and there sights.
yes, and remember to take the Jets/helis for a run in single player to get the feel of them lol, otherwise.... you're gonna be cussed out so much online hehe.
aZn_plyR said:
yes, and remember to take the Jets/helis for a run in single player to get the feel of them lol, otherwise.... you're gonna be cussed out so much online hehe.

This is a prime example of getting called a noob. ;)

I never fly because A) I have no stick B) I suck at it.

I'm more of a run and gun type guy, but my squad buddies are machines in the air. It is nice when your pinned down to key vent and tell Krusher to come carpet your area, bad guys no more. :D
MrGuvernment said:
How many dam BF2 add-ons are already out?

i was going to buy it too and now i see they alreadygot like 3 add-ons for it, so now a $50 game is $100.

It's still a 50 dollar game. Nobody is forcing you to buy the add ons.

The majority of players still just play the basic version (vanilla)
Rich Tate said:
This is a prime example of getting called a noob. ;)

I never fly because A) I have no stick B) I suck at it.

I'm more of a run and gun type guy, but my squad buddies are machines in the air. It is nice when your pinned down to key vent and tell Krusher to come carpet your area, bad guys no more. :D

Just B) you suck at it is a valid reason. I can fly anything in BF2 very well with only a mouse and keyboard, especially heli's. Don't need a joystick.
From what I have been seeing BF2 vanilla is no longer a $50 game. You can now get the Deluxe Edition (BF2+SF) for that price. The booster packs are only $10 so if you want everything all said and done you are looking at about $70. Someone please correct me if I am wrong.
I always wait till the games come down to $30. I think I have a couple more months for BF2.
Ok well just 3 more hours until I am done working and probably another hour for me to go get the game and get home. Not to mention waiting for it to install, update, and to test for stability. I might be ready to play by 8pm EST. Are the [H] servers up all night and if so how long do people usually play for?

Anyone have any recommended settings for someone running a 9700 on a 2.8 P4 with a gig of ram?
Snotrocket said:
It's still a 50 dollar game. Nobody is forcing you to buy the add ons.

The majority of players still just play the basic version (vanilla)

I understand no one is forcing me to buy it, but this being an EA title, they give you "add-on" packs for the game when they cant even fix bugs in the main core game, and they charge a fortune for the add-ons and dont allow any 3rd party people in to do mods for it.

just frustrating, i mean BF could be as big as CS was / is if they allowed 3rd party people to do their own mods for it.

and if you can get the deluxe pack is not bad for $50 - to me $50 is a good price for games, sure cheaper is nicer, but look at what goes into these games - sure people will drop $400 on a vid card then complain whena video game is $50.
MrGuvernment said:
just frustrating, i mean BF could be as big as CS was / is if they allowed 3rd party people to do their own mods for it.

There are 3rd party mods. They are allowed. You have to look for them.