i bent like 30 pins

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Matt Samoohi said:
UGH whats more important right now a 430$ piece of silicon or some grammer.
to the reader (who's invested $0 in this thread), prolly the grammar.
Matt Samoohi said:
UGH whats more important right now a 430$ piece of silicon or some grammer.

Considering your silicon is effectively useless, let's work with what we can fix ;)

Kidding, get on the phone.
xFlankerx said:
That's the spirit!

Now learn to type. This isn't AIM. This is [H]ardForums. Change the way you type if you want more help. And learn what a period and a comma are.
ok i fixed my glasses at fast fix in roosevelt field mall they also do jewelery repair so im all good ill be goin g to the mall on the weekend anyway i let you guys know how this goes
ok judt got off the phone the half english speaking lady said that they dont have laser wielders. UGH who does.
stormshadow said:
to the reader (who's invested $0 in this thread), prolly the grammar.

Witty-est (wittiest doesn't have the same effect) post in this thread. :D

mr saturn said:
Considering your silicon is effectively useless, let's work with what we can fix ;)

Second-witty-est post in this thread. ;)

stormshadow said:

Wrong generation. I don't know who that guy is. :(
Matt Samoohi said:
ok i fixed my glasses at fast fix in roosevelt field mall they also do jewelery repair so im all good ill be goin g to the mall on the weekend anyway i let you guys know how this goes
A 'Fast Fix' place probably isnt going to have the soldering equipment needed to fix the pin, especially true if the place is a kiosk in a mall (which I am guessing it is). You need to find a place that actually makes jewelry in the store.
On a more serious note: Thats quite an interesting way to get it fixed. Really shows off the power of online forums and how helpful they can be (when they can read what the OP types, that is).
Matt Samoohi said:
UGH whats more important right now a 430$ piece of silicon or some grammer.

Well, I geuss for you the processor might be important, though, that doesn't make your terrible GRAMMAR any less unbearable.

flames11024 (12:03:21 PM): yes it arrfived but a tragity happened'
flames11024 (12:03:31 PM): i pin feell from my pros while putting it in


do you play diablo 2 by any chance?
Matt Samoohi said:
does anybody who lives in long island recomend someone to me.
i'm in long island and my uncle is a jeweler - and yes, he's got a laser welder.
wiretap said:
This nearly reminds me of the thread where the person said their PCI-E card wouldn't fit into their AGP slot, so they used a hacksaw to cut it to fit. LOL. Except that thread was a joke... :D
I thought it was real lol :D
wiretap said:
This nearly reminds me of the thread where the person said their PCI-E card wouldn't fit into their AGP slot, so they used a hacksaw to cut it to fit. LOL. Except that thread was a joke... :D

I know no one cares, but that was on Tech-Forums (my home forum). For a small forum, that thread made it insanely popular.

SKL1 said:
I thought it was real lol :D

Nah, the users on there were pretty critical. One photoshopped the entire slot off to show that it could be done and that it looked real.

Here's the thread.

I'm glad to say I was a part of such a momentous event. :)
Hehe...people should read before they waste their parents' money on expensive processors.
But seriously, how hard is it to lift up a lever and match the triangle with the triangle?
stormshadow said:
uhh yea...

hence ashton.jpg

Honestly, it wasn't that funny.

It's gone from pointing in the right direction with a side of mocking him, to completely misinforming this kid. This thread should be locked.
and post a pic of what we're talking about here...

(otherwise this thread won't reach celebrity status on the interweb)
stormshadow said:
(otherwise this thread won't reach celebrity status on the interweb)

OH OH, GOOD IDEA. I'm not even joking. Having been a live witness to the 7800GTX fiasco, this should be excellent. :)
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