I busted a kid at work today trying to steal a game part 2

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DR_K13 said:
I do miss all the women. Its hard to be 26 years old and all your friends are going to the bar to pick up chicks. And you cant go

I have a wife and 2 kids, no worrys here :D Although it was fun being single.
I tip my glass off to the black guy even though I'm white if I were black and someone said that to me I would have thrown them a hell of a beatin
All right. I just came home from work. It turned out about as well as I had hoped. I didn't get written up or fired. However, I did have a long talk with the Store Director, who said I handled the situation about as well as could be expected. The Store Director was just glad that it didn't make the news. All the Utah Circuit Cities are still dealing with the negative image that we received a couple of years ago when a 6 year old girl was killed at one of the Utah stores after a bigscreen TV fell over and killed her.

Also, the dad called the store today. I didn't personally answer that call, but my manager told me in detail about what was said. He said he didn't want any hard feelings. He said he wasn't going to press charges against the store or me. He feels that he was being a good father and trying to protect his son. He still feels he is right and we are wrong, but he's not going to contest that. He also said he didn't handle the situation appropriately. Go figure.

One of the cops came into the store today and got my statement, as well as another employee's statement who was nearby when the fight occurred. I talked to the cop for a little bit and he said the dad has an outstanding warrant for a number of alcohol related charges. He said he's looking forwad to the guy's trial:) Too bad they won't need me since they have the security camera footage.

So I think this whole event is over now. It's definitely one of the more memorable events that has happened while I've worked at Circuit City.

I just want to thank everyone for your encouragement and kind words towards me while I was dealing with this situation.
You definitely did the right thing. It would have been morally wrong on your part to allow the kid to steal the game. It's a real shame that the little punk doesn't seem as if he will be taking any positive lessons away from this.
ya man, I dont know how you kept your cool, I would have clocked the father , slapped the mother , spanked the punk-ass kid while I told him that he is a test tube baby. then back to jail I go. , :eek:
You know if I'd have read this a month ago. I probably wouldnt have believed it.

Few weeks back a group of us went midnight bowling. A group of folks next to us got drunk and rowdy. Had some kids with them also. Towards the end of the night we here a bunch of cussing coming from there area. The main lights come on and a fight broke out between a chick and 2 guys. Apparently guy #2 grabbed guy #2's girl's butt. Guy #2 swings on #1. Cops break it up. Put both guys in cuffs. Girl flips out and attacks the cops. The 2 cops had no choice but to put her down in defense. Mind you they werent rough with her. They got her to the ground. The kids are watching all of this. I still feel bad knowing that that's probably their mom and dad.

Well guy #2 flips out screaming police brutallity and starts kicking the cops. Meanwhile we're all watching this in awe. I cant believe what I'm seeing. Few minutes later out come the night sticks. Everyone goes to jail. The cops after all of it from what I heard. Took the kids to thier grandparents house.

I cant believe people sometimes. Colt you're really lucky the dad didnt start throwing blows. Hope it all pans out well for you in the end.
Ha! Cool man. I can't believe about that little girl... That would suck! :eek:

OH.. what about the tape?! :)
Noo man.. hah, I mean for the kid stealing the game / punches thrown.
Pixeleet said:
Line your bags with aluminum foil. Place games in. Walk out of store (granted they don't check for receipt). Simple.
Or download off IRC or Usenet :p

I actually have the dope to pay for hte games/movies or whatever, so I've never actually tried the aluminum bag thing, but my phyiscs teacher gauranteed me it would work.

Ive tried the foil thing a few times and it does work. But that was when I was 16, 26 now, and didnt care.

Getting caught is what stopped me. :)
im sure if half the people in my home town of ephrata read that, they would be red with envy over the parents :p . my fellow ephratians wouldve taken up arms and got in their confederate mobiles (shitty ass trucks with giant antennas so they can get authentic country music :p )

you shouldve grabbed one of the video cameras off the shelf when they cam in the second time, then you couldve streamed the footage of their ass whoopings to all of the [H]goers! :cool:

i love stories of people who get taught the hard way when they are wrong and acting stupidly :)
retardedchicken said:
im sure if half the people in my home town of ephrata read that, they would be red with envy over the parents :p . my fellow ephratians wouldve taken up arms and got in their confederate mobiles (shitty ass trucks with giant antennas so they can get authentic country music :p )

you shouldve grabbed one of the video cameras off the shelf when they cam in the second time, then you couldve streamed the footage of their ass whoopings to all of the [H]goers! :cool:

i love stories of people who get taught the hard way when they are wrong and acting stupidly :)

as a fellow ephrataian..... (i'd bring the cam's)


anyways, read the thread. Glad it worked out for ya
JEEVES/whohasmyname? said:
cop: sir your under arest
perp: no im not, swing and connect
cop: oh that hurt, your right sir that was my mistake, be on your way

I'm a little late, but this post made me lol!
I only just read this, but man, what a story! You handled things superbly Colt, and I'm glad your job is safe. If I were you though, I'd walk with someone to your car at night when you leave work, for a couple of weeks anyway. Crazy ass people might be waiting for you.
Oh and I just wanted to say this is all John Carmack's fault for writing Doom 3 in the first place.

j/k :)
cuemasterfl said:
Oh and I just wanted to say this is all John Carmack's fault for writing Doom 3 in the first place.

j/k :)
Perhaps it was. Now I am giong to have to contact my local Jesus foundation.
John Carmack's fault or was it the sons fault for being a no good son and breaking his father down time and time again when he could be making his father proud by working instead of stealing inturn building his fathers pride up and making him feel better about himself but nope the son has done quite the opposite. :mad:
ROFl...think i'll go head up to my local Circuit City and see if theres any action going on.....lol...gotta love the Red Neck Vodka Combo...thats some action waiting to happen everytime :eek:
PerfectCr said:
I second that request, colt if there were any way to get pictures or video of any of that, you would be the king of this forum, hands down!! That was pathetically funny! Good times!

Just in case anyone else posts a reply, a small reminder that this all took place almost two months ago.
Originally Posted by cuemasterfl
Oh and I just wanted to say this is all John Carmack's fault for writing Doom 3 in the first place.

This reminds me of when people sue gunmakers because they made the gun that someone else sold to another guy who had his gun stolen by someone else to kill his wife.

Either common sense is no longer common or the average IQ of the planet has dropped significantly in the last couple years.
What, two months later and colt still doesn't have a custom title? I expected to see "CC Guy Protector of Doom3" instead of limp gawd. Someone should nominate him to kyle.
his first mistake was stealing doom3.....why not HL2...or FarCry.....something worthwhile at least.....

second mistake was trying that bathroom trick...

F*ck that...running out of the store yelling a screaming would have worked better....

and 3rd mistake was going to mommy and daddy "mommy i got caught stealing today and the guy busted me for it can you go kick his @$$?"
Seraphim974 said:
Perhaps it was. Now I am giong to have to contact my local Jesus foundation.

OMG! that's such a good point!!!!

why haven't we seen this plastered nationwide ont he news?

HEADLINE: Doom 3 causes violence, 2 arrested in police battery scandal at local retail store
his first mistake was stealing doom3.....why not HL2...or FarCry.....something worthwhile at least.....

At the time this happened, Half-Life 2 wasn't out yet. It's a really old thread.

Nice imagination you have there. I don't believe any of it.

You obviously haven't worked in retail. The level of stupidity that cusomers exhibit is beyond comprehension unless you see it for yourself. Believe it.
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