I cant get E6600 to reach 4.2GHZ


Feb 19, 2008
Hi how are you. Do anyone know how to get the E6600 to 4.2GHZ. The system wont boot into windows it shows BSOD in middle of booting. But it will go at 475X7=3325Ghz fine but not at 8x or 9x multiplier. So i dont think its memory limiting it. The memory is Pc 8000 = 1000Mhz at 2.1v. Could it be the south bridge or morthbridge limiting it on Ga-P35-DS3P Motherboard. Do i have to raise the northbridge voltage to .025 as its at normal. I have raised the FSB voltage to .10. Thanks
are you serious?

a e6600 at 4.2 ?

you cant do it? you and everyone else ....

grab a e8400 if you want a shot at those clocks.
its not the mobo or memory limiting you. its the chip itself. it only has so much headroom.
I guess its the chip B2 stepping. It only goes up to 3.6GHZ at 400x 9.
my e6850 wont even hit 4.2. unless maybe i give it more vcore. right now im just working on making my pc not get random bsods from hard drive.
I really need to pump the voltage up on my E6600 to even get it stable above 3.4. Feel lucky that you can hit a stable 3.6 (if it really is stable).
how does one come to the conclusion when overclocking and getting bsod that its north bridge voltage related or cpu voltage?or ram issues.

I only know that once you have the clock speed you want, u prime95 and orthos it, other than that would like to know what you guys know.

any linkies?
The CPU almost died at vcore 1.46 but it came back alive in 2 hours. I could not get to Bios at all. So i let the pc rest for 2 hours. Then it went to Bios and the bios freezed. So i restarted few times. I finally said Load default settings. Then it came to full life. Then i put at 400x 9 at vcore 1.42. Now its running stable. The heatsink that is being used is Thermalright Ultra 120 Extreme with 63cfm 120mm fan.
I would say that's a bad sign... don't get mad if something stops working in the next few days.
Without a phase-change system hitting anything over 3.6GHz on a Conroe is basically a pipe dream. Perhaps you should read up a bit more on overclocking before you try something that could damage your PC.
I think Something happened bad. The post reports wrong speed at default like 267x9 rather 266x9. Plus it wont let me overclock anymore in bios. Now iam at stock settings at 2.4GHZ. But the cpu-z reports correct. I was not trying to overclock pass 3.7GHZ. I restarted the pc at 3.7ghz settings after 1 hour vcore 1.44. The pc shut down. Then i put 400x 9 = 3600GHZ. Where it was stable for few days at vcore 1.42 3.6GHZ. Do you think the vcore killed the cpu at vcore 1.44 for 3.7ghz. That made the cpu not overclockable anymore.
1.44v shouldn't be enough to kill a CPU. Try raising your FSB in smaller increments to see if small overclocks are stable. It could be that your motherboard/CPU just can't handle 3.6GHz, but may be stable at lower speeds.
Honestly, bud. it sounds like you went around overclocking wrong and probably screwed up something.

I leave my vcore to auto for the heck of it. I run my e6600 stable at 3.4 or 3.51ghz
Just to add, you should also reset your BIOS if you haven't already. If there's a setting that you accidentally messed around with that's causing your problems, resetting the BIOS should undo the change. Of course, if the problem is caused by something else, you could be screwed.
It worked the bios is back with overclocking allowed after reseting cmos manually. I wont be pushing the cpu over 3.6ghz now. Because at 3.6ghz its stable. Also i tried to jump to 3.7ghz turns out to be unstable.
Why do you need to overclock so bad? Are you overcompensating for something? :rolleyes:

My E6600 at 3.2ghz plays all the newest games just fine.
4.2............ :rolleyes:

Anyways, 3.6 is good, stick with that. Run Orthos for like 2-4hrs, if it doesn't crash enjoy.
I was trying to overclock so i can reduce the time in video enconding. Thats why i was hoping to reach 4.2GHZ so i reduce time to 29 mins or something. At 3.6GHZ it will be good now. Right now its taking 36 mins to 44 mins for 3 hour video. I do some video editing sometimes. I learned that i should wait 6 mins more rather then burn the chip at 4.2GHZ.
Or drop the cash for a quad core if video encoding is THAT important to you. That would be a much wiser choice in this situation.
Will a quad core will reduce the time at overclocked 3.6GHZ Q9450 to 10 mins or 19 mins.