I can't get this hyperlink to show. Any ideas?


Oct 15, 2002
Example pages:



I'm trying to get the red letters of the background image of the page to work as a hyperlink "mailto" object. I've tried using a DIV that places a 1x1 px transparent GIF image stretched over either the entire box and then using an imagemap function to locate the area of the page I want to turn into a hyperlink (version 2), or using that same GIF in a much smaller format and located by a DIV to put it right over the red letters (version 3). Either way, I can see the object with Firebug but I can't seem to get it to work in any browser other than IE (for some strange reason). I've tried changing the hyperlink z-index to something above the page but that's not working either. Is there something I'm missing or maybe a better way to do this?

Thanks in advance guys!
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I believe there's a way using either HTML or JavaScript (been so long since I've done this) that allows you to create either a circle, square, rectangle, or polygon using set coordinates, and set that as a clickable area. I'm not sure what it's called however, and I'm not sure how you go about making it work with different resolutions. Sorry I couldn't have been of more help, I'm just trying to point you in the right direction the best I can.
Yeah, version 2 above does an imagemap and that may be what you're thinking of. I stretch an invisible image over the box and then specify by coordinates where the hyperlink is. Still, no workey!
I had to do something similar for some client of mine and managed to come up with this:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"> 
	<script type='text/javascript'> 
	function toggleZoneOn(thisZone) {
		document.getElementById(thisZone).className = "zoneDivVis";
	function clearHighlights() {
		document.getElementById("area1").className = "zoneDivHide";
		document.getElementById("area2").className = "zoneDivHide";
		document.getElementById("area3").className = "zoneDivHide";
		document.getElementById("area4").className = "zoneDivHide";
	<style type='text/css'> 
		.zoneDivHide {
		.zoneDivVis {
<body style='margin: 0; padding: 0'> 
<div style='padding: 0; margin: 0'> 
	<div id='area1' onClick='window.open("coveragearea.1.png","_blank");' class='zoneDivHide' style='width: 60px; height: 87px; background-image: url(coveragemap.area1.png); left: 217px; top: 30px'></div> 
	<div id='area2' onClick='window.open("coveragearea.2.png","_blank");' class='zoneDivHide' style='width: 137px; height: 135px; background-image: url(coveragemap.area2.png); left: 100px; top: 185px'></div> 
	<div id='area3' onClick='window.open("coveragearea.3.png","_blank");' class='zoneDivHide' style='width: 84px; height: 57px; background-image: url(coveragemap.area3.png); left: 246px; top: 463px'></div> 
	<div id='area4' onClick='window.open("coveragearea.4.png","_blank");' class='zoneDivHide' style='width: 224px; height: 229px; background-image: url(coveragemap.area4.png); left: 186px; top: 235px'></div> 
	<img src='coveragemap.png' style='border: 0; padding: 0; margin: 0' usemap='#imagemap'>
<map name='imagemap'> 
	<area shape='poly' onMouseOver='toggleZoneOn("area1");' coords='252,34,267,43,273,67,272,70,260,78,265,86,265,95,260,102,256,103,255,109,237,113,227,107,223,96,223,87,229,81,233,80,232,77,226,75,220,70,220,64,224,55,224,47,230,44,252,34'> 
	<area shape='poly' onMouseOver='toggleZoneOn("area2");' coords='192,187,217,217,233,262,229,273,220,278,201,283,185,276,165,288,152,315,137,315,104,302,103,278,121,257,119,220,149,192,192,187'> 
	<area shape='poly' onMouseOver='toggleZoneOn("area3");' coords='268,463,308,463,325,479,328,492,327,503,298,517,290,517,261,512,249,501,251,477,255,468,268,463'> 
	<area shape='poly' onMouseOver='toggleZoneOn("area4");' coords='268,462,308,462,319,453,333,417,405,395,408,348,402,322,378,299,379,291,392,276,395,256,389,245,258,236,261,247,250,251,229,273,214,281,203,299,201,344,189,356,190,382,200,394,206,395,231,388,237,396,249,401,262,403,261,443,268,462'> 
	<area shape='rect' onMouseOver='clearHighlights();' coords='0,0,531,531'> 

Result: http://www.partnershipbroadband.com/cms/wp-content/themes/partnership/images/coveragemap.html

Seems to work well for me and if you modify the code slightly (or more than slightly ;)), it should be exactly what you're looking for.
[H]exx;1036069982 said:
http://www.bedofnails.tv/contact3.htm should work but there is something in your JS that is making links in that div not work. I am using Chrome and I turned off JS for the page and was able to click on the link just fine.

If I turn JS on it does not work. I then created a link within the content div but outside of the div you currently have that mailto link in and that link worked fine.

That did it! Thanks so much [H]exx!!! I moved the hyperlink outside of the DIV being affected by the CurvyCorners javascript and got it working (after some updated positioning). Thanks again everyone for all your help!