I can't install Adobe flash on Windows 7 64-bit


Limp Gawd
Sep 5, 2007
I just did a fresh install of Windows 7 64-bit. When I go to a website that has flash, it ask to install the latest flash. I go to the adobe site to install flash but it would not let me.

I am using Internet Explorer.

I did a google search also but could not find a solution.

Please help.
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What do you mean by "but it would not let me"? By Windows Explorer, I assume you mean Internet Explorer? Windows Explorer is the file browser.

Are you sure this is a fresh install?


Sorry, I was meaning to say "Internet Explorer"

When I click on the download link at the bottom of that link that you posted, it brings me back to the same page with this message at the top.

"Adobe Flash Player is not supported for playback in 64-bit browsers. Flash Player will, however, run in a 32-bit browser, running on a 64-bit operating system. "

I am not sure how to fix this.
I am not sure how to fix this.
You have to wait for Adobe to make the 64-bit plug-in, or use IE 32-bit. Both versions are included with desktop 64-bit versions of Windows and both versions are updated if you upgrade to a newer version.
O.... You're using the wrong browser. Open the regular Internet Explorer, not the 64bit version. Problem solved.
As noted, you can't use Flash on Windows x64 with any 64 bit browser (IE or Firefox, etc), period.

But, go here:


and grab the latest release candidate of Flashplayer 10.1 which should offer better performance when you're using IE 32 bit regardless, especially if you have a video card with a supported GPU.

Get the ActiveX version specifically for IE only; if you use Firefox on your machine as well, grab the "regular" plugin for Windows. Doesn't hurt to grab both and install 'em, they'll work fine even if you never use the "regular" one. These are manual installers; close the browser(s) before the installation - it may not be required but it sure can't hurt.
For those using Firefox, I'm not sure if using 10.1 at this time is a good idea. I've tried it twice, once at beta 2 and again recently at beta 4, and both times I got random browser lockups/black screens/freezes while trying to play flash (specifically videos) content. I do use the most recent Nvidia drivers. Rolling back to the latest 10.0 version fixes all the issues.

Everyone knows Flash on FF is 10x buggier and unstable that active-x version, but 10.1 is unusable to me atm in Firefox. Beta 4 is definitely better than beta 2 was, but it's still not where it needs to be.
Well give beta 6 a shot, maybe they're listening this time. :)

That's what's at the link above (but you already figured that out anyway)... RC6 technically. You just have to wonder what kinda coders Adobe has for it that something needs 6 release candidates, or perhaps even more before they can get it finalized. Yikes!!!
I was having ... issues with the earlier Beta's as well but the past two have been trouble free.
No...They are both installed by default right there in the start menu.
