I could use some advice on a new build please!


Limp Gawd
Feb 4, 2005
Ok, so I want to build myself a new rig this summer, and have a general idea on what I want to do, but could really use some input and suggestions.

Right now I have a p4 3ghz, 1gb ram, 9800 pro 128. This was a pretty fast comp 2 years ago when I built it, and basically want something that will last me for another couple years, with some decent upgradability options.

MOBO: I really want to go with SLI, I won't be throwing 2 cards in originally, but I like the idea of having that option down the road if I decide to go with it.

Processor: I've read some really cool stuff lately about dual core and think I want to try it. Not really sure where to go here, I'm thinking X2, something around a 4400+ or higher. How well do these work for gaming? I play WOW and BF2. I don't need to crank everything up to max, but it sure would be nice.

System Memory: 2 x 1gb Corsair XMS. From what I have read, corsair does a good job, so figured I'd do something along these lines.

GPU: Ok I need alot of input on this one. Why is a 7900GT faster and cheaper than a 7800GTX? I really don't know where to go here, except that I know BFG makes good cards. I would at least like a 7800GTX, but like I said, I'm at the mercy of ya'll opinion on this one. Is there really that much of a difference between a 6800, or 7600, 7800, 7900?
Is there some rediculously obvious reason on why I had never even heard of a 7600 or 7900 until just recently?

HDD: Nothin crazy here, and no I don't need a window in it.

I already have an Antec Neopower 480 in my current rig that will go into this machine. I know it doesn't support SLI, but it does support PCI-E and will get me by until I decide to throw another card in.

Last but not least, I want this rig to be as forward compatible as possible, hence the PCI-E and SLI, but I did some reading here and found that 939 might be going to the way side soon, should this concern me? I don't want to have issues trying to find a new proc a few years down the road for an upgrade.

Thanks in advance for all your comments and criticsm.
I Just built a new rig with
DFI Lanparty NF4 Sli-DR
2 Gb Corsair XMS PC3200
X2 3800+
Evga 7900GT C0

So Far, It rocks.
Coming from an Ati x800Pro, I Find I can crank resolution, AF, AA etc up FAR more than I used to.
Rock stable and Fast as Hell.
Dfi Boards are not for teh n00bs but if you can make it go, It GOES!
Check eVGA for the video card - their stuff is really well engineered and they have great support & service.

If you're just going to go with one video card for now, I'd choose the 7900GT - the price points are similar to the 7800GT and you have the benefit of newer and more powerful technology. When you choose to upgrade to SLI, you will definitely be pleased.

On the dual core - good investment for the future. Not all games have been written to take advantage of dual core yet, but it will be great for multi-tasking.

Have fun!
System specs look good so far, 7900gt is best bet now as it faster then some 7800gtx 256m cards and cheaper.
In terms of why you haven't heard of the 7600GT/7900GT/GTX it's becuase they are Nvidia's successors to their "older midrange cards" and the 7800GT/GTX respectively. They were just recently released. :)