I don't really feel the difference between my new and old system(normal usage)!! Why?


Jul 30, 2007
Compared to my older system, which is based on the Athlon XP Barton 3200+, my new rig is one hell of a computer.....check my sig! Other hardware in my older system are:
GA-7N400 mobo
1 GB PC3200 RAM
ATI 9800 pro
WD2500 JB disk

In benchmarks, my newer system beats the crap out of my older one of course, but why don't I feel this massive difference in normal usage? I don't know, but it just feels almost the same. It lags sometimes, I wait for things to load, I wait for things to close, I wait for things to appear....etc. Okay, let's be frank, it is faster, but it is not that faster.........why? You can see that it is quite an upgrade.....big jump that is . Is it Vista? (Older system uses XP), but even though, if this beast can't handle vista, what can? I let vista do its thing, but it is been months now, and i'm not satisfied!
Maaan, my cpu overclocked is faster than the fastest intel cpu! And i'm yet to enjoy this experience!

I feel bad when I tell myself that I could've stayed with my good old system one more year or so!!
Hard Drive access is probably the singlest biggest thing that affects everyday use I think. And that hasn't really progressed despite getting bigger and all this new hardware for CPUs and Vid Cards, etc. Vista probably contributes a bit also, but in general accessing hard drives is probably the thing that you most often feel slowing you down in general use. If all you wanted was a much better everyday experience you probably didn't need to upgrade unfortunately, but if you want to game, or do a lot of encoding work, or things that actually use up CPU cycles or tax your GPU then it's worth it. Sorry if it didn't work out for you.
You're just weird if you cannot notice the difference....The computer at work has an Athlon64 X2 4200+ and that is faster than your old barton cpu, I can definitely tell the difference.
you should up the refresh rate on your monitor to the max of what is allowed or considered safe (it should automatically limit your options so you can't increase your refresh rate past that)
You have to put more of a load on it to really see the difference.
Web surfing and light use do not even tax the old system very much.

A Corvette and a Corolla both do the same speed in bumper to bumper traffic.

Edit: Great point above about hard drive technology really lagging the rest of computer technology.
We really need SSD drives to become affordable. That will make a HUGE difference in performance.
You just don't use your computer enough, lol. You don't tax it enough to notice any performance difference.
Thanks to all for the nice comments. All you said I know, it's just i'm sad.

In my older system, I used to have a 15k.3 seagate drive. It went down, and I moved my OS to my 7200 RPM drive. I did feel the difference back then.
When I moved from an Tbird to a C2D things I noticed that changed with everyday usage were how many things I could have running - I can have a ton of things running and still play tf2, cs with no sweat- , snappier programs and load times. The increase in RAM and faster RAM too probably were the things I noticed first. Photoshop flew along, I could have 50 tabs open in firefox and not have slowed to a pathetic crawl. So on.

Why don't you go buy a new game that would tax your system? 30-50$ upgrade and you get to enjoy it. Get something with multiplayer so it can be replayed.
Yeah, it's the hard drive that mainly limits performance. Vista definitely has a hand in it as well since it's pretty taxing on a system anyway. If you still had XP on there you'd probably be more likely to notice a significant difference.
i dont run vista...but i can say that my linux install seems to feel more "snappy" as a whole than my xp installation...and its all the same hardware. the difference with the new system over my old (hardware wise) is again, only really noticable under loads. Also, as stated it is largely noticeable in the amount of multitasking that it can handle in comparison to the old rig.

Of course, once the video games are running the difference is clear. But normal webbrowsing and wordprocessing tend to limit the overall feeling. (with the exception of the differences in OS when applicable of course.)