I dont think my renter likes me anymore :D

86 5.0L

Supreme [H]ardness
Nov 13, 2006
I pay $250 a month w/utilities to rent a room, came home to find this on my door :D

lol if your renting a room i think its worth offering to cover half the electricity.. if it was an apartment then id tell em to fuck off.. :p
Mine's shot up quite a bit too, thank God I've got the SR-2 shortly online and can drop all the gpus.
My power bill has been droping. Less boxen more threads :cool:
You might have to make with it.....

Extra rent I mean.
Mine's shot up quite a bit too, thank God I've got the SR-2 shortly online and can drop all the gpus.

I hear ya. I may go that route soon myself. Sell off all these GPU's for a dedicated boxen.
I hear ya. I may go that route soon myself. Sell off all these GPU's for a dedicated boxen.

KWH... you need to slow down just a bit...

I am having problems catching up to you :(
Yeah, you blew past me too. You ramped up these last few days. Excellent timing during the last couple weeks.
waiting for him to pop back up on my threat list, last i saw was 2.4 weeks to overtake me...
Yeah, you blew past me too. You ramped up these last few days. Excellent timing during the last couple weeks.

Well, thanks to every ones help, they got me to ditch the 5770 client and now the Q6600 is over 8k per day. The 295 also helped with 15+k. I still have a twice back ordered 460 coming if I don't cancel. It should help a bit as well. I already have 6 GPU's folding and I hope the next power bill won't make me puke. :eek:
waiting for him to pop back up on my threat list, last i saw was 2.4 weeks to overtake me...

I'm seeing a little over 5 days till I'm reading your newspaper over the shoulder. :cool: Don't ya just love a little competition? :D
i just love it.....my new boxen is settign up windows now :p so if i cang et it OC'd high enough well it will be longer than 4.7 days(what i have down)
i just love it.....my new boxen is settign up windows now :p so if i cang et it OC'd high enough well it will be longer than 4.7 days(what i have down)

Love/hate. Hate you're gonna ramp up on me but love it for the team.
Good luck with that O/C. If I wasn't starting a new business endeavor, I would build a dedicated boxen or 3. Priorities, damn you!
Paid ~250 for my new boxen, Q9450 and whats in sig, some parts are left overs
the deal was with utilities so.... :p

yeah well i dont think they were expecting to rent to some one that folds.. lol but i guess im to nice of a guy.. but hell what do i care i only pay 23 bucks a month in electricity(split 50/50 with roommate)
My power bill has been droping. Less boxen more threads :cool:

This is my number one reason for even considering an SR2. I've got one boxen that isn't an i7 and would like to drop it in favor of an SR2.
I saw my powerbill for the last month at 188$ for 45 days (first bill is a month and half)... its ungodly less than what it was when I had a roomate.. and I had 2 boxes folding and it was 240ish for 30 days.. But I also keep it 2 degrees warmer and it is getting cooler now that summers cooling off a bit... :D
Free power? maybe we should all send our boxen to you to run :p

Oh how nice this is... My apartment is free utilities/electric. It's almost Oct and I still have 2 portable AC (and central air) running 24/7 here for my electronics. :D
Oh how nice this is... My apartment is free utilities/electric. It's almost Oct and I still have 2 portable AC (and central air) running 24/7 here for my electronics. :D

My friend and I were joking about starting a small datacenter and how efficient it would be just to start it out of some low rent apartment building with free utilities.

...probably illegal, but a good idea none-the-less.
My friend and I were joking about starting a small datacenter and how efficient it would be just to start it out of some low rent apartment building with free utilities.

...probably illegal, but a good idea none-the-less.

Haha, I used to run servers from apartments of friends in college. This was a long time ago. University connections were king when the vast masses were still on dial-up and a few lucky ones with DSL.

Unfortunately, Verizon (or apartment management) refuses to FIOS up this apartment. FIOS is available most everywhere else here tho. We do have cable which actually is plenty fast enough for home use. But I'm spoiled from FIOS from my last place and work. There goes the little datacenter idea. :(

The truth is, if I look at the current Hardware/UPS/Storage currently running, we are ALOT closer to an mini-datacenter then most people would believe. Just my own personal 100TB+ servers are probably using more electric then the folding rigs here. :D