I fell in love with evga <3


Jan 18, 2003
I bought a GTX280 from newegg after Christmas printed out and filled out the rebate thing for $30. I didn't even look at it and just sent it in. Little did I know that newegg had linked me to the wrong form.

EVGA was nice enough to find the correct rebate for me and resubmited it. I was approved and I am now in love. Becha most companies would have just denied and ignored me.

dunno could be useful information to some people maybe.

<3 evga.
I want to know if anyone else had a problem with Newegg linking to the wrong form as I am about to send in my rebate for my 280 GTX.

And yes, EVGA is great. I have an old 7800 GTX from them that has served me well in its three years of operation without any glitches or artifacting. :D
Welcome to the club.

I'm def. thinkin about picking up a EVGA card next time I need one (shouldn't be for that long, still happily running 1280x960)
My Recertified E-VGA 8800GTS 512 has been running great for a few months now.
excellent. EVGA is my prime example of an ideal company that all businesses and working individuals in general should strive for.
I haven't owned an EVGA card since my GeForce 2 MX200, which was great. I'm getting my new EVGA GeForce GTX260 216 55nm tomorrow and I can't wait.
My first EVGA card was the 8800GTS 320MB. Still serving strong!
I rarely praise companies, but EVGA's customer service is top notch. Very knowledgeable staff and hassle free. They even called me back one time after my phone lost service. EVGA has me for life, I will never buy another video card or mobo from anyone else ever again.
Had problems with plenty of other manufacturers, but EVGA always manages to save the day with reliable hardware and amazing RMA/support. All my future boards and graphics cards will be through them.
Evga is the main reason why i wont buy ati products. Now if evga sold ati products, that would be a different story.
I sent in the wrong UPC for the wrong Rebate for a PSU, and OCZ said to resend the UPC..im like are they totally stupid!? i just sent them the ONLY UPC which was on the bo and they want me to somehow magically resend it ugh i swear. Swindled out of 40 bucks.

I agree EVGA is great with there rebates. I've gotten everyone i sent. Even one from Frys where the card a FX5200 cost 40+tax and came with a 40 rebate(making it free) sure enough i got the 40 rebate from EVGA
I sent in the wrong UPC for the wrong Rebate for a PSU, and OCZ said to resend the UPC..im like are they totally stupid!? i just sent them the ONLY UPC which was on the bo and they want me to somehow magically resend it ugh i swear. Swindled out of 40 bucks.

Ummm I usually make copies of all the information before i send.. And they probably wanted you to send the copies that you should of made.

So far to date I've had to resend/fax 2 seperate copies of my rebate info and after resending it was honored. You never know when mail could get lost or something could be filed incorrectly. Anything I send rebate wise I make a copy of first.

As a first time eVGA owner myself, im definently damn impressed myself. Sucks im #221 in queqe for a 285 stepup :(
l run an XFX 260 Black Edition right now only because it was the same price as the stock 260 from EVGA at the time I bought it. But i got mad love for EVGA, I've had their cards before and they were top notch. Their customer support is in a league of their own, not to mention a fantastic online community on their forums. My next card will for sure be EVGA, if the price is right ;)
I have had positive experiences from day one with EVGA, and that's why I continue to purchase my nvidia cards from them whenever possible.

I think what sold me is how efficiently and professionally they handled themselves and their customers during the great 7900 series debacle. I went through three cards and lots of emails with Jacob before they finally came out with the new revisions (RoHS, Hynix memory) and they sent me one of those overnight.

(For those who don't recall, the first batches of the 7900 cards shipped with defective Samsung BGA memory modules. These modules would fail within days/weeks/months of use leading to a card that did nothing but artifact. Nvidia and Flextronics switched to Hynix modules for the rest of the 7900 series run and that was that)
Evga is a prime example that a little customer service goes a long way. Alot of companies could learn from them. I wont buy from MSI, if Asus didn't have such good bios support I wouldn't buy from themand I won't buy from Biostar. My next board might even be from Evga. I hear horror stories about ATI partners other than XFX. Warrenty and customer service matter.
Due to all the positive publicity for EVGA I have just bought my first card from them, a 55nM GTX260 with free Mirrors Edge game, cool.
Gotta say I feel happier giving my money to a nice company.
This is the first card I have owned that I can step up from, hopefully the stepup prices (UK) are similar to those in the US.

So far I havent been able to break 58C under load (Crysis benchmark) at 700 core + linked shaders.
It looks like the RivaTuner voltmod might be of some benefit :D