i give up

Gimme Yo Shoes

Aug 14, 2006
I love pc gaming but I'm afraid I have to give up. Keep spending and spending to have the latest and greatest and honestly the games that came out for pc last year I was hardly impressed with. Its like I been there done that and the "big" titles this year I feel the same way, not impressed. Xbox live seems interesting, I love the idea and from what I read it was actually executed well. So I come to you all knowing console gods, what are the must have 360 games? I like fps and I love co-op. Does Xbox Live really work as intended? Do you like it?
You dont have to keep the latest hardware to play. Yeah, not many really great games came out last year, but this year is already putting out some good cames with more on schedual. I just barely updated my computer, I havnt done that for over 3 years, and even my old and fairly maxed out rig could still handle everything. Not at high graphics, but eh.
Some of my favorite xbox360 games so far include Crackdown, Dead Rising, Lost Planet, Gears of War, Kameo, Viva Pinata!, PGR3, Oblivion(PC also), Condemned(PC also), Double Agent(PC also), Vegas(PC Also), Prey(PC also), CoD2/3(PC Also), GRAW(PC also).....etc.

Take your pick.

Assassins Creed, Too Human, Mass Effect, Alan Wake, BioShock, Halo3, Blue Dragon, Shadow Run, Froza2 are a few of the great games to look forward too.
xbox 360 > pc gaming.

i bought my pc rig in sig and had more fun "tinkering" with it than i did playing games. my xbox 360 on the other hand is abused with gears of war marathons.
xbox 360 > pc gaming.

i bought my pc rig in sig and had more fun "tinkering" with it than i did playing games. my xbox 360 on the other hand is abused with gears of war marathons.

I like Gears of War as much as the next person, but I still wouldn't go so far as to say that XBox 360 > PC Gaming.

But i also have pretty much given up on PC gaming aside from Vanguard.

PS3/360 FTW
There are less PC games, but they offer a certain experience not easily mimicked by the Xbox360 which also has it's own exclusives.

Xbox Live works well. The marketplace is great, and the integrated communication and buddy list is great. The multiplayer itself is not based off centralized servers talking to a master server though. Xbox Live multiplayer is all clients talking to a master server who tells the clients to create an interconnecting web of connection instead of all client connecting to a central server.

There's a lack of dedicated servers so you won't be favoriting servers and becoming a "regular" there. The dedicated servers are still xbox360s so the host is still fairly limited in what it can handle. So far Xbox Live games are generally played on a smaller scale. Whereas 64 is common for BF2, 16 is about as high as you can expect for Xbox360. However, the games are developed with this in mind so the console-based multiplayer maps are scaled to fit the smaller size. For example, GoW's tight close-quarters combat maps are perfectly suited to fit the 4v4 matches and there is very little hunting for the last man unless he's hiding.

The aiming is different, but the difference is moot. PC games don't have auto-aim because the mouse is precise. Console games know the controller isn't precise implements auto-aim, sometimes slower game pace as well. In effect, the controller doesn't handicap the gamer when the game is designed to be played with a controller. This solution works great when they're seperate. It may change when shadowrun hits and we see the start of cross-platform play begin, but Shadowrun isn't here yet:p

I love the Xbox360, and I also enjoy PC gaming but PC gaming has many games starting on the xbox360 now and being ported over. Some games are being cross-developed for release on both. Too few exclusives for me to keep my PC up to date, but I have set aside money to bring it back up to speed when I see enough PC exclusives that I want to play. Otherwise I'll just save the money and play the console version, which sometimes is the native version. PC gaming isn't going to die anytime soon though. Xbox360 isn't the be-all end-all, it's just another option. I'm playing the xbox360 one of my PC monitors.

I recommend to you: Gears of War, Dead Rising, R6: Vegas, Geometry Wars, Fight Night 3

I suggest Crackdown, Condemned, and Lost Planet.
I still like to play my PC for some Fear combat or some Company of Heroes skirmishes but the Pc has been lacking for awhile now and yeah Crisis and Bioshock come out this year but if your Rig isn't up to spec those are going to run like shit most likely, consoles are just more convienant. I have motorstorm coming in today for the PS3 and I know I can go pick it up this afternoon and take it home and play it out of the box with no worries and if you've seen what motorstorm looks like could you imagine what your pc would have to be pushing to get that same graphic quality?

Its all about convience and money.
Sweet, another one of these threads.

OK, I'm seriously going to pose the question here.

You guys know I play WoW, that's my game, I don't shop for other titles, but I do read a lot of reviews for news posting as well as personal information.

Is it really that bad right now? There seem to be a lot of quality titles on the horizon for a PC gamer to sink his teeth into.

Hey granted, I'm a bad example but I play my PC daily and haven't touched a console in quite sometime.

I love pc gaming but I'm afraid I have to give up. Keep spending and spending to have the latest and greatest and honestly the games that came out for pc last year I was hardly impressed with. Its like I been there done that and the "big" titles this year I feel the same way, not impressed. Xbox live seems interesting, I love the idea and from what I read it was actually executed well. So I come to you all knowing console gods, what are the must have 360 games? I like fps and I love co-op. Does Xbox Live really work as intended? Do you like it?

OP, I would not wish to own a 360 without Live. For me the service has worked VERY well. Multiplayer, addons, demos etc. It's a nice interface that is easy to use.

If you own a 360 or plan on picking one up soon I'd highly suggest having it.
Looking at your sig, you have a decent rig. You don't need to upgrade all the time

Personally I need them all (PC and console). Too many genres not other one that are on the other. There are a LOT of good PC exclusive games coming out this year. There is seriously a "mental" problem with PC gamers feeling the have to have EVERYTHING turned on in order to enjoy the game (This applies to me too which I have to stop and try to remember to enjoy the game first on pcs) Take a look at probably one of the biggest titles this year is offering: Crysis. They have already stated it will play fine on 2 year old systems. OP: you are well within that time frame. You can play any game out there. Why do you feel the need to continue to upgrade?
It's only the "graphics whore" that "needs" to upgrade all the time.

I never buy the top of the line parts because their prices are rediculous. I've never not enjoyed a game because I didn't have all the bells and whistles turned on. The only recent game I've had a problem with is Neverwinter Nights 2 and that's because the developers seem to have done a shitty job at optimizing the code.

Heck, some of the games that look beautiful with all their bells and whistles (for example: Oblivion) bore me. That game was too slow paced in my opinion, so I couldn't really get into it. I'd much rather reinstall Fallout or Diablo.
I loved Oblivion but I'm a big RPG fan.

But your point is right on for me as well.

I'll take game play quality over eye candy any day of the week.
I think PC gaming has a bright future, but we're just in a lull period.
Right now there are actually a few good games depending on what you want, but it's just been a little slow lately.
Don't give up on PC gaming yet. Even though Vista is a train wreck right this second, the whole "Games for Windows" initiative is an excellent idea that will hopefully someday make PC gaming, specs, controls, etc. a little more standard.
We've got STALKER coming this month. Crysis was delayed, but will still likely see shelves within 6-7 months. Quake Wars is on the way. HL2: Episode 2 should be out at some point in '07. There are lots of others (obviously) but those are definitely worth owning.
Anyway, I'm a huge fan of Xbox Live, too...but don't give up on PC gaming quite yet. I just wouldn't necessarily upgrade right this second either.
I got burnt out on the PC side awhile ago, and then just got flat out burned on my recent upgrade. until another warcraft RTS or starcraft comes out, i dont think ill be spending gameing time on my rig.

anyways, some of the must have games.

Gears of War
Dead Rising
Halo2 (the new 360 maps should be sweet, and youll want to be warmed up for halo3 anyways)
Crackdown (great mindless fun)
Geometry Wars (hardest game ive ever played)

there are older titles that are fantastic, I just cant say whether or not theres still people playing them... Prey for instance still has a few people playing from the UK, but they don't play ranked games.

Hold off on the racing games till Forza2 and PGR4 hit.

I also pick up any game thats $20 new or used.
I am like JSC450...just got a bit burned out on PC gaming, after years of doing (no console until the 360). And, it wasn't the fact that I needed to upgrade...it was the fact that I HAD TO UPGRADE!!! GOTTA DO IT! You know? So, it got to be expensive.

When I travel for work I still 'PC game' on my laptop, so in a way - I do both.

Xbox Live is awesome, great service. And, the 'live' service adds a lot to the 360, and FPS games such as Gears, RB6, etc, are great games to play - online and off. I doubt you'll be disappointed.
I like Gears of War as much as the next person, but I still wouldn't go so far as to say that XBox 360 > PC Gaming.
pc gaming has always given me this disconnected feeling when playing. i mean WoW is as close as i've ever come to being immersed when it comes to gaming on the pc. when i built my fist custom rig i GREATLY enjoyed "checking" games out, tinkering with the grfx, checking framerates etc....but i've never really had what you could call "memorable" gaming moments on pc, other than......"...wow look at these grfx and check out how many fps i get."

i could list off a dozen console games that give me a fuzzy feeling when i talk about them. most recently gears of war.
pc gaming has always given me this disconnected feeling when playing. i mean WoW is as close as i've ever come to being immersed when it comes to gaming on the pc. when i built my fist custom rig i GREATLY enjoyed "checking" games out, tinkering with the grfx, checking framerates etc....but i've never really had what you could call "memorable" gaming moments on pc, other than......"...wow look at these grfx and check out how many fps i get."

i could list off a dozen console games that give me a fuzzy feeling when i talk about them. most recently gears of war.

Over the last 10 years I've had both many PCs and many consoles, (nearly every console to date) and I've had more memorable moments gaming on the PC than on any other platform in that time.
Over the last 10 years I've had both many PCs and many consoles, (nearly every console to date) and I've had more memorable moments gaming on the PC than on any other platform in that time.
3Dmark doesn't count. :D
Some of the more recent Xbox 360 titles that I'd recommend are:
- Crackdown
- Gears of War
- GRAW 2
- Marvel: Ultimate Alliance
- Rainbow Six: Vegas
- Viva Pinata
3Dmark doesn't count. :D

I don't give a damn about 3D Mark. There are plenty of games that have brought me enjoyment on the PC. Though I admit that the number of titles that enthrall me have dwindled as time has gone on.
Gaming is what you make of it, whether it's on the PC or a console. I'm planning to pick up a PS3 or a 360 (or both) sometime in the near future once the prices drop, but it's not something that i feel i have to do asap.
You have to remember that while the consoles are about equal to PC's atm, they will start to lag behind as PC technology advances, or at least till the next, best console comes out.
Wth Crysis, Silent hunter 4, and such coming out later this year, i feel PC gaming will pick back up imho.
I still love Battle field 2. It's the only game I've been playing constantly
Its all about the titles OP. DX10 just happened to push alot of high end titles back further than was anticipated but.. eh, it happens. I think the 360 has some good games, but I don't there's something the 360 can deliver that the PC can't. You don't have to pick a side, just ascertain what titles you think you'll have the best experience with.

I've had a console next to my pc for as long as I can remember. I had my C128 playing Bards Tale right next to my Atari 7800 playing Star Raiders & Pole Position. And these days, like most here I have my custom built PC playing Dawn of War right next to my PS2 (soon to be PS3) playing Gran Turismo 4. Some things never change :)

However, I've done alot more PC gaming than console gaming lately, but the best game I've ever played has been a console game (God of War). It evens out.

WHO CARES isint is all about gaming!! i dont care what u play on. remember the days when if u where a pc gamer or a console gamer it dident mattter cuz u still got really good games they both are good and have ups and downs noone is better.

what im trying to say is its all about gameing, not what u game on
WHO CARES isint is all about gaming!! i dont care what u play on. remember the days when if u where a pc gamer or a console gamer it dident mattter cuz u still got really good games they both are good and have ups and downs noone is better.

what im trying to say is its all about gameing, not what u game on

"Noone" is NOT a word. The proper usage is "no one."
pc gaming has always given me this disconnected feeling when playing. i mean WoW is as close as i've ever come to being immersed when it comes to gaming on the pc. when i built my fist custom rig i GREATLY enjoyed "checking" games out, tinkering with the grfx, checking framerates etc....but i've never really had what you could call "memorable" gaming moments on pc, other than......"...wow look at these grfx and check out how many fps i get."

i could list off a dozen console games that give me a fuzzy feeling when i talk about them. most recently gears of war.
ok i respect you opinion and im glad to accept it, but personally ever since i got my rig (the on i have right now, my first true gaming pc) i've had quite a few memorable experiences, im not saying that consoles don't provide this. don't get me wrong i loved all the PS2 games i've played just the same as i've loved to play those special PC games....HL2 and ep:1 were great for me, not to mention the likes of Company of Heroes, that game was by far the most intense of games i've played (well after SUpreme commander :p) and quite a few others. but to say that there are NO memorable experiences on the PC, hmm i dont know about that. But then again, its all a moot point since everybody is different.
Yes Xbox is a better choice however I have to say that I actually spend about the same amount of money. The reason is that there are many more games I want on consoles than PC so I end up spending a lot more money on games which makes up for the money I would have spent on hardware.
I dunno what to say. I mean I own a Xbox 360 and all with Live but it dosen't compare to anything to a pc gaming experience. Personally dude i've been playing pc games all throughout my life and found the solution to playing all the latest pc games is to buy NOT THE latest hardware because its not worth spending 600$ for a 8800GTX when next month the 8900gtx is gonna come out. Keep yourself a decent budget and at the same time get you're self a xbox360.. that's like the best thing to do no reason at all to abandone the whole damn pc gaming.
Yes Xbox is a better choice however I have to say that I actually spend about the same amount of money. The reason is that there are many more games I want on consoles than PC so I end up spending a lot more money on games which makes up for the money I would have spent on hardware.

I'm finding the same thing.
I don't buy very many games, so generally the ones I pick up are very high quality, 1 year ago I built my rig and it can still pull very respectable performance out of games now, but right now I'm satisfied gaming at only 1152x864 @ 0AA/8AF, and at reasonable settings (meaning looks good to me), I'm still fully expecting my rig to last me at least 1 more year, and dropping 1.6K every two years or so is alright for me, usually I go 18Months-4 years depending on how badly I feel like I need a new rig.
"Noone" is NOT a word. The proper usage is "no one."

...that was completely stupid, you shouldn't have wasted the post.

anyways, i really have always enjoyed console gaming. i grew up with the snes,genesis,ps1,n64 and they were all great systems, with great games that still have me going in and out of bouts of nostalgia, but the pc gaming scene is so much more modifiable. it is what YOU make of it, no one else. you put your pc together how YOU want, you play games the way YOU want them to look. that is very appealing to me but i will always love console gaming, but i feel that if you leave pc gaming, you will miss it.
xbox 360 > pc gaming.

lolz. the whole idea of one being the clear cut winner is idiotic. on the one hand i could go and say nany nany poo poo your 360's hardware is already outdated and ter suck. on teh other hand you could say you dont ahve to spend money on upgrades. whatever works for you works for you. the amount of im 7h3 13373e 7h3n y0u 83c4us3 i p14y 7h3 ______ is getting kinda ridiculous.
lolz. the whole idea of one being the clear cut winner is idiotic. on the one hand i could go and say nany nany poo poo your 360's hardware is already outdated and ter suck. on teh other hand you could say you dont ahve to spend money on upgrades. whatever works for you works for you. the amount of im 7h3 13373e 7h3n y0u 83c4us3 i p14y 7h3 ______ is getting kinda ridiculous.

It is a endless cycle, thats true...both have their pros and cons, and while I'm not going to go in depth it's up to each individual to look at all the options and decide for themselves whats the best way to go.
Xbox 360 will force you to enjoy playing games. It's just that simple. No more b.s., just pop it in, kick ass, take names.
buy futureproof hardware, take full advantage of EVGAs Step Up program, and take full advantage of SLI (SLI 2.0 has rumors of mixed card support). Buy Used products, don't go out and buy the newest thing. e-BaY!

And remember your upgrades are very game subjective. I bought a 6600GT when it was $300 (CAD). It played everything i wanted fine. kicked the source engines ass, the Doom3 engines ass...

then came Command and Conquer Generals. This is the frist game that showed me, my CPU is old. It did its job, it (a barton) beat the snot out of the northwoods, and the prescotts... but C&C:G was owning it.... then came along WoW, the Auction houses were not always fun for me... then announcement of Bioshock, Supreme commander, Crysis, game I want to play at reasonable settings, but wouldn't on this card. Then the increased power of the source engine (HDR, increase in poly counts).

So I upgraded. 8800GTS. beats the snot out of everything, including supreme commander. the upgrade CPU allows me to play generals with 8 players and no lag.

Point is, I did a good 3 years before I really needed an upgrade.

Nvidia and ATi are pushing the R&D in the graphics market at a faster and faster. I think the 8 series and the X2k series are gonna break through the roof: every game out there, massive settings, Refresh rate FPS. The game engine market cant keep up! Doom 3 had the power to OWN the 6800GT. I don't think Crysis will have that same power over the (hopefully then released) X2800XTX and 8800Ultra.

Whats going to keep the people at Nvidia and ATi occupied is not graphics, its Physics. not to say they wont continue R&D of GPUs, but you can expect leaps in lesser sizes. You can expect physics to become the big thing in the later 8 series and definatly in the 9 series.
in response to the previous post, and the fact of faster and faster R&D, what are the chances of this slowing down with DX10, i'd seen the powerpoint presentations from GDC and it seems to look like they want to do something with the video cards (optimizations or something) but i couldnt quite put my finger on it. perhaps this should be its own thread but i though i'd throw it out there