i got a new ipod mini - boring story inside

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Mac Daddy
Jun 9, 2003
not really sure why anyone gives a shit about what music player i use, but i need a breather from work, so i figure ill tell my really boring story. oh, i havent slept in awhile, and i dont capitalize things, tho most of you have probably figured that out by now (dont let those 2 things take away from the incredibly boring story at hand).

my trusty 20gig 3g ipod died. i sent it in to bestbuy, and it usually takes 4-5 weeks for them to fix it and return it (i have the bestbuy psp warranty on it).

i decided i couldnt go 4-5weeks without my ipod at work, as the engineers in my lab all talk to themselves and it drives me insane. so i found a dude on macnn selling a 30gig ipod photo for 250 bucks. after a few fights with paypal (long story) he got my payment of 250 bucks. well, he "dropped" the ipod on the way to the post office, and couldnt mail it. so he refunded me my 250. so, to make a long story short, i went to the apple store, and ended up leaving with a 6gig silver ipod mini.

its pretty sexy, and supposedly holds a charge for 20 hours. im digging it so far, it feels way more durable than the larger ipods. i like how the new gen ipods have the "shuffle songs" feature right on the main menu. since i have to be picky about which 6 gigs (of my 50gigs of mp3s) the shuffle songs always gets me to songs i recognize and want to hear.

impossible deadlines roxz0r, back to work.
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