I got my LianLi PC-A05B ! it's Small!

Just wondering, has anyone got a Google Sketchup model for this case? I've been having a few ideas on an LCS and wanted to sketch it up...

If not I will try and make one, but I promise nothing as to how it will end up :p
How's cable management and noise in this? Trying to keep my computer as quiet as possible, so an SSD and suspending a 2GB drive in the top bay would be in my plans, but until then I have 3 WD black drives that I want to keep next to silent.

I'll be moving on from a Rocketfish Lian Li... So the size is drastic.
@ enthropism -- I have 4 FAALS drives in this case (3 in the case with Lian-Li suspension and 1 in 5.25" bay [using an adapter with vibration-isolating rubber blocks]) and I don't hear them from 2 ft. away even with the case open. The only thing I hear is from the air moved by 3 x Noctua fans (not the fans themselves, just the airflow hitting various parts of the case).
Cyber, thanks for the reply. I have a 320 (OS), 500 (OSX) and 1TB (Storage) in my rocketfish right now, and it just resonates. The mounting is the same as the A05 would be (rubber grommets over the screws) so it had me a little concerned. Then again, the rocketfish is in open air, and the AO5 would be inside a desk cabinet. I'm pretty much narrowing it down to an A05, PC-9, PC-7FN, or trying desperately to find an A17B without getting wallet-raped. A17 is my ideal, but can't justify a $70-100 price premium.
Um-m .. well .. I did not mean to say that the case is quiet .. it's not loud by my account, but the question you asked was more HDD than case specific (at least the way I took it). In my experience WD black are inaudible in this case.
I can hear a good amount of noise in this case. I am going to try applying some sound deadening to the side panels and see where that gets me when I have some free cash.
My issue with this case has always been powersupply noise because it's right at the front of the case, right in front of my face.

Those of you with large power draws (600+ watts), what powersupplies do you have which you have found to have a quiet fan on load? I've gone through a Corsair TX750 and now I'm onto a Coolermaster 700M but I still can't seem to catch a break as the PSU fans were both noisy when the system was hot.
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I have a Silverstone ST70F, I can't really tell the difference between folding full blast and idling, but I am not using fan control of any sort at the moment. My fans have a fairly pleasant sound for the most part (gentle typhoons... fastest variety), which may not be pleasant for some but I can't really hear it over movies and games so that's good enough for me.

It has a fairly big fan on it, 140 or 135 or something like that, and I don't think it has variable fan speed.
Heh, I have the 1150 RPM gentle typhoons undervolted to about 800 RPM, and they're just under audible range. Anything faster than the 1150s would annoy the hell out of me.

I ordered the A05B today, should get it Thursday. I'll put up with the three drives causing a ruckus for the time being, and then get a 80/128 GB SSD and a 2TB green drive in a few months. Suspend the green drive, and I'm sure everything will be silent.
The majority of the noise I hear is wind noise, not really the motors themselves. I guess that's understandable though, I got 4 of em, and two are attached to a radiator (lot of turbulence in there I imagine).
Even the wind noise would annoy me, I'm psychotic when it comes to noise. Right now I have 4 in my Rocketfish as well. Case front & read, a xigmatek 1283 on the CPU, and one zip tied to an accelero S1 on my 8800GT.
I hear ya for sure. And I can't fault someone for having more acute hearing than my own, lol. It bugs me as well when there is no other noise going on. That's why I'm going to put some of the sound deadening on my case when I have some extra money for that and see if that helps any. I don't really want to slow my overclock down any which means I can't slow my fans down too much, lol.
I'm willing to bet you don't need the fans up that high for your OC. Look at my OC, it's chip limited, and I have barely a warm breeze going through my case.
I might lower it. Right now I don't have a functioning keyboard (waiting on America's finest postal service to deliver one) since my Microsoft one crapped out, so it's sitting unused.

Since I found the sweet spot as far as speed and voltage goes (I have been trying to keep it around 1.35V) since that seemed like a fairly low number for C0 i7s and the wiring in my house is pretty shoddy (I really need to fix that, my UPS bitches if I put my Vcore any higher under load), anyway problems aside...

My CPU max temps are around 70-73 so I guess I could lower the fan speeds.
is the A05 not as good as the newer A05N?

Seems the A05N has screws for the top panel and has holes cut into the backboard plate, but the original A05 does not :(

Is there something else I'm missing? Your thoughts guys? Thanks in advance.
Later A05 had "holes" in the mobo tray too.
A05N has removable HDD cage, toolless 5.25" bays, slotted PCI slot covers, round lights, front panel w/o cut out on the bottom, buzzer not glued to the bottom of the case, and a few other subtle differences.
Why are you asking, it's not like you can get A05 for half the price of A05N, is it?
Okay, so I got my computer and am very excited to finally use it, but how the hell do I mount the new top cover? I have the old one removed, but the thing comes with a grate with holes in it and the metal spiral thing... but how the hell do they fasten? There are no instructions!
Got the case today and installed everything. Wire management was a LOT easier than expected, but my hard drives are obnoxiously loud now, especially my 1TB WD black, moreso than the 320GB WD Black. All the more inspiration to upgrade to a 2TB green and an SSD I guess.
I just got my SSDs. Windows of course crapped out so I am working with Fedora right now until I find my Windows 7 disk, but I just sat them within the birds nest of wires that I have on the other side of the hard drive bays, in the meantime before I order an adapter for the external 3.5" bay that should work.
Still stumped, folks... can anyone tell me how to the grill works for the top-cover replacement? How do I get it fastened?
Okay so it seems like a 140mm fan is *required* to use the open face place... which is something I don't have.
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Makes sense the grill sits between the fan and the top cover. You'll also probably need 4 fan screws. These don't always come with every fan. If you don't think you'll be using your top cover, sell it to me! :)
Does anyhave any opinion on a BS08 dual 120mm pci slot fan Vs the BS03 120mm side GPU cooler. I'l still awating my graphics card so I've not fired up my new box yet but I've read about the heat issues.

I've got 4 120mm good fans (a variety) and airflow from front to back through a Thermalright TRUE cooler, I've only got one (WD Green) HD in the cage.

I'll be using an Asus 4850 (which isn't the coolest of cards) so I think I'll need something...
Guys, I'm playing beat-the-clock with UPS about refusing shipping on a PC-A05NB I ordered. Kind of have buyer's remorse. I have a GTX 260 with an Arctic Cooling Accelero GTX Pro and its 29 cm long:


Any idea if it'll fit? Basically, it hangs over the PCB of the GTX 260 about 1 1/3 inches. Also, is the heat from the power supply exhausting out the front edge grills sufficient to keep the PS from getting too hot? Again, sorry for not going through the thread to find my answers. Its so large and I kind of need some definitives quickly. Thanks.
we need to know what mobo you have to answer your questions since some mobos have the pci-e slots higher then others.

PSU should stay cool as I've never had any issues with mine.
Planing to get a PC-A05NB, but i have few questions :
1) since the modder guy will take it apart for paint, i need to know if the hole at back bottom of the motherboard tray is used for anything or he can safely route the power cable there.
2) i won't use the 3,5" HDD bay at all (one 2,5" SSD and one BR drive is all i will use), and it seems the bay is rivetted to the front. Is this right or i overlooked something ?
3) 15cm SATA cables will be enough from 5,25" bays to the SATA connectors (board will be EVGA P55 SLI) ?
4) i will have a HD5870 in it, in start (in card testing period after RMA) cooled by stock cooler, later by Prolimatech MK-13. What is the best way for airflow in this case. We can pretty much forget about PSU heat, i'm using Seasonic X-750 which nearly never turns on the fan, so front fan can be either intake or outtake without any problems. The problem can be with the fact that MK-13 is a huge cooler with a stupid fan mount system, so the graphics card will be in slot 2 from bottom, MK-13 will occupy slot 3 and part of slot 4, fan mount system will be in slot 5 and fans in slots 5 and 6. That leaves slot 7 free, and above it we have the top cover which will have 2x12cm blowholes with 2x12cm fans.
Guys, I'm playing beat-the-clock with UPS about refusing shipping on a PC-A05NB I ordered. Kind of have buyer's remorse. I have a GTX 260 with an Arctic Cooling Accelero GTX Pro and its 29 cm long:


Any idea if it'll fit? Basically, it hangs over the PCB of the GTX 260 about 1 1/3 inches. Also, is the heat from the power supply exhausting out the front edge grills sufficient to keep the PS from getting too hot? Again, sorry for not going through the thread to find my answers. Its so large and I kind of need some definitives quickly. Thanks.

If it will fit depends on your motherboard. If your PCI-E slot is higher like on Gigabyte boards, it will fit fine as the end of the card goes into the 5 1/2" bays. I can't really tell from the small picture from Newegg if it will work or not. My 5870 goes into the 2nd PCI slot from the bottom. IE: there is one extra PCI slot underneath my 5870. It looks like that mobo has the main PCI-E as the 1st slot.

The air is fine through the front grills but I usually take of the front panel to keep me warm in winter as the PSU and the system fan blows warm air at my face.
Planing to get a PC-A05NB, but i have few questions :
1) since the modder guy will take it apart for paint, i need to know if the hole at back bottom of the motherboard tray is used for anything or he can safely route the power cable there.
2) i won't use the 3,5" HDD bay at all (one 2,5" SSD and one BR drive is all i will use), and it seems the bay is rivetted to the front. Is this right or i overlooked something ?
3) 15cm SATA cables will be enough from 5,25" bays to the SATA connectors (board will be EVGA P55 SLI) ?
4) i will have a HD5870 in it, in start (in card testing period after RMA) cooled by stock cooler, later by Prolimatech MK-13. What is the best way for airflow in this case. We can pretty much forget about PSU heat, i'm using Seasonic X-750 which nearly never turns on the fan, so front fan can be either intake or outtake without any problems. The problem can be with the fact that MK-13 is a huge cooler with a stupid fan mount system, so the graphics card will be in slot 2 from bottom, MK-13 will occupy slot 3 and part of slot 4, fan mount system will be in slot 5 and fans in slots 5 and 6. That leaves slot 7 free, and above it we have the top cover which will have 2x12cm blowholes with 2x12cm fans.

1. I am not sure what hole you are referring to.

2. A05N HDD rack is easily removed, it uses screws unlike the older rev. model

3. Don't see why not

4. Reverse airflow so the rear fan blows the coldest air right into your CPU is best.
1. I am not sure what hole you are referring to.

2. A05N HDD rack is easily removed, it uses screws unlike the older rev. model

3. Don't see why not

4. Reverse airflow so the rear fan blows the coldest air right into your CPU is best.

1. This one :


2&3. thanks
4. I'm more concerned about the airflow at top, becuase the fans here will probably fight for air if i will set the top fans as outtake and 2 fans on GPU cooler will try to push air to bottom (to card)
Guess I'll keep my fingers crossed on the card fitting and take delivery of the package. I also ordered today from Frozen CPU what I think must be the last T-LM14B-2 top in the US (they had one left - everyone else is sold out). :D Hopefully with that as an exhaust everything will stay nice and cool.
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I had an 8800GTX (27cm) in my case with a P6T that has the PCI-E slot lower (second bracket on the case) and it fit fine but that was in the older revision. Since your GTX pcb isn't as long and the after market cooler sits higher I think it should fit. You will just have to try it out to see.
I would personally use the top lid as an additional intake than an exhaust, but that's me. Unfortunately, I can't even find one anymore. I should have bought it from the egg right away. Procrastination burns me as always in life.

I would have made the top a filtered intake blowing cool air in from the top and into the videocard. With the top as a filtered intake and the rear a filtered intake, it is about matched up with the front exhaust + PSU exhaust. If not, then at least there will be more air going in than out, therefore you have positive case pressure and therefore, you will keep dust out.
I had an 8800GTX (27cm) in my case with a P6T that has the PCI-E slot lower (second bracket on the case) and it fit fine but that was in the older revision. Since your GTX pcb isn't as long and the after market cooler sits higher I think it should fit. You will just have to try it out to see.

I also used to have an 8800GTX (10.6 inches). A GTX 260 is only 10.5 inches from what I read. It should fit.
Has anyone ever been successful in getting a reply from Lian Li?
I have tried to contact them about when the T-LM14B-2 will be back in stock
with USA vendors but no reply.

Years ago, I had a PC-6 case, and tried a bunch of times to ask them a question,
and also never got a reply.