I got my PS3 just a couple thoughts...


Jul 5, 2001
Well after much debate with myself and research on the net and great input from all the [H] i went and picked up my PS3 yesterday afternoon.

And i can say i love it.

Set up was a breeze, from display to network, the PS3 saw everything correctly, no need to tweak anything.

the system updated as soon as it was on ine it downloaded and installed the newest fireware in about 15 mins. without issue.

getting online and setting up a account was a slick and easy and using the controler for the web works great.

So the first game i put in was R6:Vegas 2 it updates itself and installs which took a while but no worries, now i had high hopes to play this game but playing a FPS with a game pad sucks for me right now. looking and aiming with the R/Stick is a bitch for me, but i will hopfully get better.

So i also picked up Rachet and clank - Tools of distruction and i love it, it looks great on the 40" Sammy sounds great through the 5.1 surround, and it just a hell a lot of fun.

Now here is where i really get blown away i got Spiderman3 on Bluy ray for free in the box, so i decide to check it out, well to say the least i was amazed by what i was seeing, i thought watching upconverted DVD's looked good on my TV, but Blu ray looks fcuking amazing. I could count the sand grains flying around the screen. So by this point the GF and i decide to watch a movie she bought but on standard DVD (Attonement) and it looks 10 time better then my upconverting DVD player just amazing.

I am not regretting the money i spent yesterday at all. I i am so impressed with the PS3 and its only been less than 24 hours.

So to anyone on the fence about a PS3 take it for what its worth but it won't be money wasted.

And this isn't meant to start anything but the bestbuy and futureshop i was in had all kinds of 360's in stock but hardly any PS3's
Glad you like your PS3. I too like mine alot. One thing, though, that I do not like is if there is an update out, you can not play the game until the update is applied. This was true with NFS:pS, which when I got it, the update was to add extra advertising for Energizer.
Im a new PS3 owner also and I am very satisfied.
Im addicted to burnout paradise and have been downloading demos for a week now.

I just wish it came with a better move. Spiderman 3 was terrible.

Im sure Xboxlive is a better service, but PSN is fast and works fine. Considering that its free, I am very happy with it.
Im a new PS3 owner also and I am very satisfied.
Im addicted to burnout paradise and have been downloading demos for a week now.

I just wish it came with a better move. Spiderman 3 was terrible.

Im sure Xboxlive is a better service, but PSN is fast and works fine. Considering that its free, I am very happy with it.

Yea SP3 sucked but it was able to show off Blu ray, i had a choice, PS3 with or without SP3 so i took the free movie.

i got 3 demos now need to play them i just wish you could have more than one dl going at a time.

i am not sure how xb live is but if both systems were equal in every way i would have still went with the PS3 paying for a service like that is just something i wouldn't be willing to do.

Off to try out the Dirt and Juiced 2, NFS Pro Street demos.
One thing you might check that the PS3 never auto-detect properly is the sound setting list. By default the PS3 assumes you have a 7.1 audio system with PCM capabilities. If you do...no worries :) If not you might want to go down the list and remove any references to 7.1 audio or lossless bitrates. If not, your stereo will be trying to push sound through speakers you don't have.
Congrats on the new PS3, I,ve had mine for about two weeks and cant seem to get enough of it. The upconverting of regular dvd's is some of the best i've seen on my 40" samsung telly. games look great. And dont worry you'll get used to the contoller real quick, I've been using the Mouse keyboard combo for years and with in 1 week i feel pretty comfotable with it.

One thing you might check that the PS3 never auto-detect properly is the sound setting list. By default the PS3 assumes you have a 7.1 audio system with PCM capabilities. If you do...no worries :) If not you might want to go down the list and remove any references to 7.1 audio or lossless bitrates. If not, your stereo will be trying to push sound through speakers you don't have.

i was looking around at all the settings and in the audio it only list HDMI 5.1 and the formats i never looked for anything else but i will take a look to make sure. thnx

Congrats on the new PS3, I,ve had mine for about two weeks and cant seem to get enough of it. The upconverting of regular dvd's is some of the best i've seen on my 40" samsung telly. games look great. And dont worry you'll get used to the contoller real quick, I've been using the Mouse keyboard combo for years and with in 1 week i feel pretty comfotable with it.

Thnx, yea i am having a lot of fun with it i am hoping i i get use the fps and shooters, guess i will just have to play for a week solid :)

The one question i have is, Rachet and clank supports the motion sensing of the sixaxsis controler but i have yet to figure out how it works, i have the option turned on in the game, but it doesn't seem to work, is there something i need to do or something i maybe doing wrong that is preventing it from working?
Mac[X-D];1032292445 said:
The one question i have is, Rachet and clank supports the motion sensing of the sixaxsis controler but i have yet to figure out how it works, i have the option turned on in the game, but it doesn't seem to work, is there something i need to do or something i maybe doing wrong that is preventing it from working?
The six axis only works on the free falling sections for Ratchet and Clank!
The six axis only works on the free falling sections for Ratchet and Clank!

cool thnx

i just got home from renting some games

Ninja Gaiden Sigma
Uncharted Drakes fortune
Resistance Fall of man.

and i bought No country for old men on blu ray

if anyone cares my network id is Deanoxd
I actually really enjoyed playing around with the sixaxis in Brunout Paradise. Its odd to get used to, but its still a neat feature.

personally, I find the sixaxis small for my hands. I may look into some after market controllers.
One thing I'd 110% recommend geting ASAP for any new PS3 owner if you don't already have them is a DualShock 3....or two :) SOOOOO much better than standard sixaxis!!
Other than the rumble function...what's better about it? Any chance the top triggers were changed back to the PS2 pad? When I put the pad in my lap, I hit that damned right trigger way too much.
One thing I'd 110% recommend geting ASAP for any new PS3 owner if you don't already have them is a DualShock 3....or two :) SOOOOO much better than standard sixaxis!!

i haven't seen them on sale yet but i way get one when they are released.
I have both a 360 and a PS3; launch 360, got a PS3 three months ago. While they are both very good systems, any games that are multi-platform I am buying immediately for Xbox 360. I just wish Sony would let me pay $50 a year for a better online service! Online games are kind of a mess sometimes, and I wish there was more connectivity between games (as in, any at all). The game pad is also way better on Xbox 360. But all in all, the PS3 is a very good system, just not what I use for online gaming. On the upside, the PS3 is the best upscaling DVD player I have had the fortune to buy and when comparing upscaled DVDs on Xbox 360 and PS3, the PS3 does it better. HD-DVD on 360 and Blu-Ray on PS3 are for all intents and purposes identical, though.

Also, I am finding it very annoying that there are games coming out for PS3 that are starting to *require* installs to the hard drive. It's nice when I can choose, but even a 60GB hard drive can be eaten up pretty quickly if we start going down that line.
Home is coming this summer. Should be a big improvement on the features you mention.

Yes, I have heard a lot about home. It keeps getting delayed, however. Also, I don't care about running around and buying clothes for some 3D guy that I make. The movies that are viewable are most likely going to be limited to content that Sony releases, as it currently is on the Playstation store - not that there has even really been much of an announcement as to what there is going to be!

Playstation Home is not turning out to be like Xbox Live, it's turning out to be like Second Life. What makes Xbox Live great is its connectivity with every single game.
Yes, I have heard a lot about home. It keeps getting delayed, however. Also, I don't care about running around and buying clothes for some 3D guy that I make. The movies that are viewable are most likely going to be limited to content that Sony releases, as it currently is on the Playstation store - not that there has even really been much of an announcement as to what there is going to be!

Playstation Home is not turning out to be like Xbox Live, it's turning out to be like Second Life. What makes Xbox Live great is its connectivity with every single game.

Uhm.. Home can do that and more. Its not just a Sims game gone online, you can also invite friends to your apt (which is a 3d chat room, no one says you have to pimp out your guy or your apt, leave it a white box if you must) from your apt you can launch games together. A more unified MP but in a 3d world.

Its Live with a twist. If you not interested in pimping out your avatar, don't, that doesnt mean you cant take advantage of all the other features home provides.
Uhm.. Home can do that and more. Its not just a Sims game gone online, you can also invite friends to your apt (which is a 3d chat room, no one says you have to pimp out your guy or your apt, leave it a white box if you must) from your apt you can launch games together. A more unified MP but in a 3d world.

Its Live with a twist. If you not interested in pimping out your avatar, don't, that doesnt mean you cant take advantage of all the other features home provides.

That's not the point. It's got all this, yet it's only a shell of what Xbox Live is.

I don't want to log into a 3D world everytime I want to check up on my friends. Plus, you won't even be able to see your friends' achievements unless they are actually online and you are physically in their apartment. Also, not every game is going to be implemented with it since it is optional for devs (unlike Xbox Live) and we still have no word on what video content we will be seeing. Which is to say that we probably won't be seeing much. And best of all, it's not going to help the generally lackluster support when it comes to online matches on PS3. Will a friend be able to send me a message to have me join another game? Probably not.

And it's also not going to help other areas of their online service, such as their horrendously slow download speeds (well, compared to Xbox Live, at least) as well as just a general lack of content.
Im just looking forward to games of pool and poker in my virtual apartment lol
Will a friend be able to send me a message to have me join another game? Probably not.
I tought this was a definate yes for PS3?

And it's also not going to help other areas of their online service, such as their horrendously slow download speeds (well, compared to Xbox Live, at least) as well as just a general lack of content.
What you talking about, the download speeds are just as fast!!
Im just looking forward to games of pool and poker in my virtual apartment lol

I tought this was a definate yes for PS3?

What you talking about, the download speeds are just as fast!!

1. I haven't heard of any cross-game compatability, although I good be wrong.
2. Well, at least, they haven't been for me. DMC4 demo on 360? 20 minutes. PS3? An hour. It could just be something funky with my internet connection, who knows...
It could have something to do with the fact that I live 90 minutes away from Microsoft HQ, though...
That's not the point. It's got all this, yet it's only a shell of what Xbox Live is.

I don't want to log into a 3D world everytime I want to check up on my friends. Plus, you won't even be able to see your friends' achievements unless they are actually online and you are physically in their apartment. Also, not every game is going to be implemented with it since it is optional for devs (unlike Xbox Live) and we still have no word on what video content we will be seeing. Which is to say that we probably won't be seeing much. And best of all, it's not going to help the generally lackluster support when it comes to online matches on PS3. Will a friend be able to send me a message to have me join another game? Probably not.

And it's also not going to help other areas of their online service, such as their horrendously slow download speeds (well, compared to Xbox Live, at least) as well as just a general lack of content.

You dont want to login to use a service? OMG how would you ever use Live? Oh wait, your used to a auto-login? What makes you think you won't have the option to have your PS3 auto-login. Just because its a 3d world, doesnt mean you have to stalk your friends to message them. You still have a friends list, and instead of a little avatar picture for your Login name, its a 3d model... that you can walk around with.

All the features are still there. If you want to message someone, you can, and they will receive it w/o having to travel to a mailbox... I'm not really sure what your thinking there. Theres also talks of access to XMB while in-game.. which means checking your messages while in-game and other features.

And for the meantime... ALL FREE!
You dont want to login to use a service? OMG how would you ever use Live? Oh wait, your used to a auto-login? What makes you think you won't have the option to have your PS3 auto-login. Just because its a 3d world, doesnt mean you have to stalk your friends to message them. You still have a friends list, and instead of a little avatar picture for your Login name, its a 3d model... that you can walk around with.

All the features are still there. If you want to message someone, you can, and they will receive it w/o having to travel to a mailbox... I'm not really sure what your thinking there. Theres also talks of access to XMB while in-game.. which means checking your messages while in-game and other features.

And for the meantime... ALL FREE!

I'm not used to auto-login with Xbox Live because I have three other accounts on live and have to switch back and forth constantly between family members if I did so. What I'm not used to is LOAD TIMES for a freakin' internet service. Do I have to load up a 3D environment to get online with 360? No? Didn't think so.

And there are "talks" of access to the XMB in-game, but that doesn't mean squat to me unless all of the features in Home are available in the XMB itself. There have been times when it's been like, "I wonder how my friend Bob is coming along on the SP on this game," and on 360 it just involves me pressing the guide button, going to the friends list and looking at his achievements. But I would basically have to exit the game I am playing in order to do that or like-minded things on Home... unless, like you have said, all the features of Home are implemented in the XMB during gameplay. That would actually be cool. It would also make the 3d environment for home kind of pointless unless you have never played Second Life or an MMO before.

Also, every single feature you just mentioned is available in Xbox Live Silver, which is also free.
I'm not used to auto-login with Xbox Live because I have three other accounts on live and have to switch back and forth constantly between family members if I did so. What I'm not used to is LOAD TIMES for a freakin' internet service. Do I have to load up a 3D environment to get online with 360? No? Didn't think so.

And there are "talks" of access to the XMB in-game, but that doesn't mean squat to me unless all of the features in Home are available in the XMB itself. There have been times when it's been like, "I wonder how my friend Bob is coming along on the SP on this game," and on 360 it just involves me pressing the guide button, going to the friends list and looking at his achievements. But I would basically have to exit the game I am playing in order to do that or like-minded things on Home... unless, like you have said, all the features of Home are implemented in the XMB during gameplay. That would actually be cool. It would also make the 3d environment for home kind of pointless unless you have never played Second Life or an MMO before.

Also, every single feature you just mentioned is available in Xbox Live Silver, which is also free.

I don't think load times are going to be an issue, unless you've spend a billion $$$ on your apt. If you got the white apt, I think it loads up pretty quick.

Silver, where you have to wait a week for demos and such. No waiting for this other free service.

But I've already had this Live debate, so I'm not about to crap on this guys thread.

If you can justify paying for the service, great, I can't and I won't.
Other than the rumble function...what's better about it? Any chance the top triggers were changed back to the PS2 pad? When I put the pad in my lap, I hit that damned right trigger way too much.

Weight. Going back to sixaxis feels wrong, too light and feels really cheap/flimsy. Obviously rumble is the main feature tho, once you get used to it again you wonder how you went without. For example playing Vegas 2 with and without makes such a difference. Design wise tho it is identical to SA, but coupled with a pair of Gioteck triggers the DS3 is spot on!

Mac[X-D];1032294607 said:
i haven't seen them on sale yet but i way get one when they are released.

You guys will probably pay alot less than us, plus you actually have a release date. It works out £5/$10 cheaper to import a DS3 from Japan than to go and buy a new sixaxis here in the UK. Madness.

On the side point of Home, if you don't like it then uninstall it. Easy. Just use the xmb to perform all your needs if that floats your boat.....Home is entirely optional, best to do your research before mouthing of PWMK2 :)
I actually feel the opposite about my PS3. I've had it for over month or so and i'm not all that impressed. I have 5 BD movies and none of them are anything i haven't seen in a 720p HDTV rip.

I've played multiple games on it and they look great, but the controller bugs the hell outta me. Its way to light for me, and the old controls, are well, just old. The joysticks/pads also hurt after a few hours of playing. IMHO, sony needs to come up with something better and more ergonomic.

Generally by now i would of sold it. However, i'm giving Sony the benefit of the doubt. I'm holding onto until something good comes out, that i can't play on my 360.
PSN is as fast as XBL in terms of downloads? UM - NO.
It's gotten better, but it's still only about 60% as fast. I can grab a typical 300MB file on XBL in a matter of 5-15 minutes on the day it launches. On the PS3 that's something I'll start the download on and go to the gym or go out to eat...and when I get back it still might not be finished. Especially if it's a launch day or if it's between 7pm - 9pm on the west coast (peak traffic).
My internet connection is good (20,000K down and 2,000K up) and yes, I have my ports forwarded on my router for both systems.
I think it's one of those situations where you get what you pay for. PSN's great for free, and Home will be nice if it ever really does come out, but I still think that XBL's going to be better for quite some time.

I love Sony's regular updates and improvements, but until Home comes out and they finally make the PSN what it should be, those updates feel like spending your time polishing a Ferrari with only 3 wheels.
I'm not used to auto-login with Xbox Live because I have three other accounts on live and have to switch back and forth constantly between family members if I did so. What I'm not used to is LOAD TIMES for a freakin' internet service. Do I have to load up a 3D environment to get online with 360? No? Didn't think so.

And there are "talks" of access to the XMB in-game, but that doesn't mean squat to me unless all of the features in Home are available in the XMB itself. There have been times when it's been like, "I wonder how my friend Bob is coming along on the SP on this game," and on 360 it just involves me pressing the guide button, going to the friends list and looking at his achievements. But I would basically have to exit the game I am playing in order to do that or like-minded things on Home... unless, like you have said, all the features of Home are implemented in the XMB during gameplay. That would actually be cool. It would also make the 3d environment for home kind of pointless unless you have never played Second Life or an MMO before.

Also, every single feature you just mentioned is available in Xbox Live Silver, which is also free.

Home is not second life, or sims. It is a 3d environment that connects you with other members and the developer community. You are not simulating your life, creating buildings, cities, or anything like that. You are simply taking your avatar to public areas to visit. You can go to other developer created areas to play arcade games, view artwork, trailers, demos and anything else they want to provide you. It's like taking your Mii avatar to a 3d created area to play Nintendo demos.

Home is NOT required for you to enter unless you want to visit the Sony theater, developer created areas, or any 3d only features. You can access the basic network features from XMB. With that said, Home sits on top of the playstation network, it is not the network itself.

In-Game messaging/chat, cross-game messaging/chat, will come with Home but can be used seperately from the XMB. Again, Home is simply extra functionality and an extra service for community interaction, and marketing.

I think everyone needs a training course to know what HOME is and isn't ;)
PSN is as fast as XBL in terms of downloads? UM - NO.

I love Sony's regular updates and improvements, but until Home comes out and they finally make the PSN what it should be, those updates feel like spending your time polishing a Ferrari with only 3 wheels.

PSN is just as fast as XBL for me.

I view PSN updates as a tune-up one month. New set of HRE's the next month, w/ wider stickier tyres. Tubi exhaust and intake two months later. Now, I am just saving for that turbo upgrade. It may not be what I really want (Home aka turbo) but I am getting needed maintenance, and a few mods here and there so I am happy.
PSN is just as fast as XBL for me.

I view PSN updates as a tune-up one month. New set of HRE's the next month, w/ wider stickier tyres. Tubi exhaust and intake two months later. Now, I am just saving for that turbo upgrade. It may not be what I really want (Home aka turbo) but I am getting needed maintenance, and a few mods here and there so I am happy.

But when she purrs, she purrs good ;)
Mac[X-D];1032292898 said:
cool thnx

i just got home from renting some games

Ninja Gaiden Sigma
Uncharted Drakes fortune
Resistance Fall of man.

Best game you will have ever played imo.
Mac[X-D];1032292195 said:
i am not sure how xb live is but if both systems were equal in every way i would have still went with the PS3 paying for a service like that is just something i wouldn't be willing to do.

Well you can't have more than 1 download going at a time, but you can queue a whole bunch and let them run in the background. The PSN store download speeds are pretty crappy though.

I would also suggest checking out the Uncharted and Burnout Paradise demos.
I actually feel the opposite about my PS3. I've had it for over month or so and i'm not all that impressed. I have 5 BD movies and none of them are anything i haven't seen in a 720p HDTV rip.

Um, depending on your display, blu-ray isn't going to look considerably better than HD rips. It will however look considerably better than DVDs.
I'll prolly get PS3 whenever Tekken 6 gets a definite release date. Until then 360 fotw.