i had a crazy thought=6600GT+H2O


Aug 24, 2005
well, i thought about water cooling when i was running 3d mark 05 and expirementing with different overclocks. now, i have a bfg 6600GT PCIe and a btx hs on my cpu and all housed in a btx case. it fits 2 120mm fans, intake/outtake, and a 80mm in front of hdds. anywho, i am getting a zalman vf700 cu or whatever it's called for christmas and thought in my mind about water cooling my gpu. now, would it be extremely effective to only have 1 thing in the "cycle" (sry not h2o comlient with words :D) and my temps be really low and yield very high oc's? i mean, w/o a cpu or chipset or whatever else you guys cool in the cycle, wouldn't it be low? i think i'd be able to mount a 120mm radiator or 80mm radiator as the back thing supports both. is there a small enough kit to do this? i don't know jack bout h2o cooling except the basics. best small kit to do this? or am i just being really stupid in my thoughts? :p

You might get the best deal by putting together your own kit at Danger Den. Since only 1 6600GT would be in the loop you wouldn't need big or expensive parts to get great temperature. The 6600GT is a card that will see a lot of benefit from WCing.
^^^Look for a block that will fit your 6600GT, pumps, radiators, and decide what fan you want tto get. More experienced people than I (I have never WCed, just researched it) can give specific part recommendations.
TheJackal said:
bump, come on, 50 views and no one else has anything else to say?
what are we supposed to say? one person put up some reasonably sound advice.

there are not many (if any) pre-fab kits for cooling the GPU. most any kit you look at will be for CPU cooling, and the GPU is an add-on.

do a bit of reading on the subject. work out what parts you would like and can afford, and buy the things.
well, i know he helped, but he said that others might know exact parts to get, so i guess not
do a bit of reading on the subject. work out what parts you would like and can afford, and buy the things.
wtf is the point of a forum then? :rolleyes:

i'll take this thread elsewhere, no one needs to reply.
TheJackal said:
well, i know he helped, but he said that others might know exact parts to get, so i guess not

wtf is the point of a forum then? :rolleyes:
the point of this forum is for narrowing things down a bit once you have done some legwork.

if you can't browse the site linked and work a few things out for yourself, you should not be watercooling. period. it requires using a certain something that is between your ears, even if we tell you the exact parts to get.

doing a bit of reading YOURSELF, and then putting up some initial thoughts shows that you know how to use your brain. if you can't and won't do some reading yourself, why should we do all of the work for you, and what assurance do we have that you are sufficiently competant to put everything together. perhaps your biograby says it accurately, then: you are just plain lazy.

making a post that says you have no idea what so ever demonstrates both a lack of outside reading, and a failure to do something even as basic as reading the sticky.
Btw, if you getting the Zalmen Vf700cu then why you still want to H2O your gpu? kinda waste isn't it?

Check the faq before post, it helps a lot. I think is that what you call learning.